
Chapter 4: Future Wife

Javier is in the middle of a meeting when his phone rang. He saw the caller ID and immediately

picked his phone. He raised his hand and the conference room became quiet.

"Javier, she's awake." His dark expression brightened after the short call.

"Meeting adjourned. Continue the presentation tomorrow". He said and left in hurry. After he walk out the door, the person presenting fell on the floor. He was trembling in nervousness. He was very

nervous seeing that his face turned darker and darker.

"What do you think happened?" One of the staffs asked the person sitting beside her.

"You should mind your mouth, if the boss hears you, he would not hesitate to fire you for not minding your own business". She snapped her.

"Hmmp! Why do you think boss asked us to present out presentation s today, I'm not ready."

"Just tell me that you didn't finish your presentation".

"But even so, who do you think called? Did you see boss' face?"

"Yup. Maybe it's a good news".

"What good news, you think God will allow good news to a devil?" a man sitting across the table retorted with a sullen face. Their boss just tossed his presentation papers even before presenting a

moment ago.

"Don't talk to the boss like that. Our boss is kind but maybe you are not just aware of it. He helped you in your child's surgery right?", an angelic voice can be heard in the whole conference room.

Andy, the personal secretary of Javier, tried make her voice louder for all of the them to hear. How dare them badmouth their boss in front of her.

" Yeah, yeah! Comes from the mouth our boss' future wife", the conference room started to

tease her.

"Andy, why don't you talk to him and move our presentation the day after tomorrow. Besides,

he just listen to you", one of them said. Most of them nodded in agreement. They knew that their boss

never said no to Andy's request.

Andy's heart filled with hope. She's been working at The Mcfields for almost 5 years and been

Javier's personal secretary for 2 years. As a daughter of one of the shareholder of the company, she could have a job higher than her current but she refused. She chose to be a secretary to stand by his side. Maybe he'll notice her by then.

" Mm. I'll talk to him. But don't don't put all your hopes on it. He might not agree." She said as she walk out the door. She, too is curious about what happened and she needed to call Marga for information.