
Black Section

The worst section of all. No one wants to teach them. Everybody's afraid of them. All they have is each other. Black Section. A special section for special students. A lot of mysteries unsolved. Secrets that were kept hidden. Question were left unanswered. All I know is I have a mission to accomplish. A person I must find. The day I transferred, I didn't know I'll be the key. The key to unfold the truth. [written in english ??]

Devilish_Oreo · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Lunox's Point of View

I skipped class. I just don't feel like attending class yet. Maybe in the afternoon?

I'm under a tree. This school is really big. They have everything, even this park. I'm the only one here because the classes already started. They're all goody-two-shoes huh?

Maybe a nap will do, just an hour.

3 hours later...

What's this soft thing under my head? It feels very comfortable all of a sudden. "From the looks of it, you're awake." I opened my eyes. A man reading a book. I'm lying on his lap. Did he? "Who are you?" I asked.

"Aren't you going to stand up first?" He glanced at me then continued reading his book.

"Why would I? I'm comfortable this way." He closed his book. He suddenly stands up. "Aw! You should have informed me!" I exclaimed while rubbing my head.

"You should attend your class. I'm going now." I just looked at his back while walking away from me. "What's your name?" I shouted.


● ● ●

It hasn't been a while since I had a good nap. That was one of my best naps so far. What's the time already? I think I overslept a little.

1:00 p.m.

Oh shoot! It's already this late? I haven't eaten my lunch or even attended at least one subject.

5 missed calls

1 message

Uh oh. I forgot. My brother was supposed to give me my bag at exactly twelve o'clock. I checked my messages. It's from my big bro.

From: Bro

Here I am trying to be a good brother. I just left your bag at the guard house, you witch.

I smiled. You really do love me, big bro! "Uhm hi! You're a new face here. A transfer student?" I put my attention to the one who just talked. A girl with a pigtail, typical smart student. I bet she's also a grade conscious.

"Yeah." I answered. I was about to leave when she holds my wrist. "You shouldn't leave when someone's talking to you." She said as she holds me tighter. I looked at her hand holding my wrists. "You're hurting me." I bluntly said. She let go.

"Is this how you treat transfer students? Interesting." I leaned forward to her and whispered, "too bad. It's me." Seeing her annoyed face, I decided to leave.

"You got guts." A girl leaning on a wall. She's not an ordinary one.

"Thank you." I smiled sweetly. It's a compliment.

"Want me to tour you around?"

"No need. I already memorized the structure of the school."

"Oho. You're an odd one."

"So are you."

"I like you." So do I...

I offered my hand. "Lunox. Let's be friends. The feeling's mutual, I also like you." She accepts it. "Selena here." And we shake each other's hand.

"I'm going to get my bag to the guard house first. I have this habit of forgetting important things." I said. "But you don't look like it." She said and we both laughed.

"I like how you handle that good-for-nothing elite student." She said. "I just hate her guts that's all. Is she the daughter of some reach families?"

"Most likely, daughter of good-for-nothing." I pulled some strands of her hair making her ache in pain. "Why did you that?" She exclaimed then pouted. "Let's not talk about her for a while." I said then gaze at someone.

"Alright! If that's what you want." Selena said then went near me and hugs my arm.

Selena is right. The student from before. She really is a good-for-nothing but, there's something about her. Better if I should watch her more.