
Black Heart [1]

Three Years Ago

The Year 2021

Beneath the agency (Project Z)

"DAD!" Liam shouts, he was pinned to the wall by Seth's bones sticking out his back.

Steve halts instantly.

"Why are you doing this?" he adds with shaky eyes, the tears threaten to fall. He didn't understand why his dad would do this to him, betray him, he was working for the very agency that tore their family apart, what possible reason could it be?

"For a better future Liam".

For a better future? It didn't make any sense, how would betraying him be for a Better Future, this kept stabbing at the back of his head like a drum. There was only one true explanation for this, Steve was working for the agency and the reason why their mission went sideways.

Steve began walking away, not turning his back.