
Favoring Qie Over Wife (3)

Song Jia was a professional transmigrator that came from the 23rd century.

There were already all types of discoveries there, including multi-verses and the fifth type of civilization in the Kardashev scale. They could hop from world to world, predict the future, and harness the energy of multiple universes. They usually didn't interfere much, except when a world under their watch was about to go down into irreversible destruction.

This was one of those worlds.


"Ah, so pretty~"

Song Jia looked at her reflection and almost swooned.

She could be considered technically not bad-looking in the modern world, but the face looking back at her now was definitely an outstanding beauty. There were not many perks to her job as a transmigrator, but this was one of the few that she loved.

"Wang fei, this servant has been instructed by wang ye that he will accompany you in your visit back to the xiangfu."

Song Jia glanced away from the copper mirror and looked at one of her first-ranked maids, Minglan. She had instructed her earlier to tell her husband, the third prince Zhao Cheng, that she would have to go back to her father's residence tomorrow because her san mei mei would be having her hairpin ceremony.

Song Jia had transmigrated into the body of a noble lady called Li Jia. She was the eldest di daughter of Prime Minister Li, one of Zhao Cheng's biggest supporters to the throne. It was no wonder that Zhao Cheng would come with her. He would probably discuss political plans with her father.

After their memorable wedding night and their traditional visit to her parents' home, Song Jia hadn't seen neither hide nor hair of him. If she had not been certain that Zhao Cheng had yet to take a concubine and she was the only woman in the inner courtyard, Song Jia would have suspected that she had already lost his favor.

"Not that I would be affected if that had been the case," she mumbled, her voice low enough for her other maidservants inside the bedchamber not to hear.

Once Song Jia finished her mission, she can return to the modern world and enjoy her vacation before her next assignment. Whatever happens then will be the problem of the original Li Jia.

It was in the middle of the afternoon, so Song Jia had only just eaten her lunch. She was feeling a bit bloated and wanted to take a walk to aid her digestion.

"Come, accompany me to the garden," Song Jia told her maidservants.

The weather was getting hotter lately, and there was a koi pond surrounded by lovely crabapple trees in the garden. It would be slightly breezy there.

Song Jia was wearing a ruqun dress with a white blouse and a red wrap-around skirt. Her hair was arranged in a ling yun hairstyle which was inlaid with gold butterfly hairpins. She looked regal and confident, with a touch of feminine charm that made anyone who set their eyes on her unable to look away.

While she was strolling around, Song Jia thought about the memories that she had absorbed. What her boss said was true, the original host of this body was indeed a reincarnator! Li Jia, the official wife of third prince Zhao Cheng. She had long since fallen in love with him because of his looks and temperament, and was the one who begged her father for this marriage. She had taken for granted that Zhao Cheng didn't have a single concubine and thought of him to be only hers. Unfortunately, that was not how things worked in this ancient era.

It was amazing enough that the prince had postponed choosing a concubine before marrying his official wife. Did Li Jia really think that the status quo will be the same after she married over?

Moreover, she was not the woman Zhao Cheng truly loved. That right only belonged to Bai Mei Lien, a lowly official's daughter!

Three months after their marriage, Zhao Cheng married Bai Mei Lien as his shufei and showered her with all of his attention. Li Jia, a possessive woman, had gotten jealous and tried to make life harder for Bai Mei Lien in the wangfu as much as possible. Zhao Cheng did not show it on the surface, but his rage was nearly boiling over as he watched Li Jia try all sorts of tricks and schemes to make his loved one suffer. She had even nearly killed Bai Mei Lien.

Later, when Zhao Cheng finally ascended the throne and became the emperor, he quickly enacted his revenge against Li Jia and made her become a deposed empress. When Prime Minister Li tried to defend his daughter, their whole clan had perished under the pressure of imperial power. Li Jia then died with regrets and enmity in her heart.

When Li Jia was reborn and found out that she was marrying Zhao Cheng like her past life, she vowed that she would make him regret! Regret that he hadn't loved her, regret that he hurt her family, and make him unable to seize the throne! She, Li Jia, would personally crush this man she had once loved under her foot!

Unfortunately for Li Jia, the transmigrator Song Jia from the modern age possessed her body before she could even make her plans for revenge.

After all, it was her mission to be Zhao Cheng's virtuous wife and protect him.

It was imperative that Zhao Cheng ascended the throne. As of now, the whole world was in chaos because of incompetent rulers from previous dynasties. Zhao Cheng was the only one who could lead them into a prosperous future, one that would set the foundation of a peaceful empire that would stay for generations even thousands of years after his death.

How could the petty revenge of a woman trump over the million lives of the common people?

And Song Jia really did think that the original host was being stupid. If she wanted her husband to be monogamous, she should have known better than to pick a prince with wild ambitions. Marriage was only a political tool that was used to climb the throne. Also, if she hadn't been so possessive of her husband and tormented Bai Mei Lien to the point of death, Zhao Cheng wouldn't have laid his hands on her. He was a man who knew how to be respectful to women. If Li Jia had not touched his bottom line, he would have not retaliated so ruthlessly.

That would have been the best solution to stay alive and keep her family safe!

Vengeful reincarnators that could possibly alter the future of a world was the main reason why professional transmigrators like Song Jia exist. They travel world after world preventing reincarnators who tip the scale too much on the bad side continue to make trouble.

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