
Black Matter: I Stare Back

Through science a mistake was made. The mistake resulted in a mutation never before seen. In a boy locked away before the end as he was deemed too threatening. !Warning! Dark/messed up themes present. Not for the faint hearted. Thanks for reading.

GoldDragonMachina · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Black Blood

Nathan died 500 years after he founded the first kingdom. His lineage remained unbroken. As every heir after him was worthy of a black heart. Eric got his black heart in his 40's.

500 years after the death of the Wandering King. There are 3 kings, former and current that are alive with black hearts.

They were firmly into the Iron Age now. They had farms and raised animals. They produced art and music. They learned more advanced construction and math.

Finally, I had a good grasp of how to use my power on humans after so many black heart bearers. IT was time to gift power to other parts of the world. As Europe is the only continent that had entered the Bronze Age widely It is also where the only Iron Age civilization exists.

The rest of the world had barely touched bronze, farming, or animal raising. As without a push from me. There rate of advancement is much slower. I will change that.

I will choose heroes from other places of the world to advance humanity and cut out the filth from the population.

Another 1000 years and a surprise happened. The newest heir to the Summer Throne was born with a connection to me. I found this too be extremely interesting. I left the ocean trench and stepped to where the baby was. He was held in his Mother's arms in a lunge room. The mother was concerned for the baby. As the baby had black blood and the iris color was completely black.

King Rodrick, the current king and bearer of a black heart was assuaging his Queen. I saw that the baby was born with a black heart and could use Black Matter naturally. Although, at an extraordinarily weaker level than me. He will be much stronger than a normal bearer though.

The baby had a stronger connection to me because of this. I saw great potential in this child. He was just born to.

The Queen then asked, "What should we name him Rodrick?"

Rodrick thought deeply. However, I appeared before them. King Rodrick immediately became respectful and stood at attention. Knowing I do not like bows or kneeling, he did not do so. The Queen was scared and got up in a fright holding the child.

"Rodrick, your child is special. Which is why I have a suggestion for a name.", I say while ignoring the scared Queen.

Rodrick was expectant, "I would be happy to name my son by your suggestion."

The Queen became less scared and more confused as she watched our interaction.

I say, "Name him Methuselah." I then vanished back to the trench.

300 years after the birth of Methuselah the Earth was visited by aliens again.

This time, it was a fleet of 60 warships and 3 dreadnaughts with one flagship that was a degree bigger than a dreadnaught. The ornate, smooth, and sleek ships were beautiful.

"Damn Elves...", I mutter.

I then appear outside of Earth's barrier in plain sight. The fleet stopped. Then I picked up various radio signals.

"Where they trying to communicate with me through radio signals? I'm not on a boat. I'm floating in space.", I thought. I was able to understand the radio signals though. As it falls under electromagnetism to a degree.

"Surrender Earth back to the High Royal Family of the Middling District belonging to the Ornatius Sector. Swear loyalty to I, Prince Lotnelius Kaladera. Son of High King Nelius Kaladera."

I can already tell that this Prince is haughty. I step to where the Prince was. Which is in the flagship bridge sitting on a comfy chair with a drink in his hands.

When I appeared in front of him. He did not panic, he smirked and put his drink down. Then he stood up. The other Elves did not react too much neither. They just kept their eyes on me.

"You are the rebel leader of Earth, right? The world of human cattle farms.", he asks pompously.

I sigh, "Yes, now why are you here?"

He looks me up and down, "You don't look like a typical human. I think you are very strong too. How about this, agree to serve me. Then I will allow the humans to be elevated from cattle to slaves if they prove capable enough. Although most humans will still be cattle, I think it is a good deal. I get my delicacy and you get a few fellows free from the chopping block."

I grumble, "This is why we can no longer exist under the same stars."

He raises an eyebrow, "What did you say? You're going to have to speak a bit louder. It is difficult for me to hear those beneath Elven majesty."

"What is your rank Prince Lotnelius Kaladera?", I ask flatly.

His nose points up, "Haha, I am an Arch Magus. An elite of elite. at the age of 900 years old at that. I am a certifiable genius. You are blessed to be in my presence."

Once he finished talking, I punched his body with atomic force. As a result, the body was disintegrated and the ship areas in the path of my punch were atomized.

Alarms blared and I saw all the other ships targeting the flagship. It was time to fight the fleet. I wanted to keep myself occupied for a bit though. As I don't have much to do besides train and mess around on Earth. Instead of using atomic explosions or erasure to kill everyone. I used step and just started to punch holes in all the elves.

I was moving so fast I would kill everyone in a regular cruiser in a minute. The dreadnaughts took 2 minutes. After all life was extinguished. I would leave behind a mass of Black Matter to eat up the derelict ship; leaving behind no trace.

I did not allow anyone to escape. The fleet will be lost, and no one will really know how. Except for me.

Punching an Arch Magus to death before they can react was easy for me. My constant training and learning has paid off. I have gotten much more powerful over these centuries.

I did catch him by surprise because of his own arrogance. Maybe it would have been more difficult if he was prepared. I won't consider him a staple example of an Arch Magus since he was an absolute idiot.

Hopefully, another Elven fleet will come sooner this time. It'll bring me some excitement.

Back on Earth, Methuselah has grown up extremely well after these few centuries. He had an excellent 200 year reign as the Summer King. He is intelligent, wise, and and gifted combatant. He also has a love of science and astrology. All around a talented person. As I mentioned before, he will be stronger than any black heart bearer. Which means he will live much longer. 612 years old was the previous record. However, I think he would easily break a 1000 years.

With my assistance, he could live an untold amount of years. Despite all his talents and promises, I will have to carefully consider if I want to keep him by my side. As living for a long time is not for everybody. It is easy to fall to eccentricities or worse.

I think I'll have him as an assistant. I'll give him a place to do his science. I'll give him access to travel instantly around the world. Having him master a teleportation-like ability such as the Step would be too much to ask though. It would take centuries of practice even for him.

It would be better if I establish some sort of gate system from place to place. It would have to make use of mini-wormholes. As using the Step is just bending space thinly around me to where I travel through a wormhole seamlessly. I must remain within the confines of physics. My powers are not based on magic after all.

Now, I had to get to work. I went around the world. I created gates made from Black Matter. The door was a flowing, viscous Black Matter surface. Walking into that would transport someone to another gate that they had in mind. As the gate can read brainwaves. Which was the hardest part about figuring out how to make the gate.

I put 20 gates on every continent. Half on each continent were near populations. The rest were in were wild lands. This way, there would be access to everywhere from anywhere.

I just need to see if Methuselah wants to be my assistant/follower/disciple. If not, I guess I'll allow the black hearts access to the network.

Methuselah was currently in the Middle East around the Fertile Crescent. He was studying astrology along with other stargazers of the region. I bet if I offered him a trip to space, he would agree in a heartbeat.

I Step to the simple observatory he was at. It was night time and he aiding in the creation of a star chart with other star gazers.


thanks for reading