

Zain's world was destroyed right before his eyes. Demonic beast ravaged the land as cities and nations were dominated by an organization known as Osiris. It's leader held a revolt against the four divine beast in charge of protecting their respective cities, and enslaved them to their will. Now at the end of the world, and after losing everything, Zain decides to attack in a last ditch effort to seek vengeance. However, his quest to get even goes unfulfilled, as his life is taken from him. While closing his eyes, and preparing for the end, he wakes up years in the past.

Keita_Kazuka · Fantasy
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85 Chs

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The crimson blade that once was coated in the divine flames of Suzaku now had black lightning coiling around its blade. The element most familiar to Zain, his trump card, was now at the forefront of his attack plan. Cyril's visage slowly fell to the ground from Zain's attack, and in his vulnerable state was not left alone. A sphere of flames was summoned underneath his back before getting shot with lighting from Zain. The two elements combined, causing a small explosion that launched Cyril back into the sky.

Beads of sweat rolled down Zain's forehead as he left the ground. The wind rolled down his cheek as an arc of flames rolled down his blade and flung itself at Cyril, but before the embers could leave the tip of his weapon, his blade collided with Cyril's once again. Though his face was covered in thick layers of soot and blood, he managed to fight through the damage he suffered.