
Black Eyed Susan

**~~~~ synopsis ~~~~** Her freedom was taken, her dignity was crushed, her heart was shattered, the courage to keep going was shaken. She lost her parents and lost the one person, who stood by her who showered her with nothing but love and care. What will become of her? Good or bad? Will she still be herself again? ~~~~~~~ "What do you think of flowers?" Her grandmother asked out of the blue. "Flowers?...... Flowers are flowers Mama Liya." She smiled smugly and shook her head. "Have you ever heard of Black Eyed Susan?" Her grandmother asked again. "No. "Why all these questions Mama Liya?" She raised her eye brows and stretched her neck. She wasn't in the mood to know about any flowers at all, not when they are more important things to face right now. "I guess you are dumb in some aspects hun." Mama Liya mocked. Jane just rolled her eyes. "Who in the world spent alot of times learning about flowers?" "People who are dumb like you." Her grandmother said sarcastically and laughed lightly. Mama Liya wanted to motivate Jane again, cause she thought her granddaughter's hope was fading due to the things happening. "Black Eyed Susan is a flower, a special strong flower to be precise. Am telling you this because, I want you to have the spirit of a Black Eyed Susan. It a flower that symbolizes courage, strong will, justice, truth, and strength. "It has the power to survive anywhere, despite if the weather conditions are harsh. "So, I want you to use this to guide your life. It okay to get hurt, but don't get hurt for the same thing again." She advised her precious granddaughter and kissed the crown of her head. Jane actually thought that, Mama Liya will utter a tedious talk but was cut surprise. She was confounded. " Really? I didn't know flowers also has important meaning in life. But........." She paused and sighed. "I don't know if I can be like that. I mean am weak and meek, so am definitely sure I can't survive in this harsh and cruel world." Jane was sure she won't survive in this harsh world, and she wasn't ready to face any more problems, so she was certain the theme of a Black eyed Susan won't go for her. ~~~~~~~~ ....... So guys, let's go into a journey of ; pain, tears, deep love, courage, truth, revenge, suspense, and justice! Please support my work. #Ariy.

Ariy_0001 · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: Escape

Mama Liya didn't want to believe her gut feeling, but the image was still vivid in her head.

She remembered they were talking and drinking, then suddenly she slept off and when she woke up, she woke up in her own house, but what of Jane?

Immediately, an ominous feeling like the previous one came back and this time, it was more intense and overwhelming than the previous ominous feeling.

Seemingly nothing she can do right now, other than to hope and pray her granddaughter to be alright.

She got on her kneels and prayed. She kept praying and crying for heaven knows how long.

She regretted it when she took the portentous hunch lightly. She should have known better that it was a way of heaven warning her, but she turned her back to it, and now she regretted it.

She really wished to change what has happened and go back to the past, but she can't! And that actually frustrated her so much, that her blood pressure rose so high to the extent she fainted.

Such a pity!


Some hours after Mr Nelson left, Jane woke up from her deep sleep after tossing around the bed for some minutes.

The moment she woke up, she screamed,

"Mama Liya!"

And then, reality hit her like a lightening bolt!

She was in a luxurious room and the bed felt thick. Instantly she felt cold, and that was when she realized she was bared.

Without much thinking, she jumped down the bed and tried to cover her body with her hands but was met with another shock that rendered her speechless.

The moment she jumped down from bed and tried to cover her body with her hands, her eyes immediately landed on a man's under wear and pant on the floor, beside the bed.

Waves of thoughts circling her head, and she tried to hold herself together believing it not true.

She tried to calm herself together and looked around for any other sign that may signify something, though she saw nothing and no one else except her in the room.

She wanted to heave a breathe of relief, but she can't help the question that came straight to her mind next,

" Why am I bared?

"Who is the owner of the wears on the floor?"

Her head arched as she tried to find answers to these disturbing questions, and that was when she remembered what had happened earlier. She found it hard to believe it.

"Why will they do that, and where is Mama Liya??!"

She was hurt and grief striken. Why will her own family betrayed her just like that?


She thought,

"So it was all a trick, they deceived me and took me to a man's bed. A man old enough to be my father, and now am not even sure if I am still a v...irg.in again....""

She cried and stuttered the, "Virgin" part.

Then, something seemed to struck her, as she went quiet, and her gaze trailed to the bed.

She frowned and stood up. Her eyes were looking around the bed, and she muttered,

" This is strange, why can't I see any blood?"

She inhaled and exhaled, then sat on the bed to think things through.

"What's really going on?"

She asked herself.

Jane was really jumbled and cursed the Thomas couple inwardly. She really hate them to the gut now and hoped they didn't hurt her grandmother, or else she vowed to make them pay in a very hard way. She clenched her fist and growled furiously,

"The Thomas couple, you better make sure nothing happens to her!!!!! Or, things will not be easy between us!"

She felt like tugging her hair violently and going crazy but now that things has escalate to this point, she believed she needs to escape right now, or else she can't guarantee what will happen next.

She stood up, though her body was still aching, but nonetheless she strolled to the closet, and she picked a long shirt. She wore it and adjusted her self..

There was no time she thought and moved towards the window to look down.

She already knew Mr. Nelson's house was well guarded, so when she looked down and saw that there was no sign of any guards, she proceeded to walk towards the door.

She opened the door a bit and saw that there was also no one guarding the door, inwardly she thanked her stars, then went out quietly. Tip toeing in order to avoid any noise that may spoil her plan.

She got to the passage hall and silently made her way down the stairs. Seeing the coast was clear again, she continued her escape plan and moved to the lounge.

On getting there, she heard a familiar voice speaking.


She thought, and he was speaking with a strange voice she can't seems to contain but knowing that place was not the right place, she moved past the lounge and saw three shadows coming her way with heavy footsteps. So, she immediately hid herself behind the wall that was distant from the lounge.

She exhaled silently thinking she was almost close to been caught. When the Shadows were already far away, she moved away from her hiding place and proceeded to find her way out. She was determined to get out no matter what it takes!

She found herself close to the main sitting room and complained why Nelson's mansion has to be so big. She quickly ran towards the living room door and was about to open the door, when someone from outside opened it instead.

Like a fantom! She can't explain how she fastly moved and dodged away.

She hid behind the sofa close to the curtains and prayed silently for heaven to help her through this.

The man, who opened the door from outside was shocked, cause he saw someone like a silhouette, and immediately he grew suspicious. He took out his gun and wanted to survey the living room but was called by his superior.

He had no choice but to leave his suspicions for later and with one last glance at the sitting room, he left to attend to his superior.

Jane sighed and thanked the heavens. She hiked her walk towards the door and alas!


She smiled and swiftly, she moved to the car park and hid behind the numerous luxurious cars.

She was really happy, and now she can finally see Mama Liya again. Her gladness couldn't be express, and now she was waiting for the final moment to escape until,,,,,

Woohoo wohooo!!!

An alarm was heard!

"Holy shit!"

She exclaimed and cursed, thinking her plan is going to be foil now. Jane was frustrated, just when she was about to be happy and rejoice on how her escape was successful, then this happened.

"No! No! No! No! This can't be."

Her eyes were brimming with tears, but she needs to be strong.

There is still hope, she believed and tried to continued her escape plan. She prayed for a visitor to come, so she can make her way out somehow without been seen.


Earlier, when Ebuka came back after the intense discussion that happened at the House of Assembly. He immediately wanted to check on his little beauty but was stopped by his assistant again, who quickly explained that the Governor was here to see him and can't be delayed.

So, he had to postponed his earlier thought on seeing his beauty.

Jeff was really tired of being his assistant. He really hoped and prayed, he doesn't die one day with all these nervousness and headaches.

"Oh good lord, help me please."

He looked up , as if he can see his saviour through the house roof and muttered,

"Politics is hell!" Then, he shook his head.


Oh my, what will happen to Jane now?!

Please get my other novel too, titled"The Halfling."


A century has past, since the prognostication that, a Halfling will save the lands was heard, but no sign of it has been seen.

What will be the fate of the three lands, if the Dekinans manage to free Belial (Their Master and the Ruler of Hell) ????

The Mighty One (Insisa), not in his physical form anymore.


The prophecy????

The legend scripture has it that,

" The world might be in chaos again, more bigger and bloodier than the Great war, but ye shall not worry for thy saviour is coming back.

A child born in an anomalous and mystifying way,

A Halfling,

The bearer of the light and power of the Mighty one.

"Oh ye, do not worry, for he is not to be underestimated, cause he shall conquer thy enemies and bring ye nothing but tranquility.

And when the world welcomes him,

Ye shall prepare to witness five rare phenomenal that will happen together at the same time for one day and one night.

Once ye see those phenomenal, then know that ye saviour has arrive."

Halfling are considered as weak and meek beings, not having the full blood of any supernatural being they are, but Aeron was extraordinary and especial. Despite his young age, the weight of the lands leans on him.

Will he save the lands or succumb to Belial's manipulation eventually at last, even though the world is counting on him????!