
Black whiskey

"No one will ever love you, do you think you deserve love? no you don't..." "I love you, and I'm not ashamed to say it .." "The truth is... everyone deserves love..." love, that mystical force that binds bodies today... love, that sensational feeling...that language that everyone knows...well I don't think I deserve it...at least not ever... That was until I took a cup of this intoxicating black whiskey...Grey Hampton

CJ_Willy · Urban
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47 Chs


Bella's pov continues

I placed my hand on my head very confused.

"Okay, I don't understand, wasn't the person on the invite list?" I asked.

"Apparently, the person wasn't, how the person was able to hack into their computer and put in the person's name was a mystery... and then the abandoned car..the drowning... everything just collides.

The red haired guy was the distraction...he knew you were coming to the pool... probably got scared when Grey got angry, but right after that he disappeared" Martins explained.

"So how were they able to hack into your phone? how did they track it and all? I thought your phone was fucken secured.?"

"Whoever this person is, the person sure is very manipulative" Martins replied looking at his new phone.

"And from what this doctor Bruce is saying, it's a woman?" Suzie asked.

Grey nodded.

"Okay I'm so fucken confused, I mean I thought this ended years ago, what the hell is going on again.

I don't understand, I don't have enemies, I don't have competitors, I'm a very simple minded person, so what exactly does the person want from me, a woman? revenge, for what exactly?!!" I said upset.

Grey smirked a little an ran his hands slowly through his hair...he stood up and started walking towards me slowly.

"Look, I don't even care who or what the person wants or whatsoever...I don't. It was a nice game tho, honestly who could have thought someone would pull this kinda trick and it'll work on almost all of us?" he took a step closer to me and held my cheek.

"What I care about right now is that you're not my sister or whatever..."

"But Grey..." I said worried.

"shhh" he said smiling a little.

"Do you think I care about whoever this is? do you think I showed you this video because I want you to start rethinking about that shit that happened some years ago? fuck it baby I don't care about that...I don't care at all" he said rubbing my cheeks with him index finger and smiling.

Why is he so relaxed? why is he smiling? no why?!!

"Grey, some crazy motherfucker tried to kill me, killed my mother while trying to attack me, stalked me to my mother's grave, stole my pregnancy test result and now shows up after so many years and took time to manipulate and sabotage 32 DNA test result, hacked into Martins phone and you're telling me not to worry??!

The fuck Grey I'm going crazy right now...my mind is on fire"

He giggled, wait,is he drunk or something?!!

"Exactly, too many failed attempts, whatever this person wants, he's sure not gonna get it. Why are you worrying yourself, don't you get it? I'm not scared, I'm not bothered because there are too many failed attempts here, and they are never gonna work, ever...all I care about right now is that I've gotten my family back... whoever this person is, definitely we are going to find the person, that's for sure, but right now please don't ruin this moment... please..." he said pulling me into his arms.

"Uhhhh, I think we should Uhm, give you two some space, don't you think Martins?" Suzie said grinning.

"Of course, why not, please let's give the two of them some privacy" he said and they both left.

I returned my eyes back to Grey and he was staring at me, trying hard to hold a blush..

"You really thought I was your brother? seriously Baby?" he whispered softly.

I shrugged and looked at the floor.

"I don't know, I was just scared and confused and... and.. and..."

He placed his hands on the lips again.

"You blab alot these days" he said in that dim voice of his.

I stared at his eyes, those fucken eyes that shine brighter in the moon light.

"Look, I didn't for once think we're siblings, yeah me too I was scared, but the distance thingy? that was what was killing me, you know how much I hate it when you're away, and then not even talking to me, it was driving me crazy I swear...

Yeah I was also worried about how things were gonna be if the results turned out right, but no, it wasn't necessary to think about it, because I know who you are, you're my wife, my woman... fucken mine!!

And so yeah maybe if I have a sister somewhere in the world right now, it's not you... and it never will..."

I tightened my arms around him and pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm sorry," I said. " I'm sorry for ignoring you and all, I'm sorry for everyone...I was just scared Grey, so fucken scared, I had a lot in my head...I was too scared to loose you...I thought I was gonna break down again...I'm so sorry" I sobbed.

He kissed my forehead.

"It's okay baby, it's okay. I don't even care about that right now, what I'm interested in right now is you... being here with me right now, and yes I love you too" he said close to my ear.

"I love you too" I replied.