
Black Flare

Akuma Kabutsu i one day transported to another world along with several of his classmates. However his perfect "isekai" life doesn't last long as he is soon labeled as the Black Flare, a demon which once destroyed a large part of the continent. He is ostracized, hated and betrayed by the very people he thought of as friends. How will Akuma survive in this dangerous world? Will he make it through the gruesome trials that await him at every other step?

IGI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

[1.1 A New World] A Fresh Breeze

[12:54 Friday 26. june]

One of the last days of school is here. In a half empty classroom sits a 14 years old, quiet and withdrawn boy. This boy is named Akuma Kabutsu. He has dark brown hair and gray eyes with a slight hint of blue. He's wearing a black t-shirt, cargo shorts and sneakers.

Some kids didn't even bother to show up at this point. In the background can be heard a movie the teacher put on for the students to watch. It's a typical lazy day where the students show up for no real reason.

Akuma is resting his head on the desk he's sitting at. A firm slap hits the exposed back of his neck.

"The fuck are you doing you poor excuse of a skyscraper?" Akuma groaned as his patience was nearing its end. The one who shall recieve Akuma's wrath is none other than Haku Kinoko. Haku is Akuma's childhood friend. He's 184cm tall, whole 20cm taller than Akuma. He has short light brown hair and usually wears blue.

"What was i supposed to do? Let you sleep while everyone else was doing the same?"

"Just you wait." Akuma never had a short temper, in fact, it's the opposite, he's a strong phlegmatic. Yet only around Haku does he really act without thinking too much about everything.

"So Aku, do you wanna get ice cream after school or what?"

Akuma who returned to his resting position on the desk looks at Haku with tired eyes. The tiredness in his eyes has a reason, Akuma slept only about four hours last night due to the fact that the two were on a video call until late at night. [I wonder how Haku can go around sleeping the same amount of time like me and still function normally]

"Eh, sure." Akuma agrees.

Spotting an opportunity, Sophia Harada turns around and butts into the conversation of the two boys with a smug smirk on her face.

"Making plans, huh? Can i come as well?"

Sophia had a crush on Akuma for quite a while and even confessed to him once. Akuma however due to the certain reasons rejected her feelings. This, however, didn't stop her from approaching Akuma.

Sophia had long black hair, brown eyes and wears glasses. She's also the biggest nerd in class. This fact alone was enough for Akuma to dislike her. She uses talking to Haku as an excuse for getting closer to Akuma.

In the past and even now is Haku the popular extroverted one while Akuma is the introverted quiet one. One would think this combination wouldn't mix well, but the two became inseparable during their years together.

Haku agrees, acting oblivious to Sophia's feelings towards Akuma. "Yeah, sure you can-"

"No." Akuma quickly cuts Haku off and crushes whatever hopes and plans Sophia had. Sophia responds by pouting in Akuma's face. Her attempt, however, is only met with the disgusted look on Akuma's face.

"Aww come on! I've even put on extra make-up today!"

"You don't need make-up, you need plastic surgery and a psychiatrist." Sophia finally backs down but not before expressing her frustration some more by glaring at Akuma.

Akuma grew up in an orphanage so behaivior like this isn't unusual for him. It is said that Akuma's parents gave up on him without a word and just left him in a basket in front of an orphanage. He was found on the 5. of august, thus it was declared his birthday. At the time he looked like he was still just a newborn, a few days old at best.

Haku lives on the same street as the orphanage where Akuma lives. At first, Akuma vas very hesitant, even scared of Haku due to his outgoing and extroverted personality. Over time, however, Akuma and Haku became truly inseparable, with Haku often pulling Akuma out of his comfort zone and vice versa.

As for the rest of the class that is present today there is:

Kaede Natsu. The pretty and kind girl. Long dark brown hair that reach down to her waist, light blue eyes together with a caring personality were enough to charm even Akuma.

Johnathan Smith. The most generic douchebag you can find. He acts as if the whole world belongs to him just because he is an exchange student from America. Talk about patrioic. There isn't much to say about him. He has short black hair and brown eyes. A strong tan is also present.

Sakura Ninki. The bitchy class queen. She rules the whole class by manipulating people and creates drama in the class for enjoyment. Her long pinkish hair and eyes of the same color have already made her an army of followers.

Itazare Shoto. The short class clown. He has short black hair. He doesn't have any outstanding features other than his humor, which was able to make even someone as serious as Akuma laugh from time to time. He cares deeply for all of his classmates.

"All right class, the bell is about to ring! Stand in front of the door, i'll let you go a minute sooner!"

The instruction came from the homeroom teacher, Hana Zarana. She is a tall woman in her late thirties with short red hair. She is a strict but good teacher.

The students slowly line up at the door, with Akuma somehow ending in the middle instead of at the end like usual.

The teacher is slowly walking through the class, heading to open the door.

Suddenly, under Akuma's feet a circle appears. The circle glows a dim light. The teacher is the first one to notice it. As the light of the circle grows brighter, she tries to get everyone away from it. Her attempt, unfortunately, ends in failure.

In a matter of seconds the circle grows into a size that easily traps everyone, including Hana who tried to get the students out. Strange symbols appear inside the circle as it starts glowing brighter. Soon the glow of the circle blinds everyone in it.

After a few seconds, and after feeling a fresh breeze hit his face, Akuma opens his eyes. His eyes immediately widen at the landscape that spans before him.

He isn't in the class anymore, him, together with all the other students and their teacher, are standing startled on top of a hill.