
Black White Academy

In a place where an academy where divided into two, two faction were made, consisting of competitive students. Separated by colors, Black and White, students thus began discriminating and fighting each other. An academy as big as a country, and a new world to all students, Black White Academy was actually the most prestigious academy that can be found in the entire world. Two faction, Black and White, differ from each other. Each have their own rules and laws, thus also having different leaders. Between two faction, can love between two leaders of each faction sprout despite the differences? "Well, I just want to be friends with you." "President Ren, let me be frank with you, did you like me?" Wen didn't like to take this thing more further and just asked. Ren looked at Wen and felt somewhat hopeful. "Well, will President Wen get mad at me if I indeed like you?" "Well, please stop that! I don't like men! And I feel disgust with boy to boy, so it may be hurtful, but I'll never like you." "Well, so, that's why President Wen tried to avoid me? Did you feel uncomfortable?". "Well, yeah, because who wouldn't be like me?" "But I didn't do anything wrong or did I cross over the line, right?" "I guess so." "Since that's the case, we can still be friends, right?" "But... won't you get hurt?" "Well, that's should be my problem, right? And besides, I'm also happy when I'm together with you." Is it possible for those two to end up together? Or just be friends as what Wen said?

Sky_Light_0279 · LGBT+
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16 Chs

Chapter 7: Meeting Wen

A crowded place yet still spacious, with three floors full of various department store, and a high quality and best structure mall greeted the eyes of the five students.

"Wow! This mall looks different from our mall!"

"Yeah. I got to say that these mall were not that bad."

"So many stuff! And.. it's.. all beautiful!"

"Well, looks like this trip is worthwhile."

"Zoey, let's go there! Let's look for some clothes!"

Gray pointed towards the store which sells couple shirt and pull Zoey away.

"That Gray! He just want to have fun with Zoey alone! So annoying!"

"Hais... If Peter were here too.. I would like to do that as well."

"I didn't expect Zoey to be a liar too. She said that we will have a bond together but what now? She went with Gray looking lovey-dovey! She shouldn't just shooed Hero away, so we will still have a tour guide."

"Well, we can't blame Zoey since Gray were too aggressive and excited to have a date in White Faction."

"Brother, Shane, let's split apart as well. Since it's in the White Faction, I want to explore it and have fun, so let's just meet here, later. Bye-bye."

"Those three! I thought it was group trip?! But why did they leave us alone?! If I just knew that we will be left behind, then I shouldn't just agreed from the start!"

'Well, if I think about it, I would prefer it to be alone as well if I met Wen here. I think it's also not a bad idea.'

"Uhmm.. Shane, I will also go alone in this mall, so let's meet here later, okay?"

Ren although feeling guilty for leaving Shane alone, still went on his own, hoping he met a certain person.

"Ah! President, Even you!"


Ren look around and sighed a relief when he can't find Shane and began to explore the mall half-hearted.

"Hais.. it will be interesting if I will meet Wen."

Ren felt dejected and stop at a store that sells perfume.

"Dear Sir, what perfume are you searching for?"

Ren, since he don't have anything to do or don't know where to go and just starting exploring, went in and look around for a perfume he like.

"Uhmm.. do you have a perfume that men will like?"

"I can't be certain what perfume you were referring to, but since you're so handsome, you might as well like this perfume."

The young saleswoman kindly recommend a not small white perfume, Sparker's Secret, with 240 g.

Ren sprayed a sample and was enchanted by the smell, a sweet yet strong scent lingered around his nose, attacking his senses.

"Oh! This smells nice."

"I'm glad Sir like it. President Wen and even the other president also like this perfume."

Ren's ear, hearing the familiar name suddenly twitch.

"What?! President Wen? Did.. did he like this too?"

"Ahm.. ye..yes. President Wen even recommend it among his friend."

"Really?! But if---if I buy it, would.. would President Wen like it?"

"Urm... Well.. I can't really answer your question, Sir, but I guess, he will?"

"Yeah, I know, he will not like it. After all it's impossible."

The saleswoman felt awkward, as the handsome man that can make her heartbeat pound unexpectedly... unexpectedly like President Wen, a man!

"Well, sir, would you still buy this perfume?"

"Yes. I'll buy three of this, since I can't shop here anymore."

'Wow! What a rich man! Each perfume cost 1000 points! And he would buy 3! What a big customer!'

"Well, that's 3,000, sir."

"Uhm... Well, I have a friend, so can you brought two more of this, and also if you can, please find three perfume for women."

'What?! Another five?! Who's this man? So generous! Even President Wen can't give a gift worth of 5000 points!'

"Well, sir, these are the other two, and these three were the perfume women like best."

"Well, I'll take these five as well, so how much does this seven cost?"

Ren took out his ID that contains all his points to pay.

"Well, five Sparke's Secret and three A Beauty's Scent, that's a total of 8450 points."

Ren was a bit surprised at first but still give his ID, didn't notice his own identity, and paid the perfumes.

The cashier took the ID, and was surprised to see the lace around it was black, meaning it's someone from Black Faction!

'What?! From Black Faction! My god! Why is he here?! And buying perfume worth of 8450 points, is he betraying his faction.' thought for a moment but also come back to her senses as she thought that 'he's just here buying so what's wrong? And besides, he.. he look so handsome, so maybe I can let it pass.'

The cashier scan the ID and this time, she exclaimed fortunately the only one who heard was the saleswoman who assist Ren the whole time.

"Pre... President Ren!" the cashier was truly surprised that she almost dropped the ID.

'No wonder he's so handsome and can buy such a pricey stuff. He's card were containing six and almost seven digits! So rich! So this is the President of Black Faction?! He was like what the rumor said. And he's also not biased.' the cashier thought before deducting the points in the ID.

Ren was also surprised at the sudden exclamation, but instead of getting angry, he just smiled at the cashier and the saleswoman and gesture to be silent.

"Uhm.. can you keep it as a secret?"

"Yes.. President Ren."

The saleswoman now didn't know what to say or what to do, as Presiden Ren actually... like the President Wen! What a terrible truth!

"And, miss pretty, can't you not tell what I said earlier to anyone?"


Ren then walk out of the shop and began to tour again.

"Hey, Sally, what did President Ren said earlier?"


"Anyways, President Ren look so handsome! And he's freaking rich! Ah, I want to be his woman even if we're from different faction."

"What?! That's impossible! You don't stand a chance!"


"Just forget about it."


Ren, after walking from the first floor to the second floor for about an hour, and have many stuff he bought such as shirts, pens, accessories for his sister and the two girls as a gift, and other stuff, that almost cost him 40000 points, now felt famished and tired and went to a crowded restaurant.

After lining up for half an hour and ordered food, he then find a vacant seat and wait for his order to be served.

As he was waiting, on his opposite, suddenly there was someone who move the chair that took Ren attention away from his phone, and was stunned to see a super familiar handsome young man, that always stir his mind, tooking a sit, and felt tensed up.

His face went slightly pink and his breath also become heavier as he glance at Wen, who's in his casual attire.