
Chapter 4

"My Mate?! I swear to the gods this better be some kind of sick joke.... "

I try to get up out of bed, but I can barely move my legs. It's as if they aren't mine.

"Sarina, please stay in bed, I'm serious. I will answer all of your questions, just please listen."

My mind composed itself and started piecing things together, but nothing made sense.

The elders refused to tell me much about mates, but it wasn't like this.

I knew you were supposed to feel comfort and love immediately around your mate, but around this king I feel unsettled.

As if the emotion I'm immediately reacting with is... forced.

His voice suddenly became serious, as if I didn't do as he said there would be actual consequences.

'It's not like I could get up if I wanted to' I thought.

"Like I said, you are my mate. That explains the hand holding part. You passed out because... um.... the mate bond!"

He didn't seem like he actually knew what he was going to say, but I let it slide.

"When the mate bond hit you and you saw me you passed out after being overwhelmed

You obviously know about me, my habits of recluse, my reputation, all of that.

What the public does NOT know, is that I am what is called a Lycan, as are you.

It's sort of like a Demi-god, but we are far more powerful, and we do not live controlled completely as the minions of the Gods. We instead live within our own kingdom, looked over and protected by the Gods, only when fully required.

You are one as well, but since your parents died when you were very young, your powers have laid dormant for many years.

Oh, also, though it is not mentioned in classic Greek Mythology, Lycans are part of it. We follow the Greek Gods, just like Christians follow Jesus, or Muslims follow Muhammad.

I realize this is a lot to take in, you've just learned your life has been completely different than what you have thought it was.

I will explain to you everything that I can, and if you have questions I will gladly answer all of them, but hopefully I will explain it well enough for your understanding.

Each Lycan has a parent God or Goddess from the great 12.

All Lycans that are born from the Great 3, Poseidon, Hades, or Zeus. Are killed off or employed, because they are extremely powerful, almost measuring up to their parent God, sometimes even exceeding.

I am the only exception ever made by the Gods, I am a child of Zeus, but I am also king of the Lycans. I have been alive for thousands of years, changing my appearance to suit that of the current time, aging and 'dying'.

Lycans cannot die unless they are killed by another Lycan, or one of the Gods.

Think about us like the vampires from Twilight, we're strong, we have our own little kingdom, and we seldom die.

Lastly, Lycans have mates, just like wolf-Bourne's do. That's what everybody thinks we are.

They feel each other's emotions, pain and pleasure alike. They have a certain connection to each other, causing them to become similar to one another over time. They can communicate without talking, and they are very very bonded.

That is what we are to each other, we are bound, at some point or another, to fall deeply in love with each other, and you will become my queen once your abilities are no longer dormant.

My only confusion is that you don't seem like a Wolf-bor- I mean Lycan. You seem human."

He moves closer to me on the bed, my normal apprehensiveness was intensified 100 times.

I felt two fingers touch my forehead, in the middle of my eyebrows, and start... rubbing?

"Don't be worried or afraid, this will not hurt you, I promise I will never do that"

'So, he was rubbing the crease from my eyebrows... how sweet', my dislike for him was slowly fading, but I couldn't help but worry that this was going to end up just as he had said.

'How could I be destined to a complete stranger? Especially one that I feel so uncomfortable around.'

My thoughts were interrupted when he touched his forehead to mine. He smelled of pine and leather, I couldn't help but realize that it was weird how I could distinguish his scent over others, but I decided to disregard it for the time being.

I felt his eyebrows furrow against my own. My worry turning into fear, I decided to speak.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me? Please a-answer!", my voice falters.

"Sarina, please calm dow-"


Alexander is pushed back by an invisible force, no not invisible... it was like a fog, but alive. A mesmerizing purple and black interwoven into a being.

It was then that I realized the source, it was... me?

How could I do that, I'm- I've never hurt anyone, I've never done anything like that.

I looked at Alexander with fear in my eyes, and his immediately softened.

"It's alright, I think I've awoken your powers... daughter of Hades."