
Black Eyed Susan

**~~~~ synopsis ~~~~** Her freedom was taken, her dignity was crushed, her heart was shattered, the courage to keep going was shaken. She lost her parents and lost the one person, who stood by her who showered her with nothing but love and care. What will become of her? Good or bad? Will she still be herself again? ~~~~~~~ "What do you think of flowers?" Her grandmother asked out of the blue. "Flowers?...... Flowers are flowers Mama Liya." She smiled smugly and shook her head. "Have you ever heard of Black Eyed Susan?" Her grandmother asked again. "No. "Why all these questions Mama Liya?" She raised her eye brows and stretched her neck. She wasn't in the mood to know about any flowers at all, not when they are more important things to face right now. "I guess you are dumb in some aspects hun." Mama Liya mocked. Jane just rolled her eyes. "Who in the world spent alot of times learning about flowers?" "People who are dumb like you." Her grandmother said sarcastically and laughed lightly. Mama Liya wanted to motivate Jane again, cause she thought her granddaughter's hope was fading due to the things happening. "Black Eyed Susan is a flower, a special strong flower to be precise. Am telling you this because, I want you to have the spirit of a Black Eyed Susan. It a flower that symbolizes courage, strong will, justice, truth, and strength. "It has the power to survive anywhere, despite if the weather conditions are harsh. "So, I want you to use this to guide your life. It okay to get hurt, but don't get hurt for the same thing again." She advised her precious granddaughter and kissed the crown of her head. Jane actually thought that, Mama Liya will utter a tedious talk but was cut surprise. She was confounded. " Really? I didn't know flowers also has important meaning in life. But........." She paused and sighed. "I don't know if I can be like that. I mean am weak and meek, so am definitely sure I can't survive in this harsh and cruel world." Jane was sure she won't survive in this harsh world, and she wasn't ready to face any more problems, so she was certain the theme of a Black eyed Susan won't go for her. ~~~~~~~~ ....... So guys, let's go into a journey of ; pain, tears, deep love, courage, truth, revenge, suspense, and justice! Please support my work. #Ariy.

Ariy_0001 · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: Grief (3)

The Thomas couple were rejoicing and started making preparations for the contract.

Emmanuel made several calls to informed and get the things needed for the contract.

"The contract must be impressive!"

He thought and was ready to give it his all, because he knew if the contract impressed everyone, he would be more famous and surely more money in flow.

" She really was worth it."

Debby came from behind and said closely. She believed what she did was right, and Jane was their sacrificial lamb.

Emmanuel nodded and smiled.

"So, this is what victory feels like?! I didn't even feel any ounce of regret.

" Firstly was her parents, and secondly was Jane, Wow! We are really bad my dear."

He chuckled loudly.

Debby held her husband hands and stared out, seemingly like she was reminiscing the past when she and her husband implicated Jane's parents and killed them.

When it comes to finding the real definition of shameless and mean, the Thomas couple was a perfect example of that.


Ebuka chuckled. " You really think you can leave me? Not when have done my part in the deal and not when I haven't had a taste of you."

He curled his lips up and robbed his little man down his pant. He was obsessed with Jane and wasn't ready to let her go until he finishes her.

Jane shuddered violently, still in pains from the beating she received earlier and cursed Ebuka internally.


Ebuka laughed when he heard the little curse of Jane and retorted back, "Oh yes! I will be a devil when it only comes you.. hahaha!.

"Now, come here baby. We aren't done with our earlier work. "

He remembered earlier when he was about to plunge into her but got disturbed. He remembered her delicious, eye catching sacred area and shuddered excitedly thinking how sweet and tight she will be.

Jane tried to move away from him, but he yanked her to himself and whispered in a sultry voice,

" You better cooperate, cause am not that nice! Let's do it the easy way, and I assure you it won't hurt you. But if you refused, then I will have to give it to you the hard and painful way, though it will be painful to you but on my side, it will be plain pleasure."

Ebuka tried to convinced her and threatened her. He enjoyed seeing her tears and sensing her fears.

What a pycho!

"Please...just .let me..,,go." She voiced out languidly.

She wasn't ready to loose her dignity, not now and to top it all, he wasn't worth it.

So, why should she succumbed to him and allowed him to take her dignity as a woman!

"No! Not possible." she thought and again tried to break free, but it was futile.

Her stubbornness earned a frown from Ebuka. "Seems you want it the hard way then."

He called two of his guards and commanded them to carry Jane to his room.

He followed them lazily and was ready to pass all his aggressions and anger on her.

When they got to his room, he instructed the two guards to hold Jane's hands and spread her legs widely for him.

Jane struggled but was hit in the face again by Ebuka.

"Stop struggling, or I will blow your head up!" He uttered furiously and wondered how a little girl can be so stubborn and feisty.

"Then kill me! I prefer to die, than for you to take my dignity!"

She barked and at that moment, she wasn't thinking about anything. She just wasn't ready to loose her dignity.

Ebuka smiled at his little beauty words.

" You aren't allowed to make any decisions my dear. I own you! I bought you, and you are mine! Let's that sink deeply into your head."

Jane spat on his face and riposte loudly, "I am not a product to be bought! I am not yours, and I have a life to live!"

She wasn't ready to bark down and even if it means dying, then she won't mind.

Nothing seems to mean anything to her now and not even life it self.

Ebuka was rendered speechless by Jane's outburst.

One minutes,

Two minutes,

Three minutes,

"Strip her!"

He ordered and continued, " You are so stupid, to me you are a product and your relatives already sold you to me. So whether you like it or not, you are mine now! "

Ebuka words were like a hit to Jane's face and when he said, "Relatives."

Jane suddenly remembered the Thomas couple and her hatred for them multiplied. She really hated them more and vowed to make them pay!

Her shirt was ripped, and she was unclad again. An attractive view was presented in front of Ebuka.

"I can't wait to have a taste of you." He rubbed his palms together and licked his lower lips.

Jane still hoped for heaven to help, and didn't want to believe she will loose her pride just like that.

Ebuka came on top of her and started to romance her. He licked her earlobe and gave her collarbone a deep kiss.

He proceeded to french kiss her, but Jane bit his lip which immediately started bleeding and spatted his blood on his face.

"Feisty one here." He chuckled.


He slapped her hard and stared furiously at her. " You are my slave, and you have no right to do anything to me until I say so!"

Without waiting for her reply, he moved to assault her peaks. Squeezing, biting, and sucking them which earn loud groans from Jane. She really despised Ebuka so much.

After feeling satisfied with his assault, he rubbed his cock and looked up at Jane.

"Open your mouth."

He commanded but Jane refused, and he gave her one hard lash which tore her stomach.

And she started bleeding, though not too much.


She screamed loudly and tried hard not to cry, but she couldn't hide the small sobs that came out of her mouth.

"I said open your mouth!"

Jane swiftly opened her mouth, and he also freed his cock then, he pushed his fat cock into her mouth.

"Lick it and suck it!"

He ordered and didn't care about anything.

Ebuka thought, he needs to teach Jane some lessons, and let her know her position. He needs to tame her!

Jane almost choked out and felt like vomiting but was left with no choice. A thought suddenly popped up in her head.

" What if I bite his manhood, will he still be able to rape me? No, am sure he won't. He will be in pain instead."

She smiled inwardly and bit him instantly!


Ebuka removed his cock and held it in his hands.

He didn't really expect Jane will do that.

"Fuck!" He cursed and glared daggers at Jane.

Jane didn't care and snorted.

" Looks like she is more hard to tame. I guess she needs more beatings and punishment."

He thought and suddenly paused.

" What if the pains becomes too much for her, and she dies. That's will be a huge loss for me.

"I must have her now."

Ebuka wasn't ready to suffer any loss now, so he was determined to have her now.

Jane stiffened when she felt his huge cock on her entry......


So what will happen?????

Stay tuned and please support this book on Webnovel, it in a contest.

Follow me on Instagram: lil_ariy.