
Arrow Arron

As the group of young warriors made their way through the forest, they noticed a big problem.

There was a distinct lack of any sounds. No birds chirping, no small critters running on the forest floor, and even the wind died down, giving the place an eerie vibe.

What they lacked in sound, however, was replaced by strong smells. The smell of rot and decay, the smell of death all around them.

They came across many patches of old, dried-up blood, and white broken bones, rotting remains of what once used to be wildlife… Even small plants weren't spared.

Anything that could be eaten was devoured, and what couldn't be, was destroyed.

When the hordes of monsters were spread out across the entire Kingdom, the damage they would do was minuscule in comparison to the world around them. However, now that they were all gathered in one place, the destruction became absolute.

And the group was now entering their territory, like thieves in the night. They advanced quickly but remained vigilant at the same time.


One of the scouting birds released a warning sound.

"It's coming from the left!" Ron announced immediately after.

Soon they heard a rustling of old leaves coming from that direction and everyone opened their eyes wide and focused on that particular spot in the distance.

A big withered bush shook and rustled as a creature slowly made its way through it. It was dark and bloody and with a face akin to an ugly monkey.

"Oh, it's just a Goblin…"

"Haha, leave it to me!"

A guy took hold of his bow and nocked an arrow on the string before pulling it back with all his strength. The sharp edge of the broad arrowhead reflected a ray of sunlight for an instant before it disappeared from view.


The string was released and made a sharp sound as it returned to the neutral position. The arrow flew straight and true, however, it just so happened that the Goblin stood up straight at that moment, and instead of getting decapitated, the arrow pierced his stomach.

The immense force behind the strike was such that it cut through both flesh and bone, exploding the beast's spine into a thousand pieces.


The Goblin released an ear-splitting screech as it collapsed on the ground in the pool of its own blood.

"Shit!" Arron cursed and quickly took his own bow and shot the little monster in the head. With a relatively quiet 'pop' the head exploded and the noise stopped.

"Are you crazy?!" he hissed in a whisper at the guy that shot his bow first. It was a young man that belonged to Ron's group. "We need to be quiet! If you can't kill him in one shot, then don't shoot!"

"I…" The mand tried to retort but seeing the angry gaze from Arron Aust, he swallowed his pride, "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Come on, buddy!" Ron smiled and rode closer on his boar, "Don't be so harsh of him, it was just a little mistake!"

"That could cost us our mission!" Arron added, still angry. "We can only pray nobody heard it…"


The bird called out once more.

"Oh, someone is coming from the front…" Ron pointed forward, "Let's leave this for later and take care of this little problem first."



"What now?!" Tabris shouted, realizing their stealthy mission was over. Hearing so many warnings, he suddenly felt trouble coming their way.

"Uh, um… Well…" Ron stammered and then smiled awkwardly, "We got company on the right too…"





"Ron?! What's happening?!"

Arron pulled on the reins of his Warhorse and gestured his group to spread out and be alert. He abandoned his bow, gripped his lance even harder, and took a shield from his back.

"Uff, how should I say this…"

"Spit it out!"

"Okay, well, uh… We are surround-"


An explosion in the sky coming out of nowhere shook them to their core. A bright flame engulfed one of Ron's birds as it plummeted from the sky and broke on impact. The fire quickly extinguished without the support of additional Mana, leaving a mangled and burned carcass behind.

Not far away, many tall figures came into view. It was Orcs. Orcs as far as the eye could see.

They slowly spread out and surrounded the group of brave young warriors while grinning and licking their lips.

Many on the human side released audible gulps, dearly regretting volunteering for the mission. They were still young, most of them not even reaching Rank Iron 5, going against Orcs!

And not just any Orcs, those were the true masters of brutal combat, Orc Warriors! Any one of those could tear them to pieces empty-handed!

And there were at least fifty of them!

If that was all there might still be some hope, but soon two Shamans showed their faces, with a hungry Orge walking right behind them.

The battle was lost before it has even started.

A few youngest ones had to use all their strength just to remain standing upright. A stench slowly spread among the group as one of them finally cracked and broke down crying. His nerves fried from fear and evacuated his bowels…

It was bad.

"Haha, yeah…" Tabbris snickered and took out his Hurricane Blade straight away. "We are fucking screwed…"


GoldenShadowcreators' thoughts