
Black dragon heart

Magic drama love fight

Aymen_Aymen_3002 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter Ten: Dual Training

The King of Nihon was in his office, meeting with his deputy as well as his advisor

Gregory Barges to discuss the affairs of the kingdom and what happened on the island of Amazon Lilith as well as the neighboring island.

King: How is Emilia?

MP: She is now being treated, but the Leon squad is in a state of shock and sadness. Your Majesty, what will we do to solve this problem?

The King: We will hold double training for the nine squads. Listen, unite the first squad with the fifth squad, while the second squad, unite it with the last squad, and divide the rest of the squads as you wish.

Representative: Well, Your Majesty, I remember Yahiko said that their entry was not a coincidence. What does that mean, Your Majesty?

  The King: We will know the answer later. I hope there is no treason in the kingdom.

The Silver Panthers headed to the Leon Division headquarters for double training

A member of the Panthers squad: What a very wonderful building that has everything

I wonder where that beautiful girl is, oh right, her name is Noel-san, and Hana-san is also pretty

MP: Guys, you are always troublemakers

Leader: Haha, let them have fun

MP: Where is Ivan?  He didn't come with us

Leader: I sent him on a mission, don't worry, as I want him to remain a surprise to the other teams in the Kingdom Championship that will be held.

The squad headed inside Leon's squad headquarters and was waiting for them

Vice squad leader Asa Watanabe.

The commander says: Oh, deputy commander, how are you?

Deputy: The most troublesome in the group is Yahiko and his deputy

Everyone went inside, and leader Emilia Rose was waiting for them with her band members

Yahiko: It seems that you recovered quickly, haha, as expected of you

Emilia: You are talkative as usual. Oh, right, where is your rookie member that was with you?

MP: Emilia Rose Evan won't have much work to do

Representative: Ivan is an interesting boy who confronted the princess of the vampire kingdom

Emilia: How did he confront her?

Noel: He was fighting in the same style as you, Commander of the Two-Sword Style

Emilia: I didn't expect someone to fight my style

Yahiko: Guys, the boy Ivan won't have things to do. Let's focus on training, shall we, Emilia-san?Noel: I want to thank him for saving me that day

Hana was thinking about how to use the Kinono Torao sword for her goal, and she said to herself: I have to get the six crystal stones in order to know the location of the coffin of Mikael's wings.

The training of the two squads began. Each member of the Leon squad was facing a member of the Panther squad, and they were serious about training.

On the other hand, the Golden Valknous Squad and the Scorpion Squad were training against each other, and the leader of the Golden Valknous Squad was the one conducting the crazy training, which was very harsh.

On Jiji Island, a type of terrifying monster appeared that was an experiment for an unknown person. This monster was the dangerous Oshini fly, a very dangerous fly that sucks the blood of humans as well as their magical power.

The unknown person: This is very wonderful. My experiment was successful. I will tell that person, and while he was not paying attention, a fly attacked him and sucked his blood and all his magic. The fly spoke, saying: We will start fishing, my children.  Yes, she was the Queen of the Flies. It seems that the danger to humanity, and indeed all creatures, are now at risk.The teams completed their training and returned to their headquarters. On the other hand, Ivan was training alone in a secret place that no one knew about except him. He was performing very powerful exercises using black lightning and the flame of the phoenix. He also used the art of two swords and said: The two-sword style, Neto Shura (which means double lunge).  ) I have to work more. There are stronger and stronger methods. Do not trust anyone. Remember, survival of the fittest. After he finished training, Ivan noticed a strange movement after returning from his training place and said: What is this strange feeling? Is this human strength or is it monster strength? I will try the black dragon eye. Okay.  Tsutenkakuwa, I understand that person is the leader of the band Astonius, and that, oh what a surprise, is Hana Sato, a member of the band Leon, holding a scroll in her hands. Well, I don't care about that.

Whoever wants to get in my way, I will kill them, even if they are gods.

Ivan left for the division headquarters, and when he arrived, he found the King of Nihon waiting for him

King: Oh, Silver Panthers member Ivan Muto, Yahiko told me a lot about you.

Ivan: The king himself is here. What do you want from me?

The King: Bright eyes, distinguished stance, and unparalleled calmness. This is what a true elite knight looks like.

Yahiko appeared and said: Oh, Your Majesty, what do you want from the naughty Panthers group? Haha. Is there anything that arouses your curiosity?

King: I wanted to see the talent you chose without anyone noticing. Yahiko, it seems you chose a genius, just like the leader of the Golden Falcons did.

Yahiko put his hand on Ivan's head and said: No one noticed this boy, that's why I chose him

King: Yahiko, have you heard of the strongest warrior in the Scandinavian Kingdom?Yahiko: I heard about it, but why did you mention it, Your Majesty?

Evan: I have to go. I'll let you talk alone, Commander

Yahiko: Okay boy, don't forget, we have another mission

King: Yahiko, you have a really interesting and special boy

Yahiko: Your Majesty, what is the name of the warrior?

King: Her name is Tatiana Skye. She will visit our kingdom. For this, a magic martial arts festival must be held. I want to participate.

The major kingdoms therein

Yahiko: Your Majesty, this will be interesting, but we have to secure all the kings

The King: Yes, I want this festival to be the beginning of the great alliance for equality between all different races

Yahiko: Your Majesty, this is the dream I've always wanted