
Black Mask

"Hello" he answered.

"Hello" I said in the same tone.

"Who is this" he asked.

"This is not a person it is a pronoun."

"I know it is a pronoun.I'm asking who is the person talking to me right now."

"This is not a person this is the alcohol."

"Are you drunk."

"No I'm vodka. Want some."

"Oh my god."

"God no honey vodka V-O-D-K-A"

"Where are you."

"On earth. Where else do you expect me to be."


"In the police station can you believe it. They caught me for underage drinking. ONLY ME.

"Did he just hang up on me."I gasped in disbelief.

Vanessa, an assassin and the most ruthless one at that.

People say she has no feeling will a trip to high school change that or not .Is her cold heart just a façade to keep people at bay.

Will one of the 3 bad boys catch her attention.

What will happen when her past is lurking around the corners.

Will she discover something that might change everything.