
BLACK & WHITE: Finding My Way Home

Two siblings who got separated when the other was still an infant. The older one Lost it's sister and tried to find it in the three realm, but didn't have any luck. A thousand Years Later and the Baby grow into a fine Young lady, and will Know about her sister, Wil she decide to Look for her sister? Or she will for her sister to find her? If you want to know her decision please join me in their both adventures in the Land of Immortals.

Ms_Yang · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Helping Someone in Need

After passing chi to Zhou Li the man then decided to take a rest. The two lady lit the mini bonfire around them to warm their body especially the injured man. Upon finishing the fire Xiao noticed Xin Yi rubbing her arms. She went to her side and sit beside her.

"Come, let's hug as we sleep that way we can be both warm our bodies" She said wrapping her arms around Xin Yi. The girl smiled and closed her eyes after a minute the girl finally drifted to sleep. Before going to sleep Xiao use her power to attract a bunch of fireflies around them, she looked at them and smile before closing her eyes and drifted to sleep.

The next morning Xin Yi woke up without her Shijie by her side, in a panic she hurriedly stand up and was about to go find her when Xiao appeared with some fishes in her hand. Her Pink and White Robe are soaking wet and is getting dirty. On her mouth was a wild berry munching it happily. She saw Xin Yi standing Infront of her with a worried look making her tilting her head.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking so worried?" She asked and went towards her and handed Xin Yi a bad of Wild berries.

"I was do worried about you! Where have you been?" She asked a question with an obvious answer. Xiao didn't answer instead just raised the fishes in her hand and pointed her soaking wet dress. Xin Yo frowned.

"You went fishing, this early in the morning?" She asked. "Yes, or where else could we find food for breakfast, Li gege is injured because of what happened last night so I need to provide food for us in the meantime" she explained and put her arms around Xin Yi's Shoulders.

"Let's go, we better cook these before Li gege wakes up" she said and smiled. Xin Yi was making the fire again while Xiao cleaned the fishes nearby the river bank. After that she then skewered them on A Stick. Coming back from the river she then put the each side of the stick on a Y shaped branch to grill it.

Upon doing that Xin Yi then remembered what happened last night. Xiao noticed her friend being quiet and spacing out. She went nearer to her and nudge her on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" She said and looked at her before looking at the fishes she's cooking. "We've been traveling for almost a week now, last night was the first time we got attacked by someone let alone a strong one" She explained putting her chin on her two palms.

"Say, you still didn't notice we've been tailed since we left at the Garden Lake?" She said didn't look at Xin Yi who is looking at her shocked. Yes Xiao noticed that they were being tailed the moment they left Water Lily Garden Lake but she didn't dare show any reaction to not let the one tailing them know they were already busted.

Chang Yu who is observing them from a good distance froze upon hearing that. He didn't actually expect to be busted for the first time.

"Shijie, was the man last night the one following us?" Xin Yi asked. Xiao smiled and looked at her.

"Maybe, Maybe Not" she said and take a fish out of the fire and give it Xin Yi. "Here, careful it's hot" she said. "The man Last night was probably the Master of those who tailed us from the Lake" she said as she cooked the rest of the fishes.

Zhou Li was awakened by the aroma of the Cooked fish. Xiao look at him and gave him the fish and they eat their breakfast. After that they decided to head back on the track.

"Jie, aren't you gonna change your clothes? It's quite a bit dirty now" Xin Yi looking at Xiao's dirty robes. "I didn't bring clothes with me" She said and shrugged. Xin Yi looked at her with disbelief which Xiao noticed. "What? Li Shixiong didn't bring any either" She said pointing at the man infront of them, who just got stumbled on a rock and almost tripped by hearing the words she called him.

"How many time do I have to tell you, not to call me that?" He said annoyed. Xiao frowned in confusion. "What's wrong with me calling you that?" She said. "Tsk. Just stop it and follow me" he said waving his arms aggressively making his sleeves almost hit her chin.

"Grumpy uncle" They both said which made the man halt and look at them almost immediately. Both of them smiled. "Just kidding" Xiao said while Xin Yi went to her back to hide. "I can't believe shifu Agreed to let you come along" he said under his breath and walked faster.

"What? We are also a great help you know, just stop protesting and let's go, I need clothes I'm dirty" she said and pushed the man's back forward to make him walk faster.

They both arrived at a small Town market. Looking around the place. Xiao asked Zhou Li. "Li gege, aren't we supposed to not be passing the mortal realm on our Journey?" She asked. The Place they were heading was supposed to be in the Immortal Realm, which yes may take a day or two to get their but on the journey they were not supposed to pass a Village or town In the Mortal Realm.

"We weren't be coming here if it's not because of you two Young Ladies needs" he said indifferent. Xiao didn't ask for anymore question after that because Zhou Li has a point. "Then, I will Only buy a piece of clothing to change, then we can head back on our track" She said. The man made an 'hm' sound and they went searching for a clothing Shop, after a couple of minutes they managed to find a clothing shop. The two Young Ladies went inside while Zhou Li as usual waited outside which made the two frowned.

"Li gege, aren't you buying your clothes to? Your robes color is not the original anymore" Xin Yi asked and pointed the bottom of his robes near his Foot. The white color of his robes was now covered in mud and dirt. "I can still handle for a day you two hurry up. It is still a day and a half Journey before we arrived at The Naked Mountain" he said and went to a bread shop and just sit there asking for a tea. In the middle of the day.

The two shrugged and head inside only to be confused. The plaque outside says it's a Clothing shop but the inside of the shop tells the otherwise. Nothing but an old clothes was in display. They looked at each other and went to the counter and saw an old Man sitting on the chair.

"Excuse me, Sir?" She called gently. "Are you the owner of this shop?" She asked kindly. The man looked at them and smiled before nodding.

"Yes, Young Lady but this shop has long been bankrupt, I don't have any nice clothes to offer to such beautiful ladies" he said shaking his head. The two frowned. "Bankrupt?" Xin Yi asked. And the shopkeeper nodded. Xiao asked why was the shop went to bankruptcy.

"I'm already old to manage such a big shop, My wife who is the only one who can make clothes, died a few months ago because of her illness. I don't have enough money to hire some workers as I spent most of our fortune on her funeral" He explained. The two pitied the man and sighe they both said their sorries for the man. Xin Yi was about to leave when Xiao Stop her.

"A-Yi could you call Li gege for a second?" She asked. Even though confused why Xin Yi still called Zhou Li. "What's wrong haven't you oick any clothes yet?" He said and was stunned the moment he roamed his eyes around. "You now know why. Let's help Mr. Shopkeeper" Xiao said directly. The man raised his eyebrows which Xiao also did.

"How?" The man surrendered naking Xiao Smiled and turned to the man. "Mr. Shopkeeper, do you have any Fabrics left that's still intact and still not been used? Xiao asked to them.

"Y-yes, But what do you need my unused fabrics for Young Lady?" He said in confusion. However she didn't answer instead telling Xin Yi to close the shop and asked the owner to show her the fabrics.

The man lead them at the back of the counter where their storage for fabric were. There lays a bunch of Beautiful fabrics still intact and rolled on a side. Xiao looked around and saw a basket with needles and a threads for sewing. She smiled in satisfaction faction.

"This is perfect, Li gege sorry for the inconvenience but we might be late for our arrival at our next Destination. I need to help Mr. Shopkeeper first" She said and pick the edge of a fabric and pull it spreading it across the room.

"Xin Yi pass me the fabric cutter please" she said and Xin Yi did. Xiao started to cut the fabric and forming if into a dress by sewing it by hand. After an hour the dress was made beautifully.

"You have great talent, young lady" The old man Complimented she smiled and gave it to Xin Yi. "Try it on" she said. Xin Yi went inside a room and came back a couple of minutes, the dress fits her well. Xiao smiled and pick a silver inside of her robe giving it to the shop keeper.

"This is?" he asked. "It's for the dress My friend is wearing" She replied. The man wants to return the money but Xiao insisted, telling the man that it's the payment for the fabric she used, After all it was still his materials.

Instead Xiao told the man to leave first and in an hour they will be heading out too. The man was confused but then head out when she told him they will be helping him making clothes to sell. After the man left Xin Yi closed the door of the storage room.

After an hour the three of them went out and saw the owner sitting on the counter as usual. Xiao called him and said they were done. Zhou Li came out of the room with a stack of newly made clothes in his arms. The Man put it on the cleaned table.

"Mr. Shopkeeper this is the few clothes we made for you to sell there's more in the storage room. We will be helping you in displaying this stack and a few more. This and the stocks you have inside is enough for you to hire some workers who has skills in making clothes in a year. You don't need to worry about bankruptcy now" Xiao said with a smiled. The man shed a tear and thank them repeatedly.

"Oh, Thank you very much Young Lady, how can I ever repay your kindness" he said. "No need for such thing Sir, but please you could address me as Miss Xiao from now on." She said kindly holding the mans elbow to stop them from bending their half body forward to thank her.

"Please, Is there anything I can give in exchange for your help" he insisted, Xiao is a bit guilty if she would repeatedly refuse the man so she asked him for his finest Fabric instead.

"Sure, sure anything for you Miss Xiao" he said and went into the storage room. After Awhile he came back with two roll of fabric one was white with a not so many flower petals as a design, the other one was red with a hind of gold in it. The man gave it to Xiao carefully.

"This is our finest Fabric in oir shop, Miss Xiao please accept this as a gift for your kindness" he said. Xiao smiled and refused to accept it as a gift and insisted on buyin it.

"Please, You Miss have mercy on this old man and stop pushing it. It is my gift to you wether you like it or not you shall accept it as gift" the man said and finally giving the fabrics to Xin Yi. Xiao can't do anything but to sigh in defeat.

"Alright, Mr. Shopkeeper thank you for the gift " She said and smiled before bowing a bit. "You're welcome and thank you for the big help" he said and see them off.

The two was walking quietly and smiling because they helped someone. Xiao's smiling to but her smile is different, it's proud and seemed a smile of someone winning over a competition. The two behind her frowned confused of what's happening to her.

On the contrary, as the owner went inside. He then spotted something on the table and immediately walked towards it. Upon taking a closer look he confirmed it was gold. He ran back outside his shop to look for the three but they're nowhere to be found.

"May The Heavenly Empress Bless those three Little travelers. Keeping them safe and away from any grave danger " he said and went inside his shop now full of beautiful made clothes.



Yay!! I'm done for today's Chapter hope you enjoyed it and please stay updated for the next chapter.

Love Lots 💓

Ms Yang