
Black light virus in Marvel

In the final moment, Alex Mercer, the protagonist of the Prototype, used a helicopter to fly a nuclear bomb to the sea in order to save the black-light virus-infected New York City. the nuclear bomb explosion killed him. However, when he wakes up, he finds himself resurrected in New York City, but the world is not infected with black light virus, some people are just superheroes, and alien invaders who will destroy the earth at any time…    Read as Alex Mercer who is reborn in the Marvel universe, get’s himself back to the top of the food chain!

Sandeep_yadav_6666 · Video Games
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19 Chs

Chapter 2 Role Play

 At midnight, the streets were cold and clear, and everyone had already dreamed of being at home.

  At this time "Charles" was lying in bed without falling asleep, next to him, sleeping a fiancee called Karina.

  Of course, the real Charles has already died, it is only that Alex has become his appearance, and came to his home with the memory of Charles.

  During the day, the policeman named Charles and the young gangsters who witnessed their own deformations were killed and swallowed up, and they got a lot of information about this strange world.

  Although the world is not so safe, it is much better than the earth that was ravaged by black light viruses in its original world. There are at least a variety of superhero protections here.

  After Alex came to the world, he killed the few humans who witnessed himself because he did not want to expose too many identities in this strange world.

  And he has long been tired of the days of past killings, so he chose Charles as a normal identity and wants to live quietly.

  In addition, he also noticed that his ability is missing a lot, only less than a fraction of the strength of the black light virus.

  With his current strength, it is impossible to make any big things in this new world where the devils and ghosts are rampant.

  This night, his mind is constantly digesting the memory fragments swallowed up and familiar with the information of the world.


  The next day, Karina woke up and found that Charles was not in bed, and the roasting aroma of bread came downstairs.

  She put on her clothes and went downstairs, saw that "Charles" was washing the dishes, and the table had already had a hearty breakfast.

  "Charles, what's wrong with you today, the first time I made breakfast for me, wouldn't I feel guilty about doing something sorry for me?" Karina smiled and started joking, clinging from behind. He is washing the dishes.

  "Dear, you think too much. Today is not the anniversary of our 5th anniversary. It is okay to make breakfast for you."

  Alex smiled. Last night, he absorbed the memory of Charles. Almost even his childhood memories can be recalled. There is even a hint of looming emotions to Karina…

  "Oh dear, I didn't expect you to remember, I always thought that you were too busy to work and forgot."

  Kelina gripped his neck tightly and gave Alex a affectionate kiss.

  "Well, Kelena, I should go to work. After work tonight, I will pick you up at a Western restaurant and share a wonderful candlelight dinner. It belongs to only two of us."

  Alex stroked her hair and returned a kiss, and said goodbye to her. Since role-playing is required, it is necessary to put it into Charles's life.

  He wore a standard New York police uniform, opened the door and walked out of the house, and looked at the world outside. It was familiar and strange to him.

  However, he is still unforgettable in the infernal scene of the past virus, and has been wandering in his mind.

  He breathed a breathless air, sat on a Ford car purchased by a Charles loan, and began to sail to his workplace, the Felter District Police Station in New York City.

  In the memory network that Alex has swallowed, Charles is a good husband and a qualified policeman. Although his character is slightly weak, it does not hinder his good reputation in everyone's heart.

  After Alex killed him, there was no guilt in his heart. In the crazy slaughter of the past, he had already been obsessed with life and death. Even he did not see himself as a human being.

  In his previous life, when he was killing the final behind-the-scenes planner, he learned that the real "Alix" researcher had already been killed by the Black Watch Force from the beginning.

  And now, he was revived by blacklight pathogen with blurry memory.


  After a few minutes of driving, Alex came to the Fürth branch.

  "Hey! Charles, good morning!"

  "Hello there."

  "Charles, when are you getting married with your beautiful fiancee, if you are not in a hurry, you will be taken away by others."

  "Ha ha."

  Just entering the police station, several colleagues greeted him, it seems that Charles's popularity is still very good.

  Just as he was preparing to return to his seat, a female clerk came over.

  "Charles policeman, Director Spike asked me to call you to marry his office."

  "Okay, I will pass right away."

  The director of the Felte Division, Spike, is a middle-aged bald man with a big belly. In the sparsely populated town of Fürth, the number of cases is naturally not so much.

  It took Spike more than 20 years to climb the position of the director from the police, so his character is also extremely proud, and the reputation among the police officers is also very poor.

  The police officers even gave him a nickname, "Kappa from Japan."

  Alex tidy up the dress and knocked on the door of the director's office.

  "Come in."

  After hearing the voice of Spike, he unscrewed the doorknob and walked in. I didn't expect that as soon as I entered, a book would come over!

  Alex had grasped the book as easily as a conditional reflex, and stunned the director of Spike, and then began to swear.

  "What happened to your fucking yesterday?! When you patrol, you dialed the emergency call of the General Administration! If you don't say anything, you will hang up. When they call back to you, they will not pick up! I thought that something happened. I sent someone to check it out, and the result was nothing! I was stung by the people in the General Administration!!"

  "yesterday I..."

  "I don't care what you have yesterday! This inspection report is written by you! Then you patrol you for a month! Now, get out of here!!"

  "And, let the book go down to Laozi!"


  At this time, Alex had an urge to give this bald head a big deal, and Spike's body with a cold-eyed look was a little hairy.

  "Hey! What are you looking at! Don't get out yet?!"

  Alex took a deep breath and suppressed this impulse. He had to come to the world the next day to get into trouble. would be bad if it was discovered by those so-called heroes. After all, now The strength of oneself has weakened a lot.

  Alex went forward and threw the book to his book at Spike's desk, then opened the door and went out.

  "Mom! What are these young people thinking about their brains?! Is this attitude towards leadership like this!"

  Spike looked uncomfortable, picked up the book and prepared to continue reading, but found that there were several deep fingerprints on the book…

  "Hey Charles, is that Kappa yelling at you again? I feel that one day we will be forced to resign by the collective, leaving him a light pole commander to see what he does!"

  After walking out of the Spike office, a police officer who was eating a sandwich came over and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

  "Thank you for your concern, I am fine, right, where is the surveillance video storage room in our police station?"

  "After the second floor of the tool room, there is nothing to monitor in the broken place where we don't pull the bird. We can't catch a few thieves in a year. No one in the monitoring room…"

  "Good thank you!"

  Alex did not wait for him to finish, he went to the surveillance video storage room.

  In Charles's memory fragments, he learned that the suburbs were too calm and the crimes were extremely rare, which led to the lack of enthusiasm and motivation for these police officers, so even the monitoring room was not managed by a dedicated staff.

  After entering the surveillance video storage room, he found the surveillance videotape of the neighborhood he was in yesterday and took it out.

  Subsequently, his right hand became a black claw form, which swallowed the entire videotape.

  Alice's mouth is slightly ticked. Now, no one knows his true identity