
Vixen Above, Mensao Below (2)

Song Jia was getting lost in her thoughts when a mocking voice suddenly called out her name.

"Ye Jia!"

When she turned around, a bucket filled with dirty mop water was thrown over her. Song Jia became drenched from head to toe. Thankfully, she was wearing her sunglasses, so her eyes didn't get any of it.

Laughter rang across the deck, filled with ridicule and sarcasm. When Song Jia looked up after examining her soaked uniform, she saw all of her classmates sneering at her. At the very front were four boys standing in a row, the sun shining brightly behind them like a spotlight.

Memories of their names suddenly flooded her mind. Long Aotian, Ouyang Che, Gong Qiye, and...Ye Minzhe, her half-brother.

Song Jia suddenly wanted to laugh. What was up with their names? Aside from her brother, all of them were standard Gary Stu names!

They stood in front of her, tall, cool, and possessing above average handsome looks. Long Aotian was gentle and an intellectual, a charming prince for the girls in her class to fantasize about. Ouyang Che was a flirt and very laid-back, friendly to both men and women. Gong Qiye was like a mature adult that could entice older females.

Meanwhile, her half-brother Ye Minzhe was the wealthiest among them, and also the most handsome. He was also their gang leader, so to speak. Whatever he said, everyone obeyed his words as if it were the law.


This grandma wants to vomit, ah! Isn't this simply a downgraded version of Liuxing Huayuan? [1]

Ye Minzhe pointed at her and laughed coldly, "Look at you, Ye Jia. Such an ugly face, I don't know how anyone can stomach looking at it."

His teeth flashed white under the sunlight, and he had a very boyish laugh. Too bad his words were that of an uncultured dog, giving the appearance of a pig trying to disguise himself as a tiger.

Song Jia crossed her arms underneath her chest, and imitating Ye Jia's haughty look, she said, "So what if I'm ugly? Aren't you my blood-related brother? Let's be ugly together then."

Ye Minzhe, "..."

He suddenly stomped on Ouyang Che's foot, making the boy hop up and down in pain.

"Oy, why did you stomp on me?"

Ye Minzhe angrily looked at him. "Didn't you say splashing her with dirty mop water would make her cry? Why isn't she crying then?"

Song Jia, "..."

So stupid.

"Minzhe, you must not be bullying her enough. These kind of kindergarten tricks, anyone would be able to endure," Gong Qiye opened his mouth to break the silence, making Ouyang Che throw a grateful look at him. "Let me show you how to properly bully a girl."

Gong Qiye looked at the two burly boys behind him. "Hold her down."

The two thugs immediately separated from the group and walked menacingly towards Song Jia. She took a step backward, as if in fear, before looking with scorn at Ye Minzhe.

"So you've resorted to using force on weak girls now?"

Ye Minzhe knew she was just hiding her fear and lifted his chin. "So what if I am? I already told you many times to leave the house, but you never listened. This is your punishment for disobeying me."

The two boys quickly restrained Song Jia and pushed her down on her knees. There were also other people on the deck, but when they saw the emblem on their school uniform, they quickly scurried away.

No one could afford to provoke that school filled from top to bottom with powerful and wealthy families, ah.

Gong Qiye patted Ye Minzhe's shoulder and said, "Minzhe, girls love vanity above all else. Especially someone like her, who flirts and goes to bed with anyone she sees. What you should do is to destroy what she values the most."

He pointed at random and selected three girls. "One of you will record this scene with her phone, while the other two will get some scissors and cut off all of her hair."

The three girls didn't hesitate at all, quickly getting the things they needed and walking towards the kneeling Song Jia. She widened her eyes and started to struggle against her captors.

Actually, it would be too easy for Song Jia to break out of their hold. The ones holding her were two brutes who didn't have any skills, only the power of their fists. Song Jia had already learned mixed martial arts. There were some techniques she could use to overpower a much stronger opponent.

However, she wanted to see just how far these spoiled students would go.

Two of the girls grabbed her hair, yanking back her head. In the process, her sunglasses fell off, revealing the blue eyes that were glaring at them.

"Ye Minzhe, you better not regret this!" she shouted.

Stinky brat, doing this kind of thing to his own sister? Watch how this grandma punishes you later on!

Song Jia didn't avert her eyes as the pair of scissors drew closer and closer to her face. Anyway, it was just a bit of hair. Using that kind of school scissors, she was confident that they wouldn't be able to make her look bald.

Just as the scissors were about to cut off a thick lock of her hair, a panicked voice suddenly interrupted them.

"Stop it! Stop! Don't do it!"

All of them stopped what they were doing and looked in surprise at the red-faced Ye Minzhe. He was the one who stopped them.

"Minzhe?" Gong Qiye was also stunned. Didn't he hate this half-sister of his the most?

Ye Minzhe also didn't know what he was doing. Just earlier, he was imagining Ye Jia's crying face and was gloating about his imminent triumph. But when her sunglasses fell off, and he met those pair of clear blue eyes...his whole face suddenly turned bright red.

Ye Minzhe coughed to hide his inner turmoil. "In any case, she is still this young master's half-sister. Making her look even uglier, won't people laugh behind my back then?"

Gong Qiye looked at him. "Then what do you want to do?"

Ye Minzhe looked at the drenched Song Jia. Her uniform stuck close to her body, even showing a vague silhouette of what she was wearing underneath. He became angry once again, and kicked Ouyang Che in the leg. The poor boy fell down, looking up at him in aggrievement.

"Minzhe, what the hell?!"

"Your face looks displeasing to this young master's eyes!"

Ouyang Che, "..."

Say what it is that you want to say, don't target other people without any reason!

Ye Minzhe walked towards Song Jia, one hand lazily tucked into the front pocket of his charcoal pants. His jet-black curls shone under the sunlight, making his face look even more handsome. He looked like a prince about to bestow grace to a commoner.

Commoner Song Jia glared at him. She smelled like dirty mop water, turning the make-up on her face into a sticky mess.

But the more Ye Minzhe got close to her, the more the heart inside his chest beat faster. He swallowed hard and let out a cough. He threw his blazer over her figure and loosened his tie, feeling a bit suffocated.

"Erm...this young master took pity on you, so you should be grateful in your heart for my sympathy, you understand? I rarely allow anyone below average to come close to me, but since you're my half-sister, this time I'll make an exception."

He suddenly crouched down and grabbed her by chin—not hard enough to hurt, but to get her to look at him. With arrogance in his eyes, he declared, "Ye Jia, from this day forth, I'll reluctantly accept you as my personal servant!"

The students behind them gasped in envy. Being ordered by Prince Ye all the time? And being beside Prince Ye all the time?

How lucky was she?!

Glares of envy from all of her girl classmates targeted Song Jia.

Song Jia, who had been looking suspiciously at Ye Minzhe, dropped her mouth open in disbelief.

Ye Minzhe mistakenly took her expression as awe at his generosity. He paused, and suddenly seemed to remember something.

"However, there is one thing you must remember and never forget. I know it will be hard, especially since you will be with this young master's side most of the time, but this is also for your own sake as well as mine."

He looked down at her, and his eyes were all seriousness as he said, "No matter how hard it is, don't fall in love with me."

Song Jia, "..."

No need to wait for the zombies, give her a gun, she wanted to kill him and then kill herself, let's die together, bastard!

[1] Meteor Garden, Ch. version of Hana Yori Dango or more popularly known as Boys Over Flowers.