
Black Or White

People are born as white sheet, later the world will leave some colour to it. Black or White? Salvation or Destruction?

Haruyuki1 · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Negotiation (2)

Kent slowly sips his tea and reach for a biscuit and dip it the tea. His face shows satisfaction when he is eating the biscuit. Kyle is holding his anger seeing how Kent ignoring him. He turns his head to see Damien but he sees Damien is eating strawberry shortcake like nothing happen and leaving him watching those two. He is not being offered with tea less getting any biscuit or cake.

The Maroon family sure is cocky for treating him like this. This is the first time for him having a discussion with the Maroon family. When he listens to others how unreasonable this ancient family is he just laugh at them. Now he knows how stupid he was before. Gritting his teeth he asks Kent once again.

"What did you want?" said Kyle.

Putting down his cup of tea "I don't want any of my family to be involved with that monster directly or indirect."

"That will be handled," said Kyle.

"Then, I want Mikayla to know everything about that monster and your plan," said Kent.

"Impossible!" said Kyle.

"If Mikayla still follows you after he knows what happens then I will not interfere," said Kent as he added his sentence "Scared, to tell the truth?"

"Kent Maroon you are overstepping your boundary," said Kyle.

"When my sister died and you shield the murderer aren't you also overstepping your boundary?" said Kent.

"It is all for the sake of research and your sister died for a noble cause," said Kyle.

"Then what about Nelson and his family? Are they also for your so-called noble cause? Not even sparring an unborn child," said Kent.

"We are discussing Mikayla not that criminals. Nelson is a traitor and causes the loss of many lives as his wife she is fallen. They don't deserve to live," said Kyle

"Hahahahahaha, great reasoning, well see whether Mikayla will follow you or not!" said Kent. "Joey! go get Mikayla, our guest want to tell some truth to him."

As Joey leaves the room and leaving the three of them, the room becomes silent and everyone is in great tension. Kyle did not dare to lower his guard. He is in the enemy territory any mistake he will lose his life here. He is able to detect a strong pressure pointing towards him like being targeted by a sniper.

Joey brings Mikayla to the room.

"Kyle it's you!" said Mikayla and he is running towards Kyle.

Showing a beautiful and sincere smile "Mikayla, how are you?" said Kyle.

"Great, Kent and his family are nice to me," said Mikayla as he hugs Kyle. Damien and Kent are surprised to see how quick Kyle change and how nice he is towards Mikayla. Seeing how happy Mikayla with Kyle they have a bad premonition.

"Mikayla, Kyle is here to bring you with him but before going with him he wants to tell something to you," said Kent.

"Tell me something?" ask Mikayla.

"Mmm, yes I'm going to bring you with me," said Kyle and a portal appear under his leg and teleport from that place. Kent and Damien startle but unable to prevent the teleportation. Kyle disappears from their sight bringing Mikayla with him.

The twin sense that Mikayla is missing from the castle and start crying. The castle is in chaos, magicians are being called to detect Mikayla and Kyle. It is going to be difficult because Kyle uses teleportation magic, not transportation magic. Transportation magic must be conducted in certain range but teleportation magic is based on the caster magic, the higher magic capacity the caster has then the longer they will be teleported. Transportation magic need portal connected to the other side but teleportation magic they can just appear anywhere they want.

Kent is frustrated, he has underestimated Kyle and thought he will be scared to do anything since this is the Maroon family territory. His face is grim and this scares all his subordinate. They know their master is mad right now.

"Search for them! Use every ways and connection to find them," said Kent.

Kyle teleport to Joshua office and appear inside the office. Joshua and Jack waiting for them. Mikayla is dizzy because of the teleportation and cannot determine what happened.

"Welcome Mikayla," said Joshua. Mikayla turns around and see Joshua and his head is screaming "DANGER!!! RUN!!! RUN!!!" and immediately hides behind Kyle. Seeing this Joshua smile faded a little.

"Don't afraid Mikayla, Mr Joshua is a Knight. That night when you were taken by Kent, Joshua only doing his job taking down criminals."

"He killed my father," said Mikayla "kill Mr Nelson and Teacher Rachel." His head is getting hurt and the screaming in his head is getting stronger. "He also wants to kill me that night" Mikayla is trembling from the pain he felt from the screaming but Kyle assumes he is scared. Kyle kneels down and holds Mikayla's shoulder.

"Mikayla, Joshua is just doing his job. Your father, he is doing something wrong so did Mr Nelson and Teacher Rachel," said Kyle.

"That is why we are going to bring you to someplace so you can understand what happens," said Jack.

"Yes, that is true," said Joshua with a big smile on his face. Mikayla would be stupid if he did not notice how abnormal this situation. They are plotting something and they need him.

"No! you Kyle and Jack, are with him! How stupid of me to trust you." as he points his finger towards Joshua. Mikayla tries to run and when he opened the door there is a row of Knight outside and get caught immediately.

Joshua taps the wall three times and the door slide open revealing the hidden room. The transportation portal has already prepared. Jack, Joshua and Kyle enter the magic formation and one of the Knight is holding Mikayla and push him towards Joshua. Joshua holds tight Mikayla's hand until blue handprint can be seen on Mikayla's wrist. The formation sends them to the mountain and Joshua lead them to a big tree. After throwing the badge on a tree branch a door open underneath the tree and they pass through the door. The door then sends them into a building where they meet the doorkeeper.

"Good morning everyone. Who is this?" said the doorkeeper.

"Mikayla Bell," said Joshua as they walk past the doorkeeper and goes straight to the laboratory. Professor Shane already waiting for them and there is a big table in the middle of the laboratory. Mikayla has a goosebumps and thought (This is not good. I need to run away from here.) Mikayla unable to get his hand free from Joshua and been placed on the big table.

"What are you doing? Let me go! Kyle!" shouts Mikayla.

"Don't be scared," said Kyle "it is going to be over after this." Jack is helping Professor Shane to bound Mikayla hand at the table.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Mikayla shouts at the top of his lung. He tries to free his hand and leg but they are bound with metal chain. Joshua stands beside Mikayla and caresses his cheek and his eyes are tender when looking at Mikayla.

"Don't worry, if we succeed in taking the heritage then Maria will be able to revive. I will let her see you, inherited Samuel's heritage means that you inherited Maria's power. You are her son or probably her grandson," said Joshua with a psychotic smile on his face.

Seeing that smile did not calm Mikayla at all. The screaming in his head did not stop since he saw Joshua. This person is very very dangerous. Who is the hell Maria is? Somebody! Help Me!

"Let's the cleansing begin. You three get out from this lab. Let us handle the rest," said Professor Shane. He showed a beautiful smile when seeing Mikayla. The cleansing process begins and Mikayla now screams because of the pain. He feels like his body is being sliced one by one using a knife and he faints a few times during the process.

Professor Shane did not show any mercy to him and continue the process non-stop for three days. The three months process is being short to three days and Mikayla swear that even death would not necessarily erase the pain that he has been through.

Professor Shane frown, the cleansing process should be done by now but he can't separate the heritage from Mikayla.

"Professor based on our analysis the heritage is already integrated with Mikayla so that is why we unable to take the heritage," said Assistant 1.

"If it already integrates the cleansing process is no use. Dumb! all of you, why didn't anyone notices this," said Professor Shane. He goes to see the director and suggest that they kill Mikayla to obtain the heritage.

Director May listen to Professor Shane suggestion of killing Mikayla attentively.

"Professor Shane, if it is about Maria, your brain just went offline. The cleansing is not that useless, it at least able to purify that boy magic power. If you kill him are you sure he will able to produce heritage? Heritage is a magic to be inherited to their descendant. He is just a boy I don't believe he able to produce heritage." said Director May.

"Then what should we do?" said Professor Shane. Director May sigh thinking that how could a world-renowned scientist like him become so confused like a child.