
Black whiskey

"No one will ever love you, do you think you deserve love? no you don't..." "I love you, and I'm not ashamed to say it .." "The truth is... everyone deserves love..." love, that mystical force that binds bodies today... love, that sensational feeling...that language that everyone knows...well I don't think I deserve it...at least not ever... That was until I took a cup of this intoxicating black whiskey...Grey Hampton

CJ_Willy · Urban
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47 Chs


A dim Ray of sunlight flashed in my eyes making me wake up.

I rolled a little and realized I was in someone's arms, and the person was drawing circles on my cheek.


My lips formed into a small smile remembering what happened yesterday.

"You sleep a lot, are you sure you're not pregnant" I heard that teasing voice again.

"Actually I am" I replied without looking at him.

"Oh really? So who's the daddy?"

"You of course" I said

"How come, I haven't even touched you....yet.." he made emphasis on the yet.

I blushed." Shut up" I said.

"But you know I could actually get you pregnant now" he said and I jumped out of his hands and rolled to the floor.

He started laughing.

"Pervert" I said laughing.

"What?" He said looking at me at the floor.

God this guy was handsome.

I giggled."Good morning Teddy" I said and he blushed.

"I'm gonna get you nickname too, and trust me you're going to hate it" .

"Pretend like you don't like it" I teased.

He rolled his eyes with the blush on his face.

"Good morning" he said getting out of the bed.k

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Past 12" he said.

"I slept that long??" I asked.

"Told you, you're pregnant" he said grinning.

I rolled my eyes.

"Just exhausted that's all, other days I'm awake by 6am" I said.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I have a photo shoot by 8, have another one by 12, have another by 2 , have another by 5, another by 7, another by 9, then finally get home by 11pm, fall asleep by 12, wake up by 6 again, the routine continues." I groaned.

"You're just lazy, photo shoot and you're complaining. I have boring business meetings from 8 till 3pm, place emphasis on the boring part, work in my office till 8, come back to the house, working till 3am before I finally fall asleep and wake up by 5am for work again, you're not supposed to complain ".

"Nope, I can never be in your shoes, ever" I said laughing.

"I missed that laugh" he said smirking.

"Awwwnnn." I said grinning.

He rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to cook breakfast, since you refused to wake up early". he said and I froze.

"What??!, Hell no, no Grey, I repeat no!! We will not be eating food cooked from your hands, we would not be infected with food poison, no!" I shrieked.

"Are you being for real right now, Bella my cooking isn't bad"

I ran to the door and placed my body on it stretching my arms out stoping him from leaving the room and shook my head vigorously.

"You are not going to cook, never!" I shrieked.

He couldn't help but laugh at my behavior.

Then oddly, he started staring at me weirdly... naughty kind of weirdly. Then he bit his lips.

Then I looked down on my body and saw what I was wearing.

A transparent white camisole with a night short, emphasis on the transparent camisole.

What the heck was I thinking wearing this to sleep last night.

"Bella please go put on something else before I end up eating you" Grey said covering his eyes and smiling.

I was about to go to my closet, then it hit me that Grey would use this medium to escape to the kitchen. I wasn't going to allow him.

I frowned and shook my head saying no.

"Bella please, for God sake I can literally see everything inside from here" he said again smirking.

I would be lying if I saw I wasn't embarrassed. Fuck ... did he just... what the??

I pouted and started to fake cry covering my body.

"Mummy!! Pedophile, he's molesting me with his eyes"

Before I could say Jack Robinson, Grey picked me up from the floor with his hands on my ass. Fuckkk...

Then he laid me back on the bed with him untop of me and stared at me with this heated stare.

"Well I know for one you're not in the mood to Cook, and you don't want me to cook, and I'm hungry. So I might as well eat you" he whispered close to my ear making me melt.

I started crying dramatically,

"Mummy, rapist, pedophile, abuser, he wants to rape me. I'm sorry world, I guess this is the end, I wish I stayed longer, goodbye everyone, goodbye"

Grey started laughing. I was a drama queen and I knew it.

"Fuck baby where did you come from" he said laughing.

I pouted," my mummy"

He fell to the other side of the bed on his tummy.

" You're a freak Bella"he said laughing.

I giggled. "Okay so for real, why don't you want me to Cook" he asked staring at me.

"Because I don't trust your cooking, even Martins said it once that you stink at cooking. And I'm sorry, but I just got my dream job of recent, I don't want to die now" I said.

He rolled his eyes at me...

"Fine, go have a shower, let's go to an eatery ".

I groaned lazily.

"What? You want me to bath you or something?" He said smirking.

I ran away from the bed into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

"Pedophile!" I screamed.

I heard him laugh.

"I'm barely a year older than you" he said laughing.

I sighed and smiled at myself.

Finally... happiness


Grey was right when he said he worked more than I did.

Ever since I moved back to the house, he'd wake up by 5 am and come back by 8pm and sometimes later than that.

My mother was happy that we've gotten back together, but she was also sad because she was missing me.

I got her a job in a bakery because she loved to bake, and also to keep her busy.

One particular day, I was in my office trying to wrap things up before I leave, then my office door flew open and Grey walked in.

My jaw dropped.

"What the fuck are you doing here" I shrieked surprised.

And wait, how come my secretary didn't tell me that he was here to see me.

"What? You don't like seeing me?" He said walking slowly towards me.

"No, it's just surprising, I mean. Wait, my secretary isn't there?" I asked.

"Oh she is but uhh...I don't know she saw me and froze and didn't say anything so I just walked in" he said and shrugged.

I sighed. "Stop making my staffs drool over you, it's distracting" I said and he smirked still slowly walking to me.

"You jealous?" He said.

I tsked," of course not"

Now he was just an inch away from my face.

His hands snaked to my waist and landed on my ass, he pulled me closer to him and I gasped shocked.

"The fuck Grey, someone can walk in" I said.

He chuckled,"so?" Then he crashed his lips on my.

Oh God please help me not to melt

Then he pulled away," anyways" he said and went over to my seat and sat on it crossing his legs on my table.

Remind me to scold him for that

"So I want to see someone today, in this something something names hotel, I don't really care what the name is. The person is having his birthday there and I wanted to meet him there and get something from him. The birthday is today by 8pm, but the location is far, don't worry, we won't stay till the end, you coming?"

This man is crazy, how could you just come into my office and kiss me without my permission.

"Bella stop thinking about the kiss, I'll be doing that more often" he said like he was reading my mind.

I rolled my eyes. "So why do I have to come" I asked.

"Just feel like flaunting you around a little" he said.

I blushed.

"Fine,let me just pack up, so I can go home and change" I said.

He got up from his chair.

"Change to what? And why? We're going like right now." He said .

"What? I look horrible" I shrieked.

He rolled his eyes.

"You look horrible and you wore this to work today, smart move Bella" he said.

"Okay but at least let me just..."

He already opened the door and stood with a plastic smile waiting for me to follow him.

I groaned and walked out.

I turned to my secretary who froze again when she saw Grey.

"Emilia!" I said hitting the table in front of her making her flinch.

"Lock up my office I'm leaving" I said and she nodded slowly.

I pulled Grey into the elevator to take us downstairs.

"You should not come here again" I said crossing my hands on my chest.

"Awwn, someone's jealous" he said grinning.

I rolled my eyes again and the elevator opened.

Then Grey and I walked out into the reception and out of the building.

"Bella's palace, nice name" he said reading the signboard

"At least it's better than SAN, whatever that even means" I said.

"It means Senior Advocacy of Nations" he said

I was shocked, and there was Me thinking it was from Sanez.

We both entered his car and Left with his body guards following behind us.

"So your company, tell me about it" Grey said.

"Nothing much, we have a male and female boutique, a care hub, hair salon, spar, cosmetic hub and every other beauty related stuff" I said.

"That sounds fun,at least you don't have to attend 5 hours meetings and struggle not to sleep" he said.

I laughed," why are you attending them anyways" I asked.

"Share holder stuffs, you'll need them eventually so you don't have a choice" he said and I nodded.

We continued talking for a while and by few minutes past 8, we pulled into a hotel.

Grey should never be allowed to drive again, Because as soon as he pulled into the driveway, he accidentally knocked off the side mirror of someone's car.

"Oops" he said and giggled.

"It's not funny Grey" I said.

"Not to worry, we'll pay for it" he said.

"You mean you!" I said and he laughed.

"Yeah whatever" he said and we both got out of the car .

"Wow Grey, for the first time I'm not with you in a car and you've destroyed someone's car already" Martins said coming from behind.

"I'll pay for it, no biggie" he said.

"Hey Bella" Martins said greeting me .

"Hey Bella, how you doing?" He greeted back. I nodded smiling.

"So, where is Vance?" Grey asked very impatient.

"Some where in the party room, I don't know" Martins replied.

"Fine then let's go in" Grey said and as soon as we entered the hotel building, I almost shrieked and hid behind Grey.

"What is it baby?" He asked seeing me hiding behind him.

Fuck I hope I'm seeing things

" Grey can we please go, oh fuck Please no, I don't want to be there again" I said hiding behind him.

"Why? What happened" he asked.

"I don't want to go in there" I cried.

"Why??!!" Grey asked again more confused .

"He's there, I just saw him there" I cried.



"C'mon Bella be serious" he said.

I sighed," my ex, Jacob"

Fuck and I wished I wouldn't see him till his funeral.

Grey hissed. "So? That's the reason you're scared of coming, where is he anyway"

I pointed towards his direction and Grey scoffed.

"Wait Bella seriously that's the guy you dated? I mean for real? He's not even that handsome, what did you see in him anyways" Grey said in disgust.

I knew he was just bluffing, Jacob was handsome, but not compared to Grey.

"Greeyyy" I whined.

"Bella we are going in there, he can go fuck himself for all I care" Grey said and held my hands and walked me into the hallway.

Luckily, he didn't see my face.

Then we climbed up the elevator and it took us to the top floor where the party was being held. The whole place reeked of alcohol.

"I don't like this place" Grey said.

"Me neither" I replied.

"Just give me twenty minutes and we'll be out of here" he said and attempted to walk away, I pulled him back.

"Where are you going to??!" I shrieked.

"To see Vance" he said in an obvious tone.

"And you're leaving me here alone??!" I asked.

"It's okay baby, I won't take time, enjoy your self." He said.

"But, but, but what if I see Jacob" I whined...

"Baby girl,You're strong enough to handle that dickhead, and if things get out of hand, I'll be right there" he then kissed my forehead and walked into one of the rooms with Martins behind him.

I sighed, it's just 20 minutes, I can handle it. Let me just get a cold drink and everything will be okay... yeah I sadly thought.

As soon as I reached the wine bar, he showed up right behind me.

"Bella?" I heard him call with mockery in his voice.

I'm so screwed

I turned around.

"Oh hey Jacob" I said showing no emotions.

"Oh my God it's been like forever, 3 years now? When did I see you last? Oh right, when you caught me cheating" I could hear the mockery in his voice, he hasn't changed, even one bit.

"Yeah, poor shame" I said and started walking away, he called me back and I paused.

"Oh c'mon, is this the way you treat your long lost ex, I missed you" he said and started laughing.

Grey was right, what did I see in him anyways??! So childish.

Someone walked up to him

"Who's the hot chick" the guy asked using his eyes to tear my body into pieces.

"My ex" he said casually.

"Damn, you dated her, fuck you're so lucky man, must have gotten enough of all this" he said licking his lips.


"Naa, she never even let me touch her, she was way holy" he mocked.

"You know sis, you shouldn't have this kind of body and deprive men like us of it. You should be a cheerful giver" the guy said talking to me.

"She thinks life is a fairytale" Jacob added laughing.

Then I noticed people were staring at me.


This was getting too much for me.

"Naa, and I'm sure since we broke up you're still single" he said mockingly and his friend laughed.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm willing to take you back" Jacob said.

Almost immediately, I felt two hands hold my waist from behind and pulled me into a hug.

I smirked looking at Jacob.

My baby is here..

"Hey baby" he whispered into my ear .

I turned around and put my hands around his neck.

"What took you so long" I said pouting.

"Long? I literally just spent 10 minutes in there because you said I should hurry up" he said smiling.

Then he pulled me into a kiss

God knows how much I loved what Grey was doing.

He smirked as he kissed me and pulled away, he looked behind me and saw Jacob.

"I see you already made a friend" he said referring to Jacob.

I turned around to face Jacob.

"Uhh..not really, this is jacked my ex, and Jacob this is Grey, my husband .. I placed emphasis on the husband part.

I saw Jacob's face grow into shock.

"Hu.. husband?" He choked out.

"Yeah, we've been married for a year and few months now" I said smirking.

"Oh this is the Jacob guy you were talking about?" Grey asked pretending not to know.

I nodded.

"Funny how he took a loan from our company a year ago and promised to pay back" Grey said mockingly.

"How much is it? " I asked.

"Just a small token of six hundred thousand dollar". Grey said with a shrug.

He was embarrassing Jacob, and he was doing it publicly.

"But I'm sure he'll be able to pay the debt, it's no biggie". Grey added staring at Jacob who couldn't even move his lips.

He had turned red from embarrassment.

"You done with your stuff ?" I asked Grey.

He nodded.

"Let's go home" I said and he put his hands around my waist and then started walking towards the elevator, and then when we reached,he said to Jacob loud and clear that everyone could hear:

" It was nice seeing you again Mr Jacob, do well to pay your debt, thank you" then the elevator closed behind us.

I threw my arms around Grey and pulled him for a kiss.

Best day everrrrrrrr.

"That was so mean" I said breaking from the kiss with our lips only few inches away from each other.

"Mean? Pretend like you didn't like what I did in there" he said wrapping his hands around my ass.

I blushed. " Wait, how come you knew that he was owing your company?" I asked.

"Actually I didn't know, Martins just told me when we left you. I actually planned on telling you later privately, but he was messing with my wife.

I had to kick his ego" he said proudly.

I stared at him for few seconds smiling.

"I'm so lucky to have someone like you" I whispered.

"Hey, I'm the lucky one here, remember?" He said and kissed me again.

I pulled away and brought out my Iphone.

"Okay so this might sound cringe and all but, can we take mirror pictures" I said pouting.

"Cringe?? I'm way more photogenic than you are" he said and took my phone from me and went straight to Snapchat.

"You use Snapchat? I thought that was for girls only?" I said giggling.

"There is no indication that says 'females only' so yes, I do" he said.

"You're the weirdest guy I've met" I said and he laughed.

We took some pictures, wait I'm exaggerating, we took a lot of pictures.

When we were done, we went downstairs and out of the building to where we parked our car.

When we got there, we saw Jacob standing beside the car Grey crashed and was talking to someone saying he was going to sue the person who did it.

It was his car? Good!.

Grey Walked over the him.

"Oh I'm sorry was it your car? That's not a problem, Martins get the briefcase" . Then Martins brought out a briefcase stacked with cash.

Grey picked a bundle and threw it on the car.

Shitt... that was baddd.

"There you go, that can cover for damages, and maybe you could use the remainant  and make your life useful or better or something" then , he pulled me into the car at the back seat and Martins got into the drivers seat.

Jacob stood there unable to say anything, he was in shock.

I blew him a kiss as we sped off.

"You guys were fucken mean" Martins said grinning.

"He deserved it, we should have done worse" Grey said and I smiled.

"Thanks for that, it really helped" I said and he kissed my cheek.

"Ewww, don't do that when I'm around" Martins said and we laughed.

"Uhh shoot, dude we have to be in New York tomorrow" Grey said checking his phone.

"Oh right, the leadership conference?" Martins asked.

"Yeah" Grey said not too excited

"Business meeting? " I asked.

"Not actually, I'm going to NYU , they are having their convocation ceremony and they invited me to come over and talk to them about life stuff and you know, how you can be a millionaire before thirty kinda stuff" he said.

" How long will you be away?"

"Like a week" he said.

I sighed, guess I'm gonna be home alone again.