

Amber Stanford had always been afraid of the dark. As a child growing up in the countryside, she had heard all sorts of stories about the creatures that lurked in the shadows, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting victims. But now, as she moved to the big city of LA, her fear of the dark - or nyctophobia, as it was known - had become almost unbearable. On her first day of school, Amber felt completely out of place. She was a country girl at heart, used to wide open spaces and the quiet of the countryside. But now she was surrounded by the noise and chaos of the city, with its towering skyscrapers and endless traffic. To make matters worse, she quickly became the target of the school bully - a troublemaker named Noah Griffin. Noah was the kind of guy who seemed to take pleasure in making other people miserable, and Amber was an easy target. She was a nerd at school, with no sense of fashion or style, and she was also the poorest girl in her class. Noah made sure to remind her of all these things every chance he got, teasing her relentlessly and making her feel even more isolated than she already was. But despite his unpleasant treatment, Amber refused to let him get the best of her. She had a heart of gold, and she was determined to rise above it all. As the weeks went by, Amber found herself growing more and more frustrated with Noah's constant bullying. But then something strange started to happen. Despite all his meanness, she found herself strangely drawn to him. There was something about his devil-may-care attitude and his rugged good looks that she couldn't resist. And then, one day, something shifted between them. It was like a switch had been flipped, and suddenly they were no longer enemies - they were something else entirely. They had fallen for each other, despite everything. It wasn't easy - there were still plenty of bumps along the way. But in the end, Amber and Noah found that they were stronger together than they ever could have been apart.

Aira_shakira · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 1 Flashback

The waves are crashing. The sun is setting. She feels the sand squish slowly through her toes as Amber walks down the shoreline. Her nostrils pick up the salty water and the mineral aroma of the ocean. The sand, which she delights in plunging her feet into, has just whipped off her shoes. The Seagulls piping and fleeing across the sea.

This was the place for Amber and Noah used to see each other, and lots of joyful and pleasing moments in this place before Noah is missing. She recalled the flash of the past that exist inside her mind, She swung her head around towards the Beach House, where they used to spend time together, there are enormous sweet memories of them both in this place. The moments when they are fighting, giggling, crying, hanging around with each other, and beginning to fall in love. And then the reflection of their kiss scene appears in her head.

The night when they decided to stay over, unexpectedly he caught sight of her green angelic eyes deeply, her dazzling eyes glisten in the light like a real show-stopper. She looked deep into his sharp blue eyes, staring at her passionately. His alluring golden brown hair, and his burly body wrapped in a thin shirt, reveal the muscles of his strong mussels, His skin radiated brightly in the golden yellow light that shone. Accompanied by his bright smile, Noah is indeed so charming, no wonder why all women get wild around him, deep inside her heart, no matter how much she attempts to resist his charms, she couldn't resist it and she falls head over heels in love with him eventually.

The night when they seated on the long couch that led to the shore, the twilight was so luminous that it shone on the surface of the seawater which revealed waves in the calm sea. Accompany by a bottle of wine standing on top of the classic wooden table with a couple of crystal wine glasses; They took a sip of Cabernet Sauvignon red wine which was a bit intoxicating, and they were Unconscious And carried away. but then suddenly he turned his face towards her closer and stared more deeply into each other eyes, and he said;

"I never presumed that an ugly duckling like you could turn into such a beautiful swan"

"Excuse me, are you attempting to insult me or teasing me right now?" she rolled her eyes.

"I'm telling you the truth, Don't be furious"

"Noah, stop toying with me because your words won't make me fall for you as the other girls did at school"

"What if I could make you fall for me, what would you do?"

"I would never, trust me"

"Look into my eyes"

"I am"

As she obtained the challenge and began to stare into each other eyes, her gaze deepened more and more. He slowly turned his eyes towards her lips And slowly set his finger on it softly.

"What are you doing?" he put his finger on her lips trying to stop her from letting out another word.

"Say nothing"

His face came closer to her, her racing heartbeats bouncing harder and harder, there was a battle between her brain and her heart, her brain tells her to stop it while her heart desires to keep going and take pleasure in the oxytocin that has been released from her brain, this is what we called the hormone of love. The fight ceased and her heart is the victor, she lost her mind by pursuing her heart, so they ended up kissing each other.

A passionate but loving kiss, smoothly without rush, Noah is incredible when it comes to smooching, the way he touches her is not full of lust but full of love, he doesn't carelessly caress her body during the kissing process, and he respects her so much without forcing his will. He just handled her cheek gently and gently while crushing her lips with his lips that were so soft and filled with the occasional bite of her lower lip which made her so unable to hold back the desire in her chest.

Such an unforgettable moment for them both.

The first time they met, he seemed so cold-hearted, unapproachable, and annoying her with the freaking bullies he did to her every single day, just because his shoes got dirty when she accidentally spilled her smoothies on them.

No matter how much she apologizes to him, it doesn't work at all, there's no forgiveness for her. Or maybe he just made it as an excuse to bully her for fun, But whatever it is, And no matter what he did in the past, it's always the sweetest memory for her to remember. Now he was gone without even saying goodbye. No emails, no calls, or texts. He even blocked her number and all her social media. And still, She couldn't figure out what is her fault and what had she done wrong to him until he abandons her just like that.

It's true that love provides us pleasure but also grants us pain when the love fades away, awfully after the day they spent the sunniest time together, but then, The next day he just disappeared.

Some people call themselves strong as a single person and post their quotes on social media, telling people "Just let go and Love yourself", they were trying to prove that they are stronger than anyone else, but the truth is, it isn't that easy just to let go of someone most valuable to you, especially your first love.

Let's have a flashback to the old days back in high school. This is the story of a young girl; Amber Standford a seventeen-year-old country girl who just moved to the city of LA with her Foster mother Lilly Standford who adopted her when she was traveling to her country and found her attractive to be her beloved daughter. She takes good care of her and provides for her study. Back then, she knows nothing about love, and she never even have a boyfriend. The first time in school is quite surprising, She looked at every student who dressed up like they were going to a fashion show, unlike her, who looks so simple, wearing her country outfits like long jeans, a button-down shirt, and country boots.

Amber was quiet and innocent, and people call her a nerd, She used to wear glasses back then and braid her hair too. She wasn't putting any makeup on, unlike every girl at school. They appear like they have spent a bunch of cash to buy make-up, outfits, jewelry, etc. which she couldn't afford to buy all those things just to go to school every day.

Lilly isn't rich, She told her that she's too old now and has no family after she was thrown out by her husband's family and took her daughter away so she needs someone who's gonna take care of her, so for that reason, she is adopting Amber, They were live happily even though they are just living in a tiny house with an old minivan parked in their garage. Nothing fancy but it's more than enough for them to survive here. Amber was totally fine with that and still grateful to be part of Lilly's family. She deserved love and someone who took care of Lilly. She's a wonderful woman and Amber always prays for her that one day she could reunite with her real daughter.

On her first day at school, people were staring at her and some people even called her a country girl straight to her face, maybe because of her outfit, but she is not at all concerned about what people said about her, She came here for a reason, is to study, not for a competition of fashion show, and she won't give up or disappointing Lilly who spent so much money on her tuition fee so that she could have a brighter future.

But hold on, it doesn't mean she has no friends at all. Meet Emma; Amber's best friend. She is affluent and gorgeous, with her pearly white teeth, dresses smart, talks intelligently, her golden hair flows smoothly and shines all the time, her dazzling sharp blue eyes, her curly eyelashes with a wing of black eyeliner make her overall look more attractive and her generosity full of kindness, but she wasn't feeling embarrassed to befriend with Amber. She has always told Amber;

"Amber, you're so different from the others who are using me just because of my money and fame, I'm so grateful to find you among those spoiled brats"

And the most interesting part is, Emma is Noah's younger sister who has a completely different personality from her brother, what a coincidence.

Amber has no intention of using her at all, even when she's got no money in her pocket, not even once does she ask for some cash from Emma, She would rather work hard and earn her paycheck with her sweat like doing a part-time job at the coffee shop after school for her pocket money.

She doesn't get much but, it is enough for her to survive.

Her persistent kindness is astonishing and she is always there to help Amber with anything she needed especially when she gets bullied by the other students. She even guides her on how to dress up well. They went to the mall for shopping often and Emma offered her anything she wanted to buy, like clothes, shoes, bags, make-up, etc. But She kindly rejected it all, because she won't allow anybody to spoil her with money. So for that reason, they get along with each other as best friends.

One day at lunchtime, Emma approached her and brought her a strawberry smoothie, and then they went to the library to pick up some books. On their way to the library, there is one girl is standing right there at the corner of the corridor, she was giggling with her friends while her eyes were focused on Amber's outfits, she intended to tackle her ankle until she tripped down and fell on the floor just for fun. She's one of the students who are always bullying Amber. Her name is Hannah Johnson, the Queen "B" at school and also Noah's girlfriend.

[ Thud ]

Amber plunged onto the floor with her face nearly touching the ground.

"Watch out you stupid weirdo!"

Hannah laughed with her pearly white teeth and her plum lips, and her hand was busy playing with her hair with those expensive acrylic nail art, coated with kaleidoscopic and glittery nail Polish, her attitude and the way she dressed up is different for a student-like. No wonder why she dressed up like that, It's because she's the most popular girl at school with over a Million followers on her Instagram.

And unlucky at the same time she plunges onto the ground, someone walks towards her and shows her his dirty shoes full of strawberry smoothie straight on her face while she is laying upside down on the corridor floor.

"Excuse me, what have you done to my shoes?!"

His voice was so deep, and somehow sounded so intimidating, his LV Ranger ankle boots was covered with her smoothie are getting closer to her face, when she looked up at his face, he was glaring at her with an icy stare. He seems unhappy with what happened to his shoes.

Yep, that's Noah Griffin 19 years old, Emma's brother and Hannah's boyfriend. He is the captain of the basketball team and the hottest guy at school. At first, Amber is careless about how tall, how cool, how hot, how popular, or whatsoever he is, she wasn't paying attention to him at all, unlike every girl at school who is dying to become his girlfriend, But then they both eventually fall for each other.

Let me tell you how they are falling in love with each other in the next chapter so stay tuned.