
Black Magus

What kind of realm would you choose to live in after digitizing your mind? For Amun, that was a magical world where he could be free to learn until his end of days. What he got was to become the living god of a vast realm in an odd universe. A being who'd be born with the world. And later stripped of it all. A being of juxtaposition and contradictions. A sinner and a saint. A wise sage and a genius scientist. A loving creator and a baleful explorer. An elf and a devil, living in a world of might and magic. But all is not what it seems. Peace is fleeting. Figures loom in the light. Forms strafe through the trees. And one Amun is woefully ignorant to the ways of a realm so ripe for change. Yet he is one who cannot help but change it. So he devotes himself to forming the greatest guild the Mortal Plane has ever seen, intending to change his world and others for the better. And yet, somewhere along the line of his undying march, Amun evolved into the being all denizens of the Mortal Plane either revered; or feared. The Black Magus. *** This novel’s lore, story, and characters are entirely fictitious. Certain long-standing countries, institutions, organizations, agencies, public offices, etc. are/may be mentioned, but their histories and the characters involved are wholly imaginary. *** This novel’s lore, story, and characters are entirely fictitious. Certain long-standing countries, institutions, organizations, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but their histories and the characters involved are wholly imaginary. Look for the story on RR. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/202907/fictions

Liden_Snake · Fantasy
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461 Chs

What Is Mana?

"Now!" Zeff clapped once we settled in our seats. "What is mana?"

A few people rose their hands with the obvious answers. A type of energy found in all things, the power source of spells and magic. And other. But whatever they were, he listened with an amiable smile before taking a dramatic nod.

"All good answers." He nodded. "But frankly, the answer is that we don't know. And by 'we,' I mean everyone." He paused to chuckle to himself before continuing. "While we don't know what this energy is, we certainly know what it does. Magic. Spells. Enchantments. Whatever it's used for, it is what allows us to manipulate the very laws of reality. With it, we can make the impossible, possible. We can create mountains and oceans from nothing and create life where there is none.

"That. Is what we call mana." He beamed fanatically. "But, as far as we know, it could be something else entirely. Through years of both conflict and study, we've managed to learn how mana interacts with the sentient races of these worlds. The topic of today's lecture.

"It begins with the most basic component of all, besides mana of course. The Spiritual Body." He pointed his stick to two outlines of a human offset on top of another. "The 'second body' many people speak of when describing the residence of their Mana Well is more apt than they realize. It is; at its core, a second body. One of a half-spiritual, half-magical nature. But it is not to be confused with the soul. The Spiritual Body is an echo on top of the flesh. Much like the dimensions layered onto this physical plane.

"While the Mana Well occupies a relatively small portion of this Spiritual Body, it is through this immaterial flesh; echoed onto the physical, that mana travels through our bodies to amass in our Wells. Much like the blood within our veins. Thus, our physical bodies are unable to interact with mana on their own. It is our Spiritual Bodies that interact with mana and give us hold over the energy, enabling us to mold mana and cast spells. And its core is the Mana Well.

"As you are aware, they are known to have four components." Zeff held up his fingers. "Pores, or the surface. Commonly known for being a porous surface responsible for regulating the circulation of mana in and out of the Well. But what's commonly unknown is that the Pores are responsible for an individual's mana signature. As it happens in nature, gas would flow more freely through a mesh while a solid like ice or diamond would not. The same principle applies to those with higher densities of mana. Wherein little-to-no mana could be sensed from one of such caliber. And wouldn't until they withdrew mana from their Well.

"What we know regarding the other components is as you know them." He waved his hand aside. "Wells are classified by density and determined by size. Mana Tolerance consists of how well an individual can focus in a high-density environment. And Mana Fatigue is the feeling of nausea and fatigue one feels after expending too much magic.

"But you know that!" He clapped. "I'm here to tell you about the unknown. I'm here to tell you about mana. How it can be used and how it affects us. But first, I would like to share a secret among the scholars of arcana. A scale, of sorts. One agreed upon by the renowned academics of the realms. It is a way to visualize the differences between various Mana Wells.

"If we were to equate mana with money." He held a silver coin above his head. "We could say that one silver was equal to the energy needed to make a hand-sized fireball. Someone with a 12th Grade Mist Well would be able to cast around ten before their Well tinkered out. Or once they've spent ten coins if we were to follow our analogy. Someone with a Water Well of the same grade could cast up to a hundred. A thousand for a Slush Well. Ten thousand for Ice. And a hundred thousand or more for those with Diamond Wells.

But!" He clapped. "Keep in mind that these are generalizations. And those with high Wells would innately pack a heavier punch. In this case, the flames would be both denser and hotter.

"Now! Moving on!" He clapped again. Twice this time. "The second object to reside in the Spiritual Body are Affinity Cores. As you are aware, one can only be granted a magical affinity by birth or the Core Awakening Ceremony. It is, by all rights, a gland capable of changing the raw mana in one's Well into one of a different nature. On our level, they are classified in three ways based on the type of effect it produces.

"A Transmutation Affinity is one that changes mana into another type of energy," Zeff said. "Lightning, or electricity, is the most common. But it also entails light, heat, mechanical, kinetic, and potential energies as well. A Conjuration Affinity is one that changes mana into a type of matter, be it a solid, liquid, or gas. And the last and rarest type is Alteration Affinities. By definition, these entail anything that falls under neither the Transmutation nor Conjuration classifications. But it is uncommonly agreed that these are the rare abilities that are capable of altering reality at its core.

'Ah.' I nodded. 'Like mine.'

"Additionally!" He clapped. "The nature of how on received their affinities has an influence on their physiology. Ones gained from birth, called Genetic Cores, will imbue the holder with physical aspects relating to that affinity. Often to a small or moderate extent. But rarely to a great one. Someone with an affinity for fire or ice would be hot or cool to the touch, for example. While someone with an Evolved Core would simply have immunity to fire or ice.

"However!" He added with a raised finger. "The often unspoken side effect that all Cores have on our physiologies are known as Magical Marks." He explained. "Colloquially known as Magic Marks, Markers, or simply Marks. They are the result of the link between our Spiritual Bodies and flesh. Their visual appearance is dependent on the positioning Cores and the nature of the Affinity it contains. Some Cores may not leave a Mark at all. While others may take up a large portion of one's body.

"Before I move on." He added. "Keep in mind that the general location of Marks and their range of appearance makes it quite rude to go around asking to see people's Marks. So keep that in mind.

"Now" He clapped. "Auras. This is a term used to describe the side-effects of one charging their mana or casting a spell. The first and most obvious effect is a change in the caster's eyes. Often they will glow in a different color. The influx of more power would bring about changes to one's immediate environment. Until finally, a visible aura of mana would appear around them.

"But you will see that for yourselves in due time." He smiled knowingly at us before he once again held up four fingers. "Before I begin closing the lecture, I want to share four techniques regarding Mana and your Spiritual Bodies.

"Alright." He centered himself before the desks and made a pass over us with his eyes. "The first one is a basic spell. But I'll describe it anyway. The Infusion of attributed mana enables the flesh to take on the properties of that Affinity. That is known. What's unknown is the fact that it's the Spiritual Body that makes this possible. Through the spirit, the flesh is changed. Morphed to take on the properties of the energy or force in question or become encased in a material or element. Known to us as Infusion.

"Moving on!" He clapped. "It is commonly known that 'friendly fire' upon oneself is an impossibility. In turn, it is commonly believed that the nature of this is due to the immunity of any damage of the same type as their affinity. Someone with a fire affinity can never be burned. Someone with a lightning affinity can never be shocked. And so on. While that is indeed the case for external harm, the impossibility of magical suicide is due to the Mana Signature that comes from the energy being altered by Well, Cores, and Spirit Body.

"It's akin to a code that denotes one of oneself." He smiled. "A Magical Identification Signature. One unique to every individual. It is this very signature that is being absorbed by the Bodhi Tree and used as nourishment for your ritual. On its own, however, this gives each spell the same frequency as the caster. Causing a self-inflected spell to behave like a ghost moving through a wall. That said, it is possible to consciously let your spell hit you. If you were to do so, you wouldn't take damage. Instead, it would be reabsorbed into the Spiritual Body to be; for example, cast again at a later time or turned into a different spell. A technique known as Redirection.

"The relatively small stature of our Wells and Cores, however, leaves unclaimed real estate within the rest of our Spiritual Bodies." He continued without pause. "Within its core lies our Wells, but that leaves the upper and lower torso; the arms, legs, or any other appendages, and undoubtedly the head of our ethereal statures. Much like the whole, these individual parts may be infused with either raw mana or any or all of an individual's affinities.

"But that's hardly the surface of possibilities." He knowingly grinned. "Mana can be continuously channeled through the entire body. Through every bone, muscle, and organ, in a continuous circuit. A process known as Circulation. The foundation to the way of the Monk. In using this technique, your flesh will undergo a semi-permanent change. As a result, you can achieve the same effect as Infusion. But with more, less effort, and with a greater effect. With the right affinity, Circulation can lessen the need for sleep, increase your natural healing factor, or even slow down the aging process significantly. Still!" He added with a loud clap. "It is not to be confused with Ki!

"The last and most notable technique is an amalgamation of the previous three," Zeff said. "Like Redirection, it begins with casting a spell and allowing it to be reabsorbed into the Spiritual Body. Like Circulation, it is then sent through the Spiritual Body in a circuit, granting you the same benefits as the technique if you so wish. But the focus here is to store and accumulate the energy instead of using it to empower yourself.

"You see." He took a step forward with frenzied eyes. "The benefit of this is that your spell remains undetectable. Ready to be cast instantaneously. At a moment's notice. Dormancy is the name. Like enchantments for the spirit, in a sense."

Following his explanation of some particularly interesting skills, Zeff permitted a long moment of murmurs and scribbles to resound through the classroom while he waddled to his desk for a sip of water. Then waddled back to gather everyone's attention with a loud clap that still shook the majority to their core.

"In closing, I have three points." He held up his fingers. "One of them is the knowledge given to us by the Iron Magus and the Necro King. Spirit Assimilation. While natural for some creatures, it is said that sentient creatures can collapse their Spiritual Bodies into their Mana Wells upon the moment of their death. In doing so, their Well remains after the body has perished. This has two known uses. The first is as the centerpiece for an External Well. A self-explanatory device. But the method given to us by the elves involves assimilating such a Well with our own.

"Through potions or enchanted items, one can force either their Mana Tolerance, Pores or Wells to moderately, and often temporarily, increase at little-to-no risk," Zeff explained. "But at tremendous cost. All three can be acclimatized over time by spending months or perhaps years in areas with high concentrations of mana such as the Bodhi Tree. Which is the natural, cheapest, and safest way, albeit the slowest. But through great risk and the Well of another, one can forcefully expand their Mana Well and make its contents deeper. The caveat to this is, as I've said, not every creature leaves its Well intact after being slain. And even if they did, the Well would be unusable in both regards without the necessary potions or enchantments.

"And, it's dangerous!" He clapped. "Attempting to Assimilate with a Well that's too large and dense will give you an extreme case of mana fatigue.

"Now then." Zeff settled beside his desk with a long sigh. "I'll close by explaining the relation between the Spiritual Body and its relation between the object of everyone's eye, Class Evolution."

Much to his visible delight, most of the class erupted in excited murmurs upon hearing the mention of Classes. And like a parent watching their kid walk for the first time. He sat back and watched us talk amongst ourselves with an ear-splitting grin.

"Let me explain." He beamed wider, causing an immediate silence to spread through the room. "The completion of the ritual brings about a change in the Spiritual Body. An evolution, if you will. As I explained before, it is the Spiritual Body that enables our flesh to interact with the mana around us. Consequently, the evolution of our Spiritual Bodies enables mana to interact with our bodies on its own accord.

"These interactions are what the evolved refer to as Perks." He triumphantly declared. "And these Perks are unique to the fourteen different Classes you know of. The nature of these Classes, as well as a continuation of this lecture, will be the focus of our next lesson.


And the bombs continue!

It took so long for me to design this before I started writing this story. It went through so many iterations. So many things were thrown away or changed. It feels good to finally lay it all out on the table.

I thought long and hard about making something that was not only original but something that made sense. I think I did a good job. But feel free to roast my magic system in the comments. I have thick skin.

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