
Black dragon heart

Magic drama love fight

Aymen_Aymen_3002 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter Three: Adventure in Mount Orikarius

Ivan Muto began his journey at the great Mount Orecarius. He heard from the residents of the town of Kankai near the Nihon Kingdom about Mount Orecarius, where it is rumored that the legendary phoenix is ​​trapped inside.

Ivan headed to the mountain and was walking along the path while thinking about how to obtain the power of that legendary bird for a while He noticed a strange movement around him. Yes, they were soldiers of the Oriana Empire. They were lurking in a convoy carrying nobles from the Nihon Kingdom. They blocked their way, but the Scorpion Squad intervened at the right time. Ivan was watching from a distance as he noticed the strength of one of the elite knights, along with members of the Fifth Squad. Yes, they were the Scorpion Squad.  Its leader, Yamato Suzuki, was born with the art of using the sword and is also adept at using fire magic Its members are distinguished by their different types of magic.

Yamato Suzuki: Guys, our goal is to secure the convoy

The vice captain of the Oriana Empire, whose name is Bellamy, replies: Wow, look at the leader of the Scorpion Squad, Yamato Suzuki. This is our lucky day. A scion of the Suzuki family has been arrested.

Yamato: Asahi and Shun, protect the convoy. The rest, prepare to fight, consider it training for you, comrades.

The fight raged between the soldiers of the Oriana Empire and the Scorpion Squad. It was a major fight, but the mission of the Empire soldiers failed.  After the fighting ended, the squad returned with the convoy.

Evan: As expected from the Scorpion Squad and its leader deserves the title of the powerful Nihon Tiger, well I have to continue the journey as I have approached the mountain.After a period of time, Ivan entered the mountain and noticed a change in the climate of the place, as it had a very high temperature. It was concentrated without any gap or weakness.  Evan: Such a lot of pressure. I think it's because of the aura of the legendary phoenix  While he was walking inside the mountain, he stopped and realized that there was a tribe in front of him, which was the elven tribe. The elven tribe's mission was to protect the great Mount Orecarius from any stranger and to wait for the one who would carry the willpower of the legendary fen.