
Black N White

Black ⚫ N White ⚪

Chapter 4

🔸🔸🔸Philo 🔸🔸🔸

It's three days ago that I released my 7th album and everyone has gone Gaga. I walked to the school in my usual attractive manner. I'm a final year student of of Music in an England university. I made money in my Music, and I'm very popular. Like, very popular.

🗣️O yo! Phibahd is here !

🗣️Hey beauty..

🗣️Philbahd your the best damn it!

🗣️Your release made me love my life

They made crazy remarks about me and I in turn added more of my tactics. I smiled and made my usual crazy pose stretching out my full chest and my long white legs. An uproar followed. I saw a guy drool. I smirked and look around at the students who were going wild. Well, except one. He was Soo unconcerned and made me look like I wasn't important. I frowned instantly. Who see Philo and refused to react? He was on his phone and would constantly look around. I'm not satisfied with the students alone. I need all of them to react to my actions and appearance. Damn it.

🔸🔸🔸 Taslim 🔸🔸🔸

I'm currently in the faculty of Arts and looking for someone. I shook my head at the crazy students who were going wild for an equally crazy musician. Like is this what they came to school to do? I noticed the girl stealing glances at me. I look closely and saw that it was the girl whom I saved and was accused in return. Why is she stealing glances at me? Don't tell me her friends have told her what they thought about me. Let her just face her fans and not try anything stupid. I looked around for my Friend, I had come to collect the notebook I had forgotten with him. I tried calling his number, but it was switched off. Probably he is in class. Then I have to wait for him. I sighed and moved away from the noisy crowd.

She followed him closely. She bet he is not from this department. He saw him lean on a wall


This guy is handsome and collected. She frowned, that shouldn't get into her head. He is the one that supposed to admire her and not the other way round.