
0.2 ~ INSANE



"Who are you?" She asked. "And what are you doing in Cole's house?"

I looked at her from head to toe. She was wearing a pink two piece; a spaghetti top with a plunging V-neck and a tight mini skirt which stopped halfway down her thighs. All in all, her attire didn't leave much to the imagination. She had a rose tattoo on her right arm and her false lashes were way to obvious.

"Uhh...Cole and I are working on a literature assignment." I replied feeling a little intimidated but I didn't show it.

"Liar, Cole doesn't do literature." She spat. "So get out and never come back."

That riled me up. "Honey please, I'm the least of your problems, what you should focus on right now is finding the rest of your outfit." I smiled.

"Are you calling me a slut?" She gasped.

"If the shoe fits." I shot back with squinted eyes.

"Ladies, ladies no need to fight over me, there's more than enough to go around." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Cole." She whined. "Please don't tell me you're cheating on me with this cheap hoe."

"What did you just call me?" I asked.

"Calm down Amara. And Vera, we are so not dating." He said putting his hands on my shoulders.

"You heard the man." I smirked.

She pouted.

"But don't worry, he's still single. You still have a shot." I mused.

"Amara, I never said I was single." He stated.

"Oh, who are you dating then." I said turning to face him.

"You." He stated plainly.

My eyes widened and I realized how close we were. I gasped.

One of his hands slid to my waist and the other was on my back and he pulled me closer. It felt weird but then I suddenly felt embarassed for no reason when I realized Vera was still standing there. "Um...Cole, can we maybe go inside for a second?" I whispered.

"Sure one sec, I want to see Vera out." He replied.

A few minutes later he came back in. "Why did you need to go inside?"

"I..I just felt a little awkward." I stammered.

He laughed. "Why would you feel awkward about that?"

"N..Nothing." I said.

His face turned serious. "Amara."

"Hmm." I replied looking at him innocently.

He stepped closer to me.

"Amara, have you ever been this close to a guy?"

"No, just you."

He just nodded and stepped back.

"So, about those notes?" He asked.

"Yeah, notes."


We were reviewing the book: Her mothers Hope by Francine Rivers.

"Ugh...This story is a literall shitshow." He groaned.

"Why would you say that?" I asked.

"Just look at the way Marta treats Niclas. They're married for gods sake!"

"But if you read in between the lines you would know that Marta treated her husband like that because of her previous experience with men."

"What experiences?"

"Her dad, and Elise's employers." I stated as matter of factly. "Her dad treated her like she was less than human and her sister was raped by her employers which caused her to commit suicide, killing her and her baby."

"I mean yeah, but Niclas is a good guy, he would never do any of those things." He argued.

"There are events that scar for a lifetime Cole". I sighed "Her experience altered her perspective on men."

He sighed. "Well that's dumb."

I scoffed. "I doubt you'll be saying that if those things happened to you."

"You seem to be taking these things a bit too personal." He said.

"Doesn't matter." I retorted all too quickly. "I should go now."

"Wait, you want to leave just because of a silly argument?" He asked raising his voice and towering over me.

I flinched and put my arms around myself. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

He sighed. "You shouldn't be the one apologizing."

I kept my arms wrapped around myself. "It's fine, but I think I should go."

"Come on Amara, it's late, you should sleep over."

"It is 7PM but thanks for the offer though." I said gathering my stuff.

"Right, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked walking me out.

I didn't reply. There was no way in hell I was going to come back here after what just happened.

I walked to the bus stop and flagged down a taxi.

We drove in silence and arrived at my place in a few minutes. I payed the fare and rushed into the house right before it started raining.

I took a warm shower and made dinner, after which I sat in silence with my thoughts.

Today has been totally insane.

I went to bed, the last thought on my mind being Cole.

January 12th

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

I glanced at the caller ID, it was unknown. I answered it anyway.

"Hello? This is Amarachi Ayaeze. Who am I speaking with?" I said sternly into the phone.

"Why so serious? It's me Cole."

"Oh, hi. Why are you calling so early?" I said in a more relaxed tone.

"Early? Are you feeling okay, It's nearly twelve o' clock."

I furrowed my eyebrows and checked the time. It was 11:40 am.

"You weren't at class today, is everything okay?" He asked.

"I overslept." I stated blandly.

"Oh, that's alright. I took notes for you. They may not be as amazing as yours, but they get the job done."

"Thanks." I said.

"I was going to meet up with some friends to go out to eat. Would you like to join?" He asked.

"Sure, why not." I said without thinking.

"Great, lets meet up at the school gate?" He proposed.

"Yeah." I said before hanging up.

I quickly got out up bed and started looking for what to wear. This had never in the history of my life happened before. I just took a deep breath and tried to collect my thoughts. According to the forecast, it should be quite hot today. So picked out a short sleeved plain white tank top with baggy jeans and a black shoulder bag.

I took a quick shower and styled my hair into two low buns. As I stepped out of the house, my phone rang. It was Cheryl. I answered it.

"Hey Freeman." I chirped into the phone as I got into my car.

"Where the hell are you?" She said in a deadly low tone.

I'm in my car, going to the school gate right now. Is something wrong?" I asked concerned.

She hung up and I just drove in confusion.

I got to the school in a few minutes and parked close to the gate. Just as I got out of the car, I saw Chery coming towards me, and she didn't look happy.

"Cheryl, is everything alri-"

"What is this?" She cut in shoving her phone in my face.

"A cellphone." I answered.

"What is it used for?" She asked getting closer.

"For communication." I answered again, half scared.

"When your best friend calls you, what do you do?" She asked with squinted eyes.

"You answer your cellphone." I said slowly stepping back.

"Then why on planet earth did it take 8 missed calls for you to answer the damn phone?" She screamed.

"Cheryl chill, I was tired and went to bed really early and then I overslept and couldn't make it to class today. I promise I didn't see any of your missed calls."

"Oh, you should've just said that." She said backing up.

I scoffed. "Yea right."

"Wait, why exactly are you at school right now? Your next class isn't until 6 o' clock. It's just noon." She asked eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh, yeah, Cole asked me to meet up here, me and some of his other friends are going to eat out." I said.

"Cole? You mean Gomez?" She asked.

"Yeah. Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Absolutely not. It's just weird seeing you go out with boys, especially since he's my cousin." She said grinning at me.

"First, we are just going to eat with his other friends, and second, why didn't you tell me he was your cousin?" I asked.

"I dunno, the subject just never really came up." She said casually.

"Are you guys close?" I asked.

"Mega." She replied. "Look, he's here now."

He got out of his car and walked over to us.

He and Cheryl looked at each other through squinted eyes. Anyone who saw us would probably think they were both just arguing.

"Gomez." Cheryl said.

"Freeman." He returned the greeting.

They both smiled after a few seconds and hugged.

"It's been too long baby cousin." Cheryl said.

"Baby cousin? Please you're barely older than me." He scoffed.

"Three months doesn't sound like barely to me." Cheryl shot back.

"Well that's just you." He said before turning to me.

"Would you look at that? She has skin." He exclaimed gesturing to my shortsleeved top which left my arms bare.

"You overreact." I said rolling my eyes.

"Alright then, I'll leave you lovebirds to it?" Cheryl asked.

"Yes please." Cole replied.

I gave Cheryl my car keys and Cole and started walking off towards his car when Cheryl pulled Cole back.

"Don't try anything dumb." She said in a serious tone.

"Okay mum." He joked.

She scoffed and left.

We got into the car and drove down a road I'd never notice before.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I asked.

"An old diner not too far from here, we'll be there in just a bit." He replied.

Soon enough we pulled up to a diner that looked relatively abandoned.

"Are you sure this place is hygienic?"

"Absolutely not." He said as he got out of the car.

I was just about to open the door and get out myself when he opened it for me.

"Thanks." I said as I climbed out.

"For nothing." He replied shutting the door.

We went inside and it was surprisingly quite clean on the inside.

"Hygienic enough for you?" He asked with an amused expression.

"Sarcasm will get you nowhere, young man."

He walked towards a large booth at the far edge of the room where five other people were seated and chatting loudly. There were three girls and two boys. From where I stood, I recognized someone familiar that wish would fall into the deepest, darkest pit of hell - Vera.

I walked towards the table and Cole gestured for me to sit beside him, so I did. And I noticed that the other girl looked exactly like Vera. I thought I was going to combust.

"There's two of them?" I said loud enough for only Cole to hear.

At that moment, Vera notice that I was shooting daggers at her with my eyes. And she scoffed.

"Who brought in the piece of shit?" She asked attempting to annoy me.

Then out of the blue, a cute, godsent angel of a waiter came and offered me a free sample of some milkshake.

"Hey, I'm Matt, would you care for a free sample of our strawberry and chocolate milkshake?"

I didn't even answer him and without thinking, grabbed the milkshake and tossed it directly at Vera.

Cole snorted, the other girl that looked like Vera burst into laughter and the other people stared in disbelief.

"That's for calling me a piece of shit." I said still unable to believe I just did that.

Vera gasped. "Cole are you just going to let her get away with that?" She asked batting her fake eyelashes at him as Matt offered her a tissue.

"Pretty much." Cole said putting his arm around me.

One of the guys with long, black hair finally spoke. "I don't know who you are, but I have a feeling we are so going to hit it off." He said grinning widely. "I'm Ethan."

"I'm Terra by the way." Vera's lookalike said. "We're twins." She said with an embarassed look.

The last girl stood up and pulled me into a soul crushing hug. "I'm Ryan, and I love you." She said.

She turned to Cole. "Where the heck have you been hiding her?"

"I'll never tell." He smirked.

The last guy with blonde hair finally spoke after staring at me for God knows how long. "I know you, you're in my literature class right?"

I tried to place his face. "Yea, we actually take a lot of classes together." I said finally remembering.

"Cool, I'm Asher, can I by any chance get your number?" He said without wasting time.

"I don't think Amara knows wants to give you her number." Cole said getting defensive.

I decided to play with him a bit. "Don't be silly Cole, of course I do." I said reaching for his phone to save my number.

I didn't even realized Matt had left until he came back to take our orders.

"Can I get you all anything?" He asked.

Cole whispered something in his ear and he nodded before putting away his notepad.

"I'll be right back." He said before disapearing into a room behind the counter.

"What did you order?" I whispered to Cole.

"Nothing to crazy. You drink alcohol?" He asked with a lopsided grin.

I just raised an eyebrow at him because I knew that this boy was going to do something totally insane. And deep down, even though I'll never admit it, I really wanted him to.