
First Meeting 1

Ravi Lazy Arsenio unlocked the door to his room, he was surprised to find a lot of blackbird feathers scattered on the shiny wooden floor. He stared at the tightly closed window, with the sun shining through the transparent glass of the window. The black-haired man bent down to pick up the feathers that were in front of his feet, the feathers were very soft and thicker than the feathers of birds Ravi had touched before.

Ravi sniffed the air that seemed to revolve around him and gently stroked his nostrils with the sweet smell of melted chocolate and the faint smell of fresh rain. Ravi took a deep breath, letting more oxygen into his lungs, he had never smelled a mixture like this before. He noticed that the feather he was holding between his fingers also had the same scent, but it was more intense than before. Ravi was almost lost in himself, forgetting what had happened to his room, until a voice broke his thoughts.


The sound of the blanket scraping then made Ravi's head jerk towards the bed with his eyes blinking in surprise, and he unconsciously backed away at once. A large mound of tiny twitches in the thick blanket lay messy. Ravi's heart raced, pumping blood rapidly. Instead of running away from there, Ravi was glued to the mound and watched curiously to see who or whatever was there.

Ravi's eyes rolled for something to defend himself, and he found a tennis racket hanging on the wall. He moved as slowly as possible to pick it up. Take a deep breath and silently pray for his safety later, if whatever is in there becomes more dangerous than he thought. He was prepared to pull the covers off and find out who or whatever was inside, and deal with what would happen next. Ravi grabbed the edge of the blanket and started to count silently.

Ravi didn't even have time to count to three in his mind, the figure first startled Ravi, who subconsciously backed away and leaned against the wall. The figure stood towering on his bed with a blanket covering his whole body.

Ravi could feel his breath catch up to his ears. He pursed his lips as his brown eyes caught a tan-skinned hand out from under the covers, trying to tug with difficulty to get rid of the disturbance blocking his body.

Ravi's breath hitched when the figure managed to reveal who he was, followed by a rush of chocolate-smelling fragrance and a mix of dense rain scents that filled Ravi's room more and more until he felt suffocated by it.

Ravi's eyes widened as his heartbeat accelerated. There stood a man in black leather pants with no shirt attached.

The first thing that made Ravi gape and feels his throat dry was what was imprinted on the man's chest. Ravi's name was written large and clear in black ink on his tan skin. 'Ravi'. Who's he? Stalker? Ravi shuddered at the thought. Why did this man even write Ravi's name there?

Ravi didn't know who this strange man was, and why he was in his tightly locked room and no balcony, so he could reach here and be in his blanket. Only the man was suddenly in his room after Ravi had just celebrated his birthday with the family downstairs. The man was still standing and hadn't started any movement after that.

Ravi's vision rose slowly and was immediately met with clear gray irises on the right and gold on the left staring right at Ravi's beads with a twinkle that felt odd about his body. Ravi didn't move as if the air was heavy around him, those eyes seemed to suck him into spacetime. Even forgetting who this person was, and feeling his knees go weak just by looking at him. He might be able to meltdown at any moment.

The man's black hair wildly sticking out here and there was perfectly tousled, but it felt right on his head. Until a few strands of hair covered some of his thick eyebrows. Ravi's eyes automatically dropped to the man's lips, who pulled every corner of his lips up with his Adam's apple up and down in such a way. Until the sound of the mattress creaking disturbed him, when Ravi realized that the man had landed on the floor. Didn't realize that this man was so taller than Ravi himself.

Ravi snapped out of his thoughts that he was staring at another man, he immediately straightened up and automatically aimed his racket right at the man's chest. Ravi wasn't afraid of this man who didn't make any threats at all, so Ravi started asking "Who are you?"

"Raymond, Ravi," the man replied almost immediately. Ravi's brow furrowed when he heard a deep, loud voice from him, known as Raymond, say while looking straight at Ravi with his wide eyes.

"How do you know my name?" Ravi was desperately trying to stop himself from breathing too often or the smell that had filled his room would affect him in a way Ravi didn't know and also felt very wrong to him.

"It just naturally happened, when I was a teenager the memories of Ravi slowly came on by themselves. I was meant to be here, Ravi," he said lightly with curled lips. This time, Ravi's gaze sharpened as Raymond slowly took a closer step toward him.

With a firm grip on the racket in his hand, Ravi pressed harder against Raymond's chest, so he wouldn't go any closer. If he took one more step, Ravi promised to take him straight to the police. He didn't know why he didn't scream for his parents when he saw Raymond and instead handled it himself with this stranger, as if Raymond wasn't a dangerous man. "What do you mean destined?"

"Ravi asked me to come, so I'm here. It doesn't matter that it's not time yet, because if Ravi hadn't called, then no meeting would have happened so soon." Raymond said in a half-whisper that Ravi could still hear very well.

A line appeared between Ravi's eyebrows as he didn't understand Raymond's last sentence. He saw the earnestness in Raymond's different-colored eyes, which were starting to water. However, Ravi didn't understand when he asked Raymond to come? Ravi didn't even know Raymond until this man came and stood before him suddenly. Bullshit, all this!