
Black Magic | Taekook

Magic fills the land of Acra, but what happens when that magic is used for evil? • "Why the fuck are your eyes grey?" "I don't know, you tell me." • a taekook fanfiction.

miintymiin · Fantasy
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4 Chs



"He doesn't remember anything! Not even me!" Seokjin cried with frustration as he ran his fingers through his locks of hair, pacing back and forth. Namjoon lifted an eyebrow in confusion, wasn't that supposed to be a good thing?

"Wait, didn't you want him to not remember anything?" Namjoon asked. Seokjin froze in his place before turning to Namjoon. He didn't exactly say that...

"I didn't think he would forget everything!" Seokjin replied, "I practically raised that child! I was his personal guard and I failed to protect him!" The two adults currently stood in a small dark hallway outside of the kitchen.

"That's a lie, you did save his life, he wouldn't be here without you," Namjoon reassured, Seokjin just looked away.

Taehyung fell right back asleep as soon as he had woken up and Jeongguk was seated at the dining table, still finishing Seokjin's delicious dinner. "What do we say to him?" Seokjin asked, clearly seeking help from the other man.

"Just say that you're his uncle and that we're high school friends. I think to tell him that he's the prince will most definitely freak him out," Namjoon suggested. Seokjin huffed, not that convinced.

"Fine then," Seokjin agreed, "I'm going to wash the dishes." Seokjin walked out of the small hallway, leaving the other still in the hallway. Namjoon sighed and walked into the small living room, turning on the television as he sat on the beaten up old couch.

Today was the funeral for the royal family, it was being broadcast on all channels. The funeral was taking place in the castle's garden and only those closest to the family were allowed to attend. The sky was a stormy dark grey, which only made this day even more depressing than it was. It seems as if the entire country took a pause.

Princess Sujin, or should I now say, Queen Sujin was stood at a podium, overlooking the crowd below her. She was the younger sister of the Queen and was clearly distraught. Dried tears were evident on her cheeks and she was adorning an elegant black gown. The royal family was said to be beautiful, it was said that a spell is placed upon you if you so much as glance at the royal family.

But it wasn't true, no such powers existed, well at least not eight hundred years ago. The citizens of Acra were born with abilities, only if you were gifted with one. Having an ability not only and improved their way of life but benefitted the country as a whole.

Everyone developed their powers at the age of 15, some powers even changed their physical appearance. The reason why no such powers existed because the only person who could hold such power was Thorn.

The first person ever recorded to have an ability was eight hundred years ago, and his name was Thorn. He was the first to have the ability, due to a genetic mutation in his genes. But Thorn was also a corrupt boy, hungry for power plain in simple. He rose to power using his earth abilities and brought destruction throughout the whole land, wreaking havoc everywhere he went as he grew his own following and gained control of cities.

Namjoon also remembered a rumor that he even made a deal with the devil himself to even get his power. But Namjoon didn't believe it.

That was before Quill came a military veteran that was the head of his class back in the day, determined to stop Thorn and his tyranny.

Quill defeated Thorn and banished him into the Dark World, where no soul went. Thus afterward, Quill became the King of Acra and turned everything dark in the world into light. Banishing all evil. And once again, the Kingdom of Acra was peaceful. He banned the usage of any abilities, fearful that another tyrant would appear.

It wasn't until two hundred years later until another king found the good in having abilities, more citizens obtaining this rare phenomenon. He abolished the law and those with abilities were allowed to freely use them under the few laws the king has also placed. Now in the present day, it's now rare to not have an ability, the kingdom of Acra is now and forever will be a peaceful country.

Namjoon's own ability is healing. His hands generate a green mist that soothes wounds and cleans them, although he can only use it so much since it drains so much of his energy. Namjoon is the doctor at the local clinic, giving his patients a successful recovery without needing to use his ability. If Namjoon wasn't there to help Taehyung, he could have died. He would have died.

Namjoon turned his attention to the television. The rest of the citizens of Acra were watching the funeral at home, with their own family. Seokjin walked into the living room, Jeongguk waddling behind him. "I told him who we were," Seokjin mentioned, "I sure hope to god he doesn't call me uncle though, makes me feel old." Namjoon laughed in response.

"At least he believed you though," Namjoon replied, turning his attention back to the television.

"Is that the funeral?" Jeongguk asked curiously, staring at the television as he wondered why everyone seemed sad. Namjoon answered with a "Yes Bun." Seokjin and Namjoon focused on the funeral while Jeongguk scampered to his toy chest that was in the corner of the room, not yet fully grasping the situation.

The camera panned to Queen Sujin. She had wiped her tears away, now showing elegance to her citizens. The whole kingdom was watching, everyone loved the king and queen, and they especially loved the young prince, Taehyung.

Namjoon then noticed the Queen's son sitting in the crowd too. Prince Jimin looked super upset, tears rolling down his swollen and puffy cheeks. He was barely a year older than Taehyung, they were most likely the best of friends.

"This is the saddest day in all of Acra's history as a kingdom," Sujin began. Everyone, including the ones at home, went silent. "One week ago, the royal family was attacked while in the car, right in the middle of the forest. My family was on their way back home from dinner with the Kingdom of Nacu. They were attacked, and they were killed. And the guards have told me that there were two men responsible."

Queen Sujin motioned towards the palace door, a silent signal for them to open the door. Four palace guards walked out with two boys in chains. The two boys looked like they were beaten and bruised. Gasps rang out through the crowd, and probably the whole kingdom. But the thing is that they look no older than 16, they weren't men, they were just boys.

"How the fuck did two sixteen-year-old boys kill the royal family! They don't look like it!" Seokjin voiced his opinion quite loudly, "Jeongguk, I'm sorry for my language." Jeongguk just stared at Seokjin in confusion, wondering why Seokjin was apologizing to him before returning back to his toys.

"They look like children!" Namjoon cried. Apparently, the rest of the crowd agreed.

"Silence!" Queen Sujin ordered. The crowd went silent, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Queen Sujin's chest was rising, she was clearly frustrated.

"This is Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi. The murderers of the king and queen and your own beloved Prince Taehyung," Queen Sujin stepped away from the podium, allowing a palace guard to speak at the podium.

"While investigating the scene, we found footprints that led to a cabin in the woods, the two boys were found in the cabin and immediately taken into custody," The guard explained, then stepping away to allow Queen Sujin to speak at the podium once again.

Namjoon stared at the two boys, he couldn't help but notice that they were oddly silent, no signs of resistance, they looked like blank robots. That's when Namjoon noticed a flicker of orange in both of the boy's eyes, but it only lasted for a second.

Did their eyes just flicker orange?

"These two men will rot in a jail cell," Queen Sujin decided. "They will suffer and think about the things they have done for the rest of their lives." Queen Sujin stepped away from the podium, holding her hand out for Prince Jimin to follow her inside. The guards then took the two boys back inside, probably to their jail cells.

"I'm going to bed," Namjoon spoke, his brain was going a hundred miles per second. "I have to work tomorrow by the way," Seokjin got up from the couch picking up a sleeping that was lying on the floor.

"I can watch Jeongguk tomorrow," Seokjin offered, it was Friday so Jeongguk didn't have any school tomorrow.

Namjoon turned back to Seokjin, "That would be great actually," Namjoon chuckled watching as Seokjin passed Namjoon with Jeongguk in his arms, heading upstairs. Luckily, the boy was a deep sleeper. Seokjin entered Jeongguk's room, swiftly laying the boy in his bed, he turned off the red lamp and quietly walked right out.

Seokjin walked to the guest bedroom, quietly opening the door. Taehyung was still asleep, hopefully, he will feel better tomorrow. Seokjin dressed in his pajamas and slid bed, laying next to Taehyung. "Night Tae," Seokjin whispered, slowly falling asleep beside the boy.