
Chapter Two : De-Chaos

- The dreams are the way our subconcious talks to us – Professor Miller was walking in front of the whiteboard , Freuds face was projected on the screen . – As the psychotherapy father – he pointed at Freuds face – Mr. Sigmund Freud here said, every dream , even the weird ones have an explanation – he started walking in between seat rows , stopped in a while , and slammed

his hand infront of the student – I'm sure the subjects so interesting that you want to test the dream theory yourself, but you can do that at home , can't you now? Alice? – He smiled at her

Class laughed , Miller started walking up again.

- Now , I know how his theories became a laughing stock , Libido this, Libido that- The voice was getting distant , mumbled , alice looked around and the faces of the students were slowly decaying, deforming , she looked back to see the Proffessor

- Hey! – a voice came from infront of her , she turned around quick and saw a little boy sitting on his desk – Hey I said! You know its rude not to greet someone back – he smiled!

Alice jumped on the chair out of fear

- W... whoo are you?

- I... I amm Emmy? Nice to meet ya! - Emmy said mockingly

- You haven't quite.. met me?!

- I mean im infront of you am I not? – he started pinching his cheek – oh no, for sure I am.

- What on the world is going on.

- Oh come on! You sure she's the one? – He looked back

- Oh em... stop scaring the girl. She's confused – a woman appeared out of thin air – hey my dear, I'm Hollie, I'm sure this all makes no sense but don't you worry ! – she gave Alice a warm smile – If she wasn't the one , she wouldn't be seeing us Em, She sees in the astral realm.

- I do what in where now? – Alice started scratching her head

- See Emmy , She's as clueless as you are I see , – Hollie laughed and layed her hand on Emmy

- I'm not clueless – Emmy crossed his hands -Mpf!

- DUDE, stuff is escalating too quickly, can you slow it down? - Alice stood up and shouted, whole class looked back at her - I mean, Mister* , I ... I didnt quite catch that Freud part ... - She smiled awkwardly.

Emmy turned his back on Alice and looked back over his shoulder

- Some stories escalate quickly , That's how life is , A weirdly written book - Emmy smiled

- You sound like my grandfather - Hollie giggled - Come to Incense shop infront of barny's , you'll meet us there, its kinda gonna be weird if we have a conversation here , they'll think you're crazier than you actually are , Hehe - She winked at alice.


- She's comming around - Man with a long black cape stood ontop of the roof , He had a golden chain on the forehead, on the sides chain was extending down , His eyes were bright blue , two beautiful gems , So soft facial features, no one would think this man could even harm a fly, calm manners, with low , soothing voice he continued speaking - We can't have that happen , the plan will be ruined. - He turned around - Darina, my sweet raven , What did you see.

- Spell is becoming undone, I told you you shouldn't have trusted that old hag with it.

- That Old hag is one of strongest mages i know, Show some respect.

- Ah yes, Svetlana, The Showstealer - Darinas voice got ironic- SHE LEARNED EVERYTHING FROM ME , I WAS HIGH PRIESTESS, I WAS THE VEDMA ! - She raised her voice.

- Watch your tone !

- Or what Morgauss, you're going to have Sveta smite me ?

- I said , Watch it - Morgauss got closer to darina, His eyes turned red, Darina started chocking , running out of breath she grabbed His shoulder, with other hand he started Tapping on his chest - Sor... Sorry!

- Magic word?

- Y...Your Majesty! -That's my girl! - Morgauss turned his back again , Darina dropped down on her knees , and stated breathing heavy- You're a monster !

- Thank you darling. I appreciate that.


Windchimes were crackling , Emmy and Hollie were inside the incense shop , Drinking green tea.

- You think She'll come? - Emmy green eyes were focused on the door, he was biting his lips in a nervous manner.

- Now now, Be patient Im Pretty sure she'll come.

- But what if she doesn't recognise us, what do we do then.

- I mean, you look almost the same , blondie, But me on the other hand.- Hollie turned around And looked in the mirror - Blue haired lady with a green eyes and a skinny figure was fading , Changing into a chubby figure, Hair turning brown and eyes turning sky blue - My astral body is quite different - She smiled .

- Well you're just as beautiful - Emmy Smiled and tapped Hollies shoulder.

- Thank you em !

- you're welcome sis ...

windchime crackled one more time.

- Emmy?! - Alice Came in slowly looking around the shelves

- Ayyy! - Emmy quickly jumped out - Wondering Alice In EMMYLAND! badoomts' - Emmy started doing airdrums

- Ugh.. Gen Z - Hollie facepalmed herself

- I mean ... Im technically Z too - Alice did a dab.

- ew, don't ever do that. really , just dont! - You could tell how dissapointed emmy was by looking at him.

- Yeah , im almost forty and even I know that dabs ar so , what do you call it - hollie looked at Emmy - Cringe , yes, Cringe!

- Who are you guys - Alice started looking around , the shelves were stacked with crystals, tarot cards and incenses.

- Cmon , let us introduce you to someone - Emmy grabbed alices hand , hollie went to the door and locked it, flipping the shop card to closed.

- Meet who??

- Jade, our guardian, you're gonna love him, he's the sweetest - Emmy started Walking , pulling alice towards door too.

- Jade? - Alice asked in confusion , as she entered the room , she removed Emmys hand from her wrist and froze in place - You're the creep that I met the other day! - Alice reached in her purse agin.

- Will it be a different flavor or is it gonna be pepper again- Jade smiled - Hollie and Emmy sent me that day , but well , i got "spiced up" - he laughed and grabbed a whiskey.

- you could've said that...

- that i was part of Spiritual Ranger group , yeah , pretty convincing!

- Whatever... so can anyone tell me what am i doing here?

Room was full of classical art, Jade was standing infront of a bar , from the outside , building didnt look like it could fit this big of a room inside, big piano was sitting on the south wall of the room , with an exposed pedals , and a notebook was rested on the top .

- well gathering us was part of your mission , but as it seems , you've been neglecting the signs my dear - Jade started slowly walking towards piano.

- Signs?

- All the monsters you see, all the visions you have?!

- i think pepper spray tampered with your ability to making a sense!

Jade sat down infront of piano , put his glass of whiskey on the top opened the notebook , stopped at moonlight sonata , and started playing.

- You see, world's changing, and so are we...

- This feels like a theatre kid meetup , with that piano background... - Emmy tried to grab a drink

- Ah,not so fast young man! - Hollie took the glass away from him

- Geeez, what's wrong with you - Emmy sat down next to the bar.

- I'm gonna have to agree with Hollie on this one - Jade looked at Emmy - When i was 17 , i didnt even know what whiskey was.

- MAYBE BECAUSE , IT WASN'T EVEN INVENTED YET?! you ancient grandpha !

- Emmy! - Hollie looked at him , trying to hold back the laughter.

- I mean, jade, no disrespect , but you don't seem to be older than 20 yourself , how can u lecture him about drinks.

- i think We're going off point here - Jade stood up. - You have alot to catch up on, We're behind the schedule , For now, we already should've had blackrose assembled. but all we have is a team of five...

- I think you had too much drinks, there's four of us here. - Alice counted quietly , mouthing the numbers -see?

- Xelo will be joining he has a seminar. - Emmy Jumped up on the top of piano and sat down.

- Yeah... - jade looked up at Emmy - What did i tell you about sitting on the piano...

- Gimme a breaak! - Emmy rolled his eyes.

Alice started walking around in the room , going through stuff, she spotted a small window and started walking towards it.

- Anyways, the building didn't look this big at all. - she moved a curtain little bit and through the window she saw mountains of sand. - What the - she moved two steps back - Whats going on there.

- Thats where we are, in a desert . - Jordan smiled - This is one of Alexander's favorite palaces, We're in egypt - Jordan started moving around the room - in the desert, this building stands cloaked, so noone can find us ... thanks to me!

- You're telling me, egypt is one room away from New York?

- Everything is one room away if you have the - Emmy jumped down from the piano , putting his hands in pocket - MAGICC! - he threw his hands in the air from the pocket and the the confetti came from his hands

- Ugh! this is so scripted... - Alice started moving towards exit - How did i even fall for this ...- she opened the door and the hot wind threw sand in her face.

- Javascripted? because im pretty sure , this wouldn't be possible in real life for you... - Jordan walked up to Alice and shut the door close. Alice was standing there frozen and confused.

- The hell just happened.

- Magic just happened sweetie - hollie approached Alice , then looked back at Jade and emmy - What's wrong with you two , stop confusing her even further.

- Okay , she wants the truth? ill tell everything, but trust me, you'll end up thinking we're crazier than we actually are! - Emmy turned around and pointed his hand at the wall . - Roza , Command : Startup .

- What with thte who now? - Alice stood there , On the empty wall A blue projection started to appear .

- Roza , Show mission- Emmy turned around facing alice.

in a Robotic sound , Roza started speaking.

- Welcome back master - Emmy smirked - Mission : Assemble the rose - ten projection of people Files popped up on the wall , Five of them being Jordan , Emmy , Hollie , Alice and Xelo.

- Who are the rest - Alice looked at the wall , then stopped for a while - Wait... Born in Macedonian empire? - She looked at jade , Jordan laughed .

- Okay , So Emmy is an IT geek, he technically can get any type of code written within minutes. but i think , I can explain The stuff happening better than A.I can. sorry Roza! - Jade started walking back to the bar and pouring himself a drink .

- Drinking again? What's the last time you checked on your liver... - Alice looked at jade.

- My fast regeneration technically makes it impossible for me to get drunk, unless it's a summerian booze. - jade sat down on a tall chair. - you see Since i was born, World was a messy place. but it went through different phases, For instance, Birth of Jesus, changed the whole perspective, of humankind, therefore changing the perspective of who were in charge too.

- In charge?

- Okay so , let me rewind back one more time. Humanity, and the universe as we know, is a descendant of Arcadia, Fifteenth dimension, Highest of them all , where all live peacefully, no physical boundries , no countries, just the universe, without war, pride ,envy and so on. Arcadians ocasionally went on missions to lower dimensions , to help them advance, one of them being Reptilian dimension , Primate dimension ... or they thought. Arcadians couldn't do much , Lord Ashtar, The Captain of the Command Ashtar , was the arcadian assigned to the mission. Reptiles turned out to be advanced, they raged the war against the Command, Ashtar being the Noble lord, he chose to retreat from mission instead of violently taking the Reptiles down , they thought it was too early to interfere , but turns out... it was too late instead.

- too late? What do you mean? - Alice finally got interested

- Reptiles saw the technology, They started to advance even further, The king Sahem , Ordered the unit to create a replication of what they saw, Later on known as Unigate Program , Arcadians were observing from afar, how they created an advanced technology , but didn't see a war coming, Sahem's unit tracked the trace of Command Ashtar, directly pointing at the dimension , He ordered the Full on attack on Arcadia, Leading to the great War of Dimensions , Ofcourse Arcadia stood undefeated, The truce pact was placed , Arcadians and Reptiles settled for an organisation , Council of light An organisation Formed by both parties, Taking Dimensional leaders and uniting them to rule over the dimensions, making the rules and accords, ofcourse it was all temporary , Reptiles were sanctioned, Sahem didn't take this well , He thought of his race as superior , so he stepped down, once again going against everyone, by then Accords has stated that since, the failure of reptilian mission , because Ashtars mission led to reptilian advancement , Higher beings were restricted from directly interfering in the advancement of the dimensions. Sahem used this to his advantage , Took over the first four dimensions, Syphoning energy from them to Strengthen his army. Council of light had to come up with something, they couldn't directly interfere but through reincarnations , they could send beings to lower dimensions, to advance their ways, Beings such as Jesus, Newton and many more.

- What about the war, i saw someone the other day, warning me about the great war.

- Sahem's cycle is near completion , The energy he needs to cyphon , it fuels the army, we might be days away from the attack, im afraid our mission is late too.

- but What do i have to do, or what did Lexx want from me.

- Lexx? you mean the Lady Lexius?

- She was a lady ... yes? - Alice was confused

- She's the queen of dark elves , She has her own dimension, what would she want from you.

- If she has her own dimension, why'd she need me , to save this one.

- you're not saving this one only, i dont think fairy realm will be affected by the war but...

- But?

- Maybe she has something she needs in this one. It's great to know that Dark Fairy kingdom is on our side . quite an advantage i'd say.

Xelo ran into the room , tossing the bag in the corner

- Sorry im late... Oh you must be Alice.

- And you must be Xelo - Alice smiled. Then stopped and turned around to jade - Wait fairy?!

- Yeeeaa... about that...

- About what, you're telling me fairies are real...

Xelo laughed and looked at jordan.

- Reminds me of myself. At first i was like , WEREWOLFS? SHIFTERS?

- Wait wait wait... Werewolfs? AND WHAT THE HELL IS EVEN SHIFTERS

- werewolfs are the shifters, shifters are magical beings that can turn into animals, mostly they have a certain transformation , maximum of two, But there are some who can basically change into anything, pretty rare actually Like Warden... but they're good at controling the anymals they turn into so , pretty useful if u ask me.

- What else is there... - Alice was getting scared

- Basically anything that adults scared you with are real. We call them Cryptids. but dont worry, their integration to the human society is controlled, By the Government, The child organisation of council of light, Every country , state or large city has its own Chosen leader, that directly answers to Government official of their kind, Ofcourse there are some outlaws, Like Warden as i mentioned , either breaking the rules or trying to find a loophole within them.

- If some break rules, how come i haven't seen them.

- That's when government comes into the play, they make it look like an accident, and if someone is being vocal about it on the internet , you know, spamming them with bot comments like "We all want to be famous, but fairytales won't do you much" sorts .

- Wait wait, the other day, i had a costumer walk in, called Darna... Dora... Ugh what was her name

Jade stood up alerted.

- You mean Darina?

- Do you know her? she was a one mean b..-.

- language! - Hollie looked at Alice pointing at emmy.

- sorry!

- Well , during napoleons invasion in Russia , I was the frontliner, During the winter, i was looking for food for my unit, while hoarding the houses , i found one family still left behind. Father grandmother and a daughter and little son , and there she was, Darina, Sweet russian girl , Her eyes were as cold as winter, but as beatiful as snowy mountains, She came to me telling me how horrible the government and even father and grandmother treated her, i felt sad for her so i took her and her brother under my wing, after the war was over, i took them to britain, We started a new life, she was twenty five by then, Lucas, her brother was nearly ten, She slowly fell in love with me , She knew what i was, so she started searching for the elexir of life, to make herself immortal, elexir didnt do much for her. Morgauss instead, the leader of

reptilian organisation "Chamber" gave her what she wanted, realising the potential she had, Morgauss took young Lucas , as a captive, so he could have darina on his side, after that, she dissapeared.

- Well she reappeared now and she looks young for the age of - Alice looked back - WAIT WHAT? i thought that macedonian empire was a joke.

- Nope... - Xelo raised his eyebrows.

- What do i have to do... if you're that old, if you're that strong. why do you need me.

- You're the medium Alice, Universe speaks to you, thats why ... you're chosen. You're not on a mission by Arcadia, you're on a mission from universe, trying to save itself. - Jordan said slowly , walking towards Alice, putting his arm on her shoulder and smiling .

- what's reptilians next move.

- drilling the hole between five dimensions, collapsing it onto eachother, cyphoning the energy from whole, so they can initiate the attack once more. - piano started playing itself, a shape started forming infront of the piano , as if it was decloaking itself , a pale man appeared , looking back at alice, His eyes were like lizard .

- Holly shit! - Xelo took two steps back

- Sahem's presence is blessing you - he hissed . - I can't have you peasants interfere with my plan now... Can i?- Sahem Smiled and pointed his hand at alice.

Alice started to run out of breath.

- Universe you all say, but you forget the fundamental Properties of universe, As it is light , aswell as dark, It wants to save itself , but wants to destroy it aswell, Universe is an energy, It has destruction in it , as it has construction, It is ambivalet, it is both , We're just a two different sides of one coin. Can you really say we stand for something different, when we stand on the same point. - Alice was trying to take a breath, Strong deja vu feeling came over her, sigils started appearing infront of her face. Her eyes bursted into the flames.

- THAT'S ENOUGH! - Alice raised her hand, Strong wind started blowing outwards from her she pointed her palm at Sahem , an energy blast came out from her palm and hit Sahem in the chest, At first Sahem dropped down.

- Haha. you think that can do anything to me - Sahem hissed and stood up - Im older than your whole universe, You'll need stronger blast than this.

Purple cloud started forming around Alice , A micro universe it seemed to be, from it voices were coming , whispering . - Do it... - Don't - voices were repeating, on and on. - Darkness... - Light - it whispered.

- As it is dark , so is it Light - Sahem stood up.- As it wants to preserve itself, It also wants to erease itself.

- I will cleanse the whole world from the darkness! - Alices voice multiplied and deepened.

- But you cant! it's the very nature of universe, To hate, To love, To create And destroy! Do you Think arcadia was that perfect! There was envy! There was Pride, They just hid it! It will always be part of us!

- Arcadians had those feelings! They Understood it , so they controlled it - Alices voice multiplied even more. - They directed it into different source! - Alice lowered her palm , pointing her fingers at Sahem - But you... You're not the universe, you're just a Pawn of its filth! - Alice lifted his hand A purple beam came out of its fingers, it started levitating swinging its hand down.

- So are you... - Sahem said as his last words, he was cut in half...

- Its over... - Hollie dropped down on her knees - What have you done...

Alice lowered to the ground , it looked at Hollie - What Do You mean...

hollie looked at Sahems body, Alices eyes went normal

- What do you mean hollie -She asked again , then traced where hollie was looking, seeing Sahems body split in half.

- Anti-Nova ...

- What? - as soon as she asked, The fabric of reality where Sahem sat, Split in half, Rift opened ...

- What's that..

- That's how the universe began... And is now how it will end.

Rift Widened in a split second, splitting the room in half, Then tearing the whole world apart

- You Did it - Sahems voice whispered in Alices ear - But instead of four dimensions, you anihilated all!.

Big blast came out from the rift , And instantly the shockwave Retracted back to its original spot, Swallowing whole universe and dimensions. into an orb. Alice stood infront of the orb, everyone was gone

Alice had no solid ground under her, but she stood in eternal darkness, with the orb mixing all the colors within, she dropped on knees

- What have i done...

Orb started pulsing.

- You Have Done what i wanted... - Said the deep voice

- You have done what i wanted to avoid! - Said the soft voice.

- You Won! - Said the deep voice

- You lost! - Said the soft one.

- You can go back and fix this! - said the soft voice again

- You mustn't go back - Replied The deep one

Alice started covering her ears

Orb split in half , Shape of a man, formed , holding both orbs , Dark figure with the white stars sparkling inside stood infront of alice.

- You my friend, Stand infront of the very reality . It's up to you, if you want to go back, or not, you neglected the signs, and this came to be, if you started your mission earlier, you might've averted this, But now that non of that exists, i want you to answer a simple question. If all that could dissapear in a simple blow, Was it even real? is the people you're attached to... The world you Came to love, Worth another try?

Alice started crying

- I dont know!....

- We have whole time in the world now. you dont have to rush.

Alice looked at the man, Stood up and slowly started walking to it

- there's nothing to go back to - Said the deep voice

- There's still a hope - Said the soft one

Alice rushed to the man , taking both orbs into her hand and smashing them into one another

Another explosion happened Super nova again, infront of alices eyes The world started forming, The space around it fast forwarded, She saw many times , Buildings being built and torn down , Warriors fighting , dying and winning, from nothingness she fast forwarded to the day when she moved to new york, 2015.

- I still have lot to learn... but now i know who to go to...