

The Dancers stared in anticipation, so much so that it permeated through the air and stuck to Physician's skin.

"Calm down. Jeez, if I'd known this would happen then I wouldn't have written that long-ass speech," Now they stared speechlessly.

'So I was worried for nothing?' Wrath Incarnate cocked his head, the confusion seemed to spread from his face to the wolf headpiece, although that was probably just an over-exaggeration.

"Don't get me wrong, we actually ran the statistics, and they revealed that if we don't have a cure by the specified time frame, then we would have to vacate the planet. But, Vector isn't as amazing as he led us to believe,"

"We've developed a Prototype and whether we can utilize it will depend on your response to this,"

The words came out of his mouth, and most Dancers faced something they hadn't considered in the first place.