
Black light virus in Marvel

In the final moment, Alex Mercer, the protagonist of the Prototype, used a helicopter to fly a nuclear bomb to the sea in order to save the black-light virus-infected New York City. the nuclear bomb explosion killed him. However, when he wakes up, he finds himself resurrected in New York City, but the world is not infected with black light virus, some people are just superheroes, and alien invaders who will destroy the earth at any time…    Read as Alex Mercer who is reborn in the Marvel universe, get’s himself back to the top of the food chain!

Sandeep_yadav_6666 · Video Games
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19 Chs

Chapter 4 death

 One of the robbers did not receive a reply from the police outside. It seems that they are still discussing countermeasures, but the hostages here have started to stir up.

  Some are crying, some are curling up in the corner and the body is constantly shaking, and some are praying for God to bless.

  And Alex was calmly holding her arms in her arms, her body was shaking, and she was sobbing.

  "Kelina, it will be fine, there are many of my peers outside, will save us."

  Alex comforted her while observing the situation around her.

  He saw a pile of suitcases on the table next to a robber, with the New York City Central Bank logo on the suitcase.

  Outside, there was a crashed Hummer off-road vehicle. The off-road vehicle slammed on the streetlights and smoked black smoke. There were countless bullet holes in the body.

  In addition, on the steering wheel of the off-road vehicle cab, there is a driver who is shot in the head. The driver's dress is the same as the gangsters in the restaurant.

  Through these details, Alex understands what is going on.

  These robbers should rob the bank or rob the money-carrying car. In the process of being chased by the police car, the driver's forehead shot on the spot, causing the vehicle to run out of control and crashing. They could only hijack all the people in the restaurant.

  As for the conditions they demand, it is nothing more than providing them with means of transportation and letting them leave safely.

  The robbers saw that the police had not responded, and when they began to wait for some impatience, they grabbed a man and grabbed his forehead with a gun in his hand.

  "Hey you! Think of Laozi as a fart?! Don't try to play tricks. From now on, I will kill someone every half minute!"

  After that, he immediately pulled the trigger. With a shot, the blood splashed on the mask of the robber, and the man who kept asking for mercy had a blood hole on his temple, and the body fell on the ground and twitched. ...

  Everyone in the restaurant suddenly screamed and cried again, a young woman screaming on the man's body.

  Alex looked at everything in front of him, and there was no undulation in his heart. He could have used his ability to rescue the man from the robbers, but he would not, nor need, the life and death of others.

  After all kinds of betrayal of past lives, he no longer has any excessive feelings for human beings, except for the long, like her girlfriend, Karina in her arms…

  Suddenly there were a few gunshots. "Don't fuck, don't cry! Whoever cries, I will smash it!" A robber opened a few shots at the ceiling.

  "The robbers inside listen! We won't give you any means of transportation! But as long as you put those hostages on! We can consider lenient treatment for you, and try to reduce the sentence!!"

  At this point, the police outside finally responded and said this in a megaphone, but in the eyes of Alex, their words were nothing more than a death sentence for these poor hostages.

  as predicted! These bandits were completely irritated, and one of them raised their guns and prepared to fire them.

  suddenly! A thunder-like gunshot and the broken glass window of the restaurant, the first half of the robber's head burst instantly! The body fell straight on the ground.

  "There are snipers!!!"

  The rest of the robbers reacted quickly and immediately caught a hostage and hid behind them.

  The robber who called Alex out of the box also grabbed Kelina from the ground and blocked herself.


  Alex was preparing to find a way to put the robber down, but with an attack on the outside, more than a dozen smoke bombs broke through the window, and the entire restaurant was in a mess, gunshots, screams. Cough sounds constantly.

  After a while, the entire restaurant was filled with gas smoke.The line of sight is about one meter, but in the eyes of Alex, there is no difference in these smokes.

  Alex's biological perceptual instinct allowed him to see all the red figures in the smoke, and at the same time, there were a lot of special policemen who attacked with a gun.

  Alice sneered in the heart, just these smoke can hide their ability.

  He turned to the robber who hijacked Kelena. At this moment, the robber seems to be breathing heavily, and his heart should be extremely nervous.

  "Mom! Why is it like this! These policemen are not taking part in the lives of the hostages? You don't want his mother to cry!"

  The robber's body continued to lean back, looking for shelter, and still crying Karina in his arm.

  suddenly! The robber felt that someone was standing behind him and immediately looked back and was the man who had dinner with this woman! Only his hand turned black! !

  Before the robbers reacted, they only heard a "squeaky" sound, and his head was screwed to a hundred and eighty degree angle and turned to the back…

  "Kelina, you are alright."

  Alex's arm turned back to normal, and quickly stepped forward to hold Karina, who was about to fall to the ground because of her soft legs, and did not let her go to see the strange robbers.

  "Hey, is he dead? How did you do it."

  Kelena rushed into his arms and kept crying. She never thought that their fifth anniversary would be so exciting.

  At this point all the gunshots have stopped, it seems that the battle is over, he is about to leave with Kelina, However, a police officer's words let everyone's heart sink to the bottom of the lake.

  A police officer screamed.

  "Not good! These robbers are equipped with time bombs! And they are activated! Everyone is leaving here!!!"

  Alice's heart was tight, and Kelina was about to start running, but it was too late. The robbery body behind him quickly expanded like a balloon until it burst into flames. The flame covered them both. .

  The explosives on all the robbers exploded at the same time. The entire restaurant collapsed instantly. The crystal chandeliers on the ceiling were crumbling. The beautifully carved crystal pillars collapsed. The explosion caused by the explosion, even the police cars outside the restaurant were overturned.

  At this time, Alex was burning with raging fire, and the burning sensation of pain was spread all over his skin. If the explosion in the past did not pose a threat to him, his ability here was weakened. And burn it again, he may die.

  "Kelina… Are you okay…"

  He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw Karina lying next to him, only… a pillar smashed on her waist and cut her in half…

  "I didn't expect that it would not be long before I came to the world to die… I still die with this fiancee…"

  The flame on Alex was still burning, and he felt tired, and the eyelids began to shut up involuntarily, but his hand still clutched the hand of Kelena, who had already died, and finally stunned.

  An incredible scene appeared. After the coma, Alex had quietly extended a black tentacles. The tentacles broke off the roots, like a black bug, crawling along his arm to Karina. Cool on the back of the hand and drilled into her skin.