
Black Swordsman of the Fairy Tail

(I don't know how long I can keep this hiKayesi going, but the reason I wrote it in the first place was because I thought I had a very cool scene in my head. But since that scene takes place in Tenrojima, I'll probably get bored while writing a very long introduction. Of course you are looking here for the summary of the story. I will explain as much as I can) After Y is killed in his previous world by a man straight out of Wolfenstein, he is granted the right to respawn in a new world. This world is the world of Fiary tail and his birthplace is the village of Rosemary. Even knowing that the village will be looted, Mc starts to strive to become stronger with his childhood friend Erza Scarlet.

Ah_ren · Anime & Comics
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Wolfenstain Trucks-kun

God Pov:

This is our protagonist named X. I think he has a different name as a human, but I never looked it up out of curiosity. Anyway, he's lying on his couch, unaware that his ordinary life is about to take a strange and clichéd turn.

He came home after a long day at work and all he is waiting for is the next episode of his favorite TV show, an ordinary person. He doesn't know how ordinary his life is, but he wouldn't be so happy if he knew it was about to take a strange and painful turn.

As he was settling into his seat, the window in the living room opened with a terrifying crash that echoed off the glass. 

The moment the glass shattered to the floor, a gust of wind blew through the house and the candles lighting the room went out. Standing in the wreckage was Trucks-kun, a character who literally came out of the darkest corners of the internet, but my main character didn't know that.

x, "What the fuck is that?"

Trucks-kun was a muscular figure, dressed in a leather jacket, and a pair of sunglasses that could not have been cooler. The weapon he wielded was a literal weapon, equipped with both a chainsaw and a katana. X couldn't believe his eyes; he was about to be killed by a character who looked like something out of a corner of the absurd internet.

"Prepare to meet your creator," Trucks-kun announced in a voice that was both menacing and overly dramatic. He twirled his weapon to show off more, and sparks flew everywhere.

My main character was already unconscious as he was blown to pieces. Anyway, let's move on to the thoughts of this ordinary kid, talking to you, who is just as boring as this kid, doesn't feel much different.


X pov:

I am now in a black place after a maniac who looks like something out of a Wolfenstain game broke into my house.

Just thinking about the maniac in the leather jacket makes me very nervous. Because the look in his eyes that he is doing an ordinary job while killing me is completely out of character for a human being. It's like a machine.

While I was still thinking, a white light suddenly surrounded me. Immediately afterward I heard a voice.

The mysterious voice said, "After all, it's boring for him. He sent tens of thousands of mortals as boring as you here. It's standard fare for Trucks-kun."

X, "Wait a minute, that was Trucks-kun?"

"Trucks-kun is a truck, right?"

Mysterious Voice, "That's a story you people make up in your heads."

X, "Then why the hell is it called Trucks-kun? What idiot came up with that name?"

Mysterious Voice, "Anyway, ordinary human, I chose you to be reincarnated, spin the wheel and get out of here. "

X, "Wait a minute, who are you to reincarnate me?"

"And since you chose me, at least tell me my name."

Mysterious Voice, "Stupid human, you ask too many questions, should I change you?"

The voice around me suddenly became very thoughtful, as if it was going to throw me away and take someone else.

I only momentarily felt myself shaking and that was the last thing I felt.


Y pov:

After being killed by a maniac in a leather jacket, I found myself in front of a light that declared itself a god.

I've read a lot of fan fiction but I never thought this would be so boring.

In addition, this god even spun the wheel that I normally think I should be spinning to get me out of here as soon as possible.

Y, "Guts?"

"Berserk, right, a guy who can take down monsters just by being human. Although he was extremely cool, his fate was just as bad. The end of the Golden Age Arc is said to be even worse, but I haven't read those parts yet. I wish I had."

God, "Mortal, I now turn the wheel for the world you're going to."

I wonder how this stupid god would feel if he saw that he really looked like he was hosting a game show right now.

The spinning wheel began to slow down and finally stopped on the name Fairy Tail.

Y, "A beautiful world for my empowerment."

"I think I can find some magic that suits me."

God, "Human, I can give you an extra power, but it will come with a side effect, do you agree?" 

Y, "Will I choose this power myself?"

God, "No, it'll be random, but it won't be something you'll regret."

"It won't be something like being raped to get stronger."

After thinking for a while, I decided to accept. After the word yes came out of my mouth, I lost consciousness and fainted.

God said, "It's easy to fool stupid people because of their taste for power."

"How should I play with this toy?"

"Who was the main villain in Berserk?"

"Hehe Griffth, right? Let's see how fun this story will be. "


Guts Pov

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a completely different world. The landscape around me, the streets, the buildings and the people were unfamiliar. 

I thought, "Am I still alive?" I quickly looked around and saw that my body didn't have any scars, but there was something strange.

I am actually in a child's body. The 25-year-old me is actually in the body of a child. What a strange feeling. Small hands, small feet, but the strange thing was that it was really strong for a child's body. It's like it's been practicing for years.

Whatever. I find it extremely interesting that I even have the memories of the child in this state. It's like another person is living in my head. Even though I say child, the body I'm in actually belongs to a teenager. This 11-year-old boy's name is Guts. He doesn't have a last name. He was orphaned and now lived in a village called Rosemary.

Before he died, of course, he was trying to swing a sword the size of his own height, and I can guess the rest, but his memories are only of blood and muffled cries. Most likely the sword somehow cut one of the main arteries. 

Guts, who lived here, was not a very sociable person, but he was considered good by many people because of his use of a huge sword and the animals he hunted on his own and brought to the village.

He was not good at playing with children, but most children liked him. Because he was extremely cool. A giant sword is definitely a good item to be popular with kids. But of course he would have been more injured if he hadn't died because of this item.

I saw a couple of important names in Guts' past, Erza, since Scarlet hadn't gotten her soy yet, and the Simon and Kagura brothers who came to get meat when I brought prey. He already knew these three characters from the main series.

Simon and Kagura weren't really close, but Erza and Simon and Kagura were close because they were in the same orphanage. They had been together since they were kids. 

Guts said, "Lucky bastard. He was childhood friends with a human who was the Waifus of hundreds of people. Wait a minute, did I just call myself a bastard or Guts?"

"Whatever, enough with the monologue, I think I should finish this hunt and get back to the village as soon as possible."


Third Person POV:

Guts looked around at the animal carcasses. This was enough meat for the orphanage for a few days. But if he gave it to the people in the village, he would only have enough for one meal. So he had to hunt at least 2 deer and a few more rabbits. 

Being young, Guts did not know much about hunting. What he did was to see the prey and run at it. This method was both unnecessarily tiring and provided little meat. So setting a trap and raising an animal to help him hunt was the best way for Guts now.

A few hours later, Guts had hunted two more deer but had found no rabbits. After loading them into his cart, he started to pull the cart that would normally be pulled by a horse.

Guts said, "I really need an animal and trapping equipment to help me. Otherwise I'm not likely to find enough meat for the people in the village."

While most people would think that running and hunting like this would be a workout for Guts, the human body doesn't really work that way. Continuing to do the same thing doesn't lead to muscle growth, it reduces the proportion of red muscle in the body and creates white muscle structures. 

Although for a normal swordsman this might be seen as a positive. For Guts, who wanted to use a gigantic sword, it was a negative for now. Because for now, Guts had the minimum amount of muscle needed to wield the sword.

  It is easier to explain this as follows. For example, let's take the sword called Greatsword in Elden Ring. You can give this sword to your level 1 character to use. But the character will be killed without swinging the sword in this way. Because your character did not meet the minimum level, power and dexterity values of the sword.

(If you don't know Elden ring, I have a question for you "When did you come out of the cave?". We are talking about a game that was selected as the game of the year in 2022. Anyway, if you don't know Elden Ring at all, I recommend it. But if I find the motivation to keep writing the story, I'll probably use the War Ashes from Elden Ring as a skill tree for Guts. I'll probably put links to the moves so I can keep writing just by saying the name of the move. I don't need to give a weird description).

In this example, Guts is currently taking a step back on stamina and focusing more on pressing with strength. It's a more harmful plan in the long run, but it risks a raid on the village that he doesn't know when. So even if it is harmful, it is the best plan or the best plan our MC can think of.


As Guts continued to pull the cart, he slowly approached the village. He could hear the village in the distance. The laughter of laughing children and the high decibel voices of old people added to the vibrancy of the village.

It was a more colorful village than he had ever seen in his old world. It was as if a tiktok filter had been put on it. 

As he got closer to the village, people standing on the street in the village also noticed him

Child 1, "Brother Guts has brought food, run!!"

Child 2, "Yay, we're going to eat meat today. Hehe!!"

The villagers were not far from this scene. In the end, they were also getting the meat that Guts had brought. But unlike the orphans who ate for free, they gave Guts a small amount of money to make a profit. 

Before he died, Guts spent most of this money on the orphanage. The remaining small amount was saved to buy himself a better sword later on. The money he saved was enough to buy a normal sword. It was not enough for a "Dragon Slayer" sized sword.

In the Berserk manga, he didn't read where Guts got the Dragon Slayer. But he saw Dragon Slayer in the first arc. Then he looked into Dragon Slayer's past in a few fandoms. 

For those who don't know, when Godot the Blacksmith was young, he lived in a castle town, far from the cottage he would one day call home. When a king, the ruler of the castle town, sent a proclamation to all his vassals to forge a sword that could slay a dragon, Godot's lord entrusted him with the task of making it. Tired of making flashy weapons for nobles who sought elegance in their weapons, Godot took the job seriously and created the gigantic but unusable Dragon Slayer. Enraged at how crude and impractical the Dragon Slayer was, Godot's lord threatened the blacksmith's life, forcing Godot to flee the fortress town and settle in his mine.

This was the backstory of Dragon Slayer in the world of Berserk.

As Guts continued to sell meat, he did not notice a red head approaching him. The red head first approached him from behind and then jumped on him laughing.

The red head said, "Hey Guts, ergün, don't you get tired doing all this hunting?"

"Why don't you take a day off and play at the orphanage?"

Guts continued to sell meat, ignoring the boy jumping on his back, but he answered anyway.

"It's boring, but this meat and the money I make from it keeps the kids at the orphanage smiling," Guts said.

"Do you think those kids will still be happy if I stop?"

Erza's voice trailed off after that question. She knew that no matter what she said, it wouldn't change Guts' serious mind in the slightest.

Erza, "Booouuuuuh why are you being so serious?"

"I just wanted to joke around."

Erza had been with Guts since he was a baby. He understood and approved of Guts' ideas.

If Guts was working in the forest to get meat, Erza was working at the orphanage. But if there was one thing they had in common, it was that they were both training to be stronger at the end of the day.

Guts had finished selling meat while Erza was doing his monologue. 

Guts said, "Let's go to the orphanage, we're done here."

Erza, "You never take me seriously, do you."

Guts didn't bother to answer Erza. 

Guts was now thinking about how he should relate to Erza.The personalities of Guts before he was reincarnated and the reincarnated Y were not very different from each other. 

In his previous life, Y lived what could be called a standard life. But he wasn't as communicative as social people, and most of the time he stayed at home reading manga or fanfic. 

So he was what most people would call a nerd. But it wasn't because he was a wimp, it was because he was too serious. People would give in when talking to him, so they would stop talking and stay away from him.

Y didn't really care about that. He had no intention of being friends with people who were afraid of him.

Guts in the fairy tail world was just like that.

But Guts was different from Y. Guts was born in a medieval world where he couldn't stay at home and be an asocial. That's why the world forced him to socialize.

All things considered, Guts was the perfect character for Y. He didn't even need to act.

But when it came to dealing with people, things got complicated. The previous Guts thought he and Erza were like sister. But to the reincarnated Guts, Erza was one of his super beautiful waifus. It was hard to see him as a sister. 

For now, he would continue to treat her like close friends. But it didn't seem possible to go on like this.

As these thoughts swirled in Guts' head, they arrived at the orphanage.


Honestly, even I think the chapter I wrote is too confusing, so don't be too angry. If this book gets some love, I will try to write more chapters.

This is not the first book I've written but I'm starting to think that there is no difference in my writing level.

I started the story on a whim, but I didn't even plan where it should go.

Please don't expect an active update. But if you are curious, you can check out my other book. Even if it's bad, maybe you will come up with a story that will inspire you and I will read it with pleasure.

Anyway, have a good day.

Honestly, even I think the chapter I wrote is too confusing, so don't be too angry. If this book gets some love, I will try to write more chapters.

This is not the first book I've written but I'm starting to think that there is no difference in my writing level.

I started the story on a whim, but I didn't even plan where it should go.

Please don't expect an active update. But if you are curious, you can check out my other book. Even if it's bad, maybe you will come up with a story that will inspire you and I will read it with pleasure.

Anyway, have a good day.

Ah_rencreators' thoughts