
Black Technology

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials

peace01 · Sci-fi
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92 Chs

Did I kill the rebirth?

Time of Death: Federal May 3, 177.

China Region: Yuan Liao City.

A young man gradually raised his head from the table, as a bewildered expression mixed with a tinge of panic swept across his face. The unfamiliar environment surrounding him stretched out into the distance, offering no solace or recognition. The room, spacious yet adorned with scattered papers and gel pens strewn across a desk, seemed to accentuate the depths of his disorientation. It dawned on him with a sudden jolt—had he truly crossed over? Yes, the remnants of his memory reminded him of the harrowing car accident that had propelled him into this bewildering state.

A wave of dizziness threatened to engulf him, but he summoned the strength to steady himself momentarily and reached for a small mirror. As he scrutinized his reflection, he beheld a countenance that appeared youthful, perhaps around the age of sixteen or twenty-five, possessing a certain allure despite its pallid complexion. Yet, this visage was not his own, intensifying his distress.

Suppressing the mounting panic, Su Chen furrowed his brow and strained to recollect every fragment of memory associated with the unfamiliar person whose body he now inhabited.

A torrent of fragmented memories flooded his mind, each piece revealing a small glimpse of the person he had become—"Su Chen", a local resident who had returned from studying abroad and had begun working at a local state-owned enterprise.

Though these memories were disjointed and lacking in intricate details, Su Chen managed to piece together a semblance of understanding about this world he now found himself in. It became clear that nations were scarce, with humanity unified under a federal system. The technological and cultural advancements mirrored those of the 21st century Soviet Union, reminiscent of a time before his fateful crossing.

This morning had unfolded in a manner far from ordinary. Instead of attending work, Su Chen had resorted to borrowing money from a dubious loan shark. Then, in the afternoon, he callously severed ties with his girlfriend, dismissing her desires for a car and a designer bag during a phone conversation. In an inexplicable twist, he promptly contacted his ex-girlfriend, who resided in North America, and professed his love for her. And after all that, instead of returning home, he had rented a luxury car and hastened to the city center, seeking refuge within a presidential suite.

What kind of bewildering sequence of events had unfolded in this person's life?

The corners of Su Chen's mouth twitched involuntarily. He couldn't help but feel as though he had stepped into the shoes of a deranged individual. The sheer incongruity of this existence baffled him, leaving him struggling to comprehend how anyone could lead such a convoluted life.

It was then, as he lowered his gaze, that his eyes fell upon the writing scrawled on a piece of paper resting on the table.

[I've been reborn! Truly reborn!]

Su Chen's pupils contracted slightly as he gingerly picked up the paper, meticulously examining its contents.

The words were inscribed as if they were part of a memo or a checklist, yet their implications were utterly startling.

[1. Rebirth: Embrace Life's Bliss Before the Impending Catastrophe]

[2. Secure Essential Provisions to Safeguard Survival]

[3. Equip Yourself with Defensive items, Including Blades... Consider Acquiring Firearms]

[4. Seize the Opportunity to win at the May 4th Auction of the Far East Building, Ensuring Victory in Obtaining the Ring of Anovar]

[5. Three Days Later, Disaster Strikes, Unleashing Unimaginable Catastrophe and Perils this time, I must live! I must survive!]

As Su Chen delicately lifted the piece of paper, his eyes caught sight of an inconspicuous auction invitation letter placed beneath it. The black envelope beckoned to him, yet his mind remained void of any memories associated with it.

He pondered on how he had come to possess this invitation and what purpose it might serve, but the answers eluded him. His fragmented memories, even the most recent ones, held gaps and uncertainties, leaving him with an incomplete understanding of his current circumstances.

Nevertheless, there was still valuable information at hand.

It seemed that the actions undertaken by this world's Su Chen earlier that day were driven by the realization that he was a regressor—a being born anew from a future time, perhaps three days or even further ahead. In three days, unimaginable events were predicted to unfold, potentially marking the onset of an apocalypse or some cataclysmic event that would bring about the world's end. The contents of the list before him were precisely the preparations made by the rebirth who had preceded him.

Even through the medium of the paper, Su Chen could sense the palpable thrill and exhilaration emanating from the rebirth's words. It was as if the act of being reborn had ignited a fervor for life within him.

Reflecting on this revelation, Su Chen couldn't help but experience a peculiar sensation. He had seized the opportunity to be reborn by ending the life of another rebirth who had yet to find his footing, and now he found himself in the very same position he had once terminated. He had become the one who had taken up the mantle of rebirth, granting the fallen rebirth his final respite.

"You were reborn, but I usurped your place," Su Chen murmured to himself quietly.

Yet, he swiftly cast aside these ruminations and refocused his attention on the pressing matters at hand.

Though fortune had smiled upon him with a second chance at life, his circumstances remained far from favorable. A monumental disaster, an imminent threat, loomed over the horizon, and it was imperative for him to arm himself adequately.

Su Chen remained oblivious to the nature of this impending calamity and its manifestations, yet the limited information available to him conveyed its gravity.

In his previous life, Su Chen had been naught but an ordinary white-collar worker. He may have ventured slightly deeper into the realms of success, but at best, he was a semi-elite. How could he possibly navigate a catastrophe that necessitated the use of firearms?

Focusing intently, he endeavored to summon any remnants of his rebirth memories, only to find them vanishing alongside the rebirth he had eliminated. The sole thread he clung to lay within the piece of paper in his grasp—an instruction manual or, perhaps, the very legacy left behind by the rebirth whose life he had extinguished.

As a rebirth, his foremost priority was to secure a means of survival.

Su Chen's gaze then fell upon the six circled characters of the "Ring of Anova," a surge of determination coursed through his veins. It became apparent that this item held the key to his survival amidst the impending catastrophe. Attending the auction was now an undeniable imperative.

Drawing a deep breath, Su Chen, a pragmatic individual with a background in elite training, resolved to accept this new reality and brace himself for what lay ahead. Having tasted the bitter sting of death before, he had no desire to experience its clutches again.

Just as he contemplated his next move, the doorbell of his opulent presidential suite chimed, interrupting his thoughts. Frowning, he strode towards the door and inquired, "Who is it?"

A captivating female voice responded from the other side, "Sir, your dinner has arrived."

A tinge of disbelief washed over Su Chen. Did the previous occupant of this rebirth truly revel in such extravagant pleasures? Renting a presidential suite, engaging in the services of loan sharks, and now even ordering call girls for dinner?

Despite his reservations, hunger gnawed at his stomach, compelling him to open the door. Yet, to his surprise, there was no dining cart or food awaiting him. Instead, a seductively alluring woman stood before him, her attire teasingly slipping off her shoulders, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of fragrant skin.

Momentarily perplexed, Su Chen inquired, "Where is my dinner?"

The girl clung to the door, her gaze brimming with enticement, and purred, "I am your dinner, sir," her voice laced with flirtatious intent.

Realization dawned upon Su Chen.

This, too, was an indulgence pursued by the rebirth — a part of their "enjoy life" philosophy.

However, Su Chen had just arrived in this unfamiliar world, with an impending catastrophe looming on the horizon. Tomorrow, he had to partake in the auction, vying for the coveted Ring of Anova, which held potential significance. He held no interest in succumbing to the allure of call girls. Moreover, he needed to conserve his resources. Thus, he firmly closed the door and declared, "I have lost interest."

The call-girl outside the door stared at the closed barrier, her expression contorted with a mixture of bewilderment and confusion.

What had just transpired?

Hadn't he summoned her, only to abruptly change his mind?

With a sigh, she cast a final glance at the imposing door of the presidential suite, resigned to the whims of someone who could afford such luxury. Perhaps he had truly lost interest.

Meanwhile, Su Chen retraced his steps, heading back towards his bedroom. His intention was to delve into the depths of the online realm, seeking knowledge about the intricacies of this federal system and any clues pertaining to the impending catastrophe.