
Black light virus in Marvel

In the final moment, Alex Mercer, the protagonist of the Prototype, used a helicopter to fly a nuclear bomb to the sea in order to save the black-light virus-infected New York City. the nuclear bomb explosion killed him. However, when he wakes up, he finds himself resurrected in New York City, but the world is not infected with black light virus, some people are just superheroes, and alien invaders who will destroy the earth at any time…    Read as Alex Mercer who is reborn in the Marvel universe, get’s himself back to the top of the food chain!

Sandeep_yadav_6666 · Video Games
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19 Chs

Chapter 9 Mysterious Stone

The scorpion male saw this monster-like man, only spent less than a minute, and actually killed all of his own dozens of people in this layer, and that cruel way, even his knife-like blood The embarrassment of living is also timid!

  After a while, the gunshots in this building stopped and I could only hear the drug dealers in the other two buildings still fighting the police.

  "You… what the monster is!"

  The nephew man felt the incomparable fear of the monster disguised as a man in his hand, and the useless machine gun in his hand fell to the ground.

  Alex did not answer, just hanging the black claws on both sides, stepping toward him step by step, each step, the other side's legs trembled.

  "Do you want money? I will give it to you! The money for this drug deal is in these two suitcases, let me bring the drugs back! You let me go!!"

  The more the other party does not speak, the greater the mental pressure on the nephew man, and the punishment he will suffer if he returns to the organization without failing the transaction. He just wants to get past the present.

  Alex ignored the temptation of money, approached him in front of him, raised his right arm, and extended the black claws, and even the claws could reflect the look of the scorpion man.

  As long as he catches this claw, even the steel plate can easily penetrate. After all, in the original world, there are countless tanks that he has torn. Although his ability has weakened a lot now, it is like tearing a bag. The dishes are as easy as they are.

  Just as Alex was licking his claws to the scorpion man, the other man suddenly pulled out the silver shield of the rebounding rocket from behind him. The black claws only brought out a piece of Mars on this shield, even scratches. Nothing was caused, and even an inexplicable reaction force took a few steps back from his own shock.

  Alex sneered and walked forward again.

  Just as he was about to cut off the arm of the scorpion man holding the shield.


  Alex's back involuntarily stretched out countless tiny tentacles, which was triggered by his dangerous perception instinct, indicating danger behind him.

  He was about to turn around, and the wall behind him suddenly exploded, and the explosion caused by the explosion caused the impact of Alex's impact on the other wall.

  Then through the hole in the bombed wall, he saw a giant black fighter with a black body and a strange shape. He could stay in midair without a propeller, and several missiles were suspended in the chassis of the fighter. And on both sides of the M61A5 "Vulcan" airborne anti-armored cannon.

  This fighter is the organization behind the nephew to send him.

  "Mom! You are finally here! Give me the monster next to you!!"

  The scorpion man seems to see the hope of survival, roaring to let the fighter pilot attack Alex, and then find the opportunity to jump into the wing door that the fighter opened.

  The fighter appeared to have received instructions to turn to the position where Alex was located. The guns on both sides locked the target and the six barrels began to rotate and warm up.

  Although he can withstand the attack of ordinary bullets, facing the armor-piercing projectiles of several tens of millimeters, he can only be broken into pieces with this strength.

  Alex immediately merged the hands that became the claws, and wanted to switch to the shape of the thorn shield to resist the shells, but found that there was no reaction, still the claw shape, it seems that his ability is still missing.

  At the same time, the cannons on both sides of the Black Phoenix aircraft fired armor-piercing bullets like a storm, and Alex quickly used his agility to quickly evade.

  However, his speed is still not as fast as the speed of the bullet. On the way to avoid the armor-piercing projectile, an armor-piercing projectile hit his abdomen and wore a human-sized blood hole, and he almost cut off his waist directly.

  The nephew man was delighted to see it, it seems that this person is not invincible.

  But the next picture made him stunned.There are countless tentacles in the huge blood hole of the man's abdomen. These tentacles seem to be life-like, and they are welded together. After a while, they will heal into the original skin, and even the outer clothes will be repaired intact. .

  Only with the ability of Alex to survive now, repairing this deadly wound has cost him a lot of physical strength and can't be repaired in a short time.

  "Shet! What the hell is this fuck!"

  When the nephew man saw that the other party was still dead, he began to rush to the plane outside the hole. At this time, he did not forget to hold the two suitcases. He saw that he would skip the wall gap that was bombed and jumped on the black phoenix to escape. .

  After escaping a few armor-piercing rounds, Alex grabbed a boulder next to him and slammed into the back of the man who was about to jump on the plane.

  When the nephew man was unable to prevent it, he was stumbled to the ground and struggled to get up.

  Alex kicked the legs and the virion energy gathered on the soles of the feet, and a slamming start, leaving a deep tread mark.

  And it appeared on the back of the nephew man with lightning speed, and the knee pressed him to the ground again.

  At this time, the cannon contained in the black phoenix fighter in front of it also locked in Alex.

  Just at the moment of the launch of the cannon, he grabbed the suitcase next to the scorpion man and resisted it in front of him. The armored bomb exploded the suitcase in an instant, and the white powder was blown up, covering the room.

  As the powder floated down, a stone with a purple glow fell to the ground, causing a squeaky sound.

  The scorpion male saw the stone wide open his eyes and grabbed it when he reached out.

  Alex saw the importance of the stone. The original drug deal was just a disguise. This stone was their main target.

  He lifted his right paw and stroked the arm of the scorpion man who was about to grab the stone.

  The scorpion man who was placed under his body made a painful scream, and the entire right arm was cut into several segments.

  At this time, the black phoenix fighters still shot at him without hesitation.

  This time, Alex was no longer dodging, grabbing the shield on the man's back and blocking it.

  as predicted!

  The 20MM caliber armor-piercing projectiles were shot back on the shields. The armor-piercing projectiles that were bounced back hit the viper missile under the chassis of the Black Phoenix aircraft and a strong explosion occurred.

  Under such a close explosion, the fighter plane has not crashed yet, but is faltering and smoky and flies away quickly, abandoning the nephew man who came to meet.

  "Mom!! You guys! I am coming back to save me!"

  The nephew did not expect that the organization would leave himself so quickly, and the angry and painful expression was distorted on the face, and the pain was caused by the broken arm.

  Alex's claw form switched back to the normal hand, picking up the beautiful purple stone, and found nothing unusual.

  "You monster! Let me go! Who sent you! If you let it go! I will tell the stone what it is!"

  The scorpion man lay on the ground and resisted the severe pain from the broken arm. He said to the mysterious man in front of his eyes.

  "Oh, no interest." Alex slid coldly and lifted his foot and stepped on the smashing head of the scorpion man.

  Just listening to a bang, there is a headless body on the ground.

  Subsequently, the body of the nephew man was absorbed by the viral tentacles that protruded from Alex.

  There is also a memory of a scorpion man in Alice's mind:

  "Mr. Griffin, why do we want to trade drugs with Owente? We are not selling arms, how can we look at the kind?"

  In my mind, the nephew man is talking to a suit man who can't see his appearance.

  "You don't have to worry about it, you can bring the drug back safely. In addition, after the transaction is successful, all the people who come to the transaction will be killed, and the box of money will be returned to you."


  The picture turned to the memory of the purple stone falling on the ground again, and there was an idea in the mind of the nephew.

  "Fuck! Actually it is a mutant stone! Griffin's bastard actually used the way of drug trafficking to cover up! Sure enough, I still don't trust me!"

  The last picture is dark, that is, the head of the scorpion is crushed…