
Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

A young man, transported to another world, where after thousands of years of slumber, magic is budding once more. With the beginning of a new magic era, new wonders are there for him to discover. New magic, mixed with old, and with his own personal touch, it is growing stronger by the day. Ancient remnants and new battlefields, old races, and magic beasts, this world has it all! The thirst for knowledge and power is driving him forward to rediscover the wonders of magic! -------------- The story will continue for a long time, slowly revealing the wide world. P.S. I have no plan and no guide for this story, I'm making it up as I go along, so I am just as clueless as you are, just a few chapters in advance!

GoldenShadow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
390 Chs

Ruling Elite

Gerald was running low on Essence Cores and had to replenish his reserves. However, he already noticed a small problem with his way of increasing his strength.

The Essence Cores increased his power output, but not his durability. It was like putting the engine of the strongest race car into some cheap pile of trash. No matter how powerful the engine was, if everything else wasn't upgraded, would it even matter?

What if the clutch wasn't strong enough for the job? It would break or even explode into pieces. What if the transmission wasn't able to hold the extra torque? It would bend/break. What if the car tires weren't good enough for the higher speed and you lost grip on the road? There could be a disastrous accident!

Or imagine putting a powerful fighter jet engine on a small plane for two people? Not a good idea...

It was the same with the Essence Cores.

They gave you a massive power boost, but the building materials that came from meat were destroyed in the process.

Without the materials to upgrade the cells of his body, Gerald was becoming a ticking time bomb! He already couldn't use all his strength without Iron Body active at the same time. If he tried to do so, he would break his bones, tear his muscles, and cripple himself in no time at all!

He realized that, so he decided to hunt a few powerful beings and eat them as they were. He would extract Essence from weaklings only.

Still, that didn't mean he was desperate to change things. The weather was nice and warm and the forest was going through a growth spurt at the beginning of summer. It was all bright green and new plants were stretching their bright leaves towards the sun, it was too nice to just rush along.

Gerald took it slow and landed on the forest floor, walking along a dirt path and absorbing the smells and sound of the wild. It was calm and peaceful.


A high-pitched laugh suddenly disrupted this tranquil forest and it made Gerald frown. He exhaled deeply through his nose and his shoulders lowered.

"I can never have a moment to myself, huh?" He turned towards the source of the sound, but it was too far for him to see what was going on. The screams and laughter were becoming more numerous and excited, all while being extremely uncomfortable to listen to.

A metallic spear materialized in Gerald's hand and he marched forward with an irritated expression on his face.

A few small, hairy humanoids were bunching around a fresh carcass of a wild animal and tearing pieces of its bloody flesh with greedy and gluttonous looks.

Goblins, a whole bunch of them. More of their own were running from afar, being attracted by the smell of food. There were even some Hobgoblins among them and they formed a clear hierarchy in feeding turn.

As soon as they came close, the Goblins feasting on the animal moved aside, although unwillingly, and let the bigger Hobgoblins have a taste. As they feasted on the nutritious organs and drank the blood, the sound of dry branches breaking broke the peace.

The sound was coming closer, slowly and steadily, advancing through the bushes and the undergrowth of the forest. Eventually, a two-meter-tall figure dressed in black stepped into the light, with a massive metal spear in his right hand.


Amid mad laughter, a nearby Goblin immediately attacked enthusiastically with a heavy branch in its small child-like palm. Though, the claws on its hands and feet, as well as the dense fur and horrific-looking face clearly showed it was not a human.


Without paying the beast any attention whatsoever, Gerald struck out with his silver hand and swiped at the Goblin. His metal fingers acted like claws and tore its throat apart like it was made of jello. Blood gushed out of the wound like a fountain and the beast collapsed amid gurgling sounds.

Gerald's eyes didn't even tremble for a second to look at his dying enemy, instead, they stared into the distance, like the eyes of a hawk, fixed on his prey.

He was unconcerned for the hundreds of little monsters that soon encircled him cautiously, full of rage and hunger, ready to pounce at him at any moment. And almost as if feeling his provoking gaze, an Orc Elite came out of the woods and stared back at Gerald with its small red eyes.

The monster was two and a half meters tall, clad in full plate and chainmail armor, with a sword in its hand that looked more like a meat cleaver than a weapon of war. The armor shook as it slowly walked forward, Goblins and Hobgoblins moving out of its way while it did so.

The Orc stopped around five meters away from Gerald and made a snorting sound after which it grinned, showing its white fangs, "A prey… A strong one!"

Gerald's stone-cold expression changed slightly as he frowned, "Prey? You sure are brave, beast!"

His eyes displayed a tinge of madness as he pointed at the orc Elite and shouted in a commanding tone, "Where is your base, beast?! Tell me and I promise to end your suffering!"

The Orc was stunned for a second, but then it burst into mad laughter, "Gahaha! A brave prey, this one! But Tak-Rai does not answer to inferior beings!" It then lifted that massive-looking meat cleaver and pointed it at Gerald.



Immediately after the order was given, all Goblins and Hobgoblins rushed forward at once with weapons in hand. They had all sorts of sharp objects: Stones, sticks, rusty or broken swords, knives, farming sickles, as well as metal picks, axes, and rakes…

Gerald took a deep breath and his top clothing disappeared, revealing his bare upper body. Mana surged through him and empowered every single cell of his being as he readied his hand, turning it into a deadly weapon as well as a shield.


The first weapon struck his skin, this one coming from the back. It was aimed at his lower spine, but luckily it had no effect and he remained unharmed.

Gerald spun around and swung the Toothpick horizontally, but because the Goblin was quite small compared to himself, instead of completely decapitating him, the Toothpick only took away the top half of the little monster's head. It fell on the ground spasming like mad, but Gerald paid it no attention – he had no time to waste.

The wave of hairy monsters attacked him all at once among high-pitched screams and shrieks.

He waved his hand and activated the Thorns spell. The ground cracked and vine-like stone snakes slithered out, full of sharp thorns and spikes. The assault was instantly halted in its tracks as the Goblins in the front were brutally impaled on the rocks.

Black Onyx Gerald = BOG

BOG in my language means GOD

It's confirmed: Gerald is a God!

GoldenShadowcreators' thoughts