
Black Crown : The Beginning of Revenge

The Kingdom. Empire. Nomadic tribes. Magical creatures and even orcs or dark creatures. All of them have spent centuries trying to find the most mythical, the rarest, the most powerful object. The object that gives the rightful owner power over all living and non-living things. Over everything that exists and does not exist. A crown that rightfully crowns a unique individual. A crown that is the subject of poems and stories. The mythical black crown. And Damien Zeen is one of those who long for the Crown. But his priority is the most important thing. Revenge. To avenge the betrayal of others and the murder of his family. It is Damien Zeen who is eager to embark on a dangerous journey that could be his redemption... Or death...

AllFatherOmnis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

The Ogre



The following novel contains material that may be harmful or traumatic to some readers.

It contains graphic descriptions of murder, violence, and other unpleasant texts.



-The Year 1270-

-Near the City of Waatia-

-An hour later-


The mercenaries are heading for the caravan, trying to break in. Shah just watches Tirius and Harlin from the bloodied window with a calm face. 

He looks at Harlin, who reminds him of a man wanted in Waatia, and in the Empire. Harlin The Orge. 

He remembers the file he received before he left, when he was trying to get information about the current situation in Waatia.


Harlin "The Orge" Ylma

Bounty : 8250 Herlin Golds - 0,825 Empire Platinum Coin

Dead or Alive

Murderer, Robber, Illegal Bounty-Hunter


"Who would have expected a wanted criminal to show up here in Waatia on my first day." Shah clutches his head, sensing it's going to be a tough road.

He looks at Harlin again, and begins to think.

"First of all, I wonder how he could have known that the Imperial Caravan was going to Waatia on this day?"

"He doesn't seem like..." Shah rethinks his sentence after a look at Harlin.

"He doesn't seem like an intelligent person with the resources to find out."

"Looks like we have someone who wants us dead." Says Shah.


The mercenaries finally open the door to the caravan, and one of them climbs in. But by the time he enters with his other foot, Shah already has his empty palm set on the mercenary, his gaze directed steadily at Tirius and Harlin.

"Vaacuo Irmentis" Shah says in an arcane tongue, a shockwave shoots from his hand, blasting the mercenary out of the caravan, taking the others with it.

Harlin and Tirius hear a piercing pressure sound that catches their attention. They both see a pair of bodies flying away from the caravan.

Tirius takes advantage of the situation, and immediately attacks the distracted Harlin. He goes for his leg, which he slashes with his sword.

The inattentive Harlin just frowns in pain, and waves his hand at Tirius. But he ducks, Harlin swings his hand, and Tirius immediately jumps on his back, grabs him under the neck, and starts choking him.

Meanwhile, Shah gets out of the caravan, and jumps on it. He sees Tirius strangling Harlin, who tries to grab Tirius with his huge hands.

Which he manages to do at the last moment, grabbing him by the head and using his strength to blast him into the caravan. 

Shah's quick reflexes will help him react quickly. He jumps right a few feet away from the caravan, closer to Harlin. The flying Tirius hits the caravan, knocking it on its side.

Harlan's red neck, which he grabs, immediately notices a medium height, blond man standing a few meters in front of him.

He deduces, and knows immediately, that this is the youngest son of the Emperor.

"Anyone else would expect this to be a tough job." Harlin smiles.

"I have to say that-"

"I wouldn't be so happy if I were you." Shah speaks, interrupting the huge Harlin.

"Tirius is on a completely different level than you."

"If it weren't for my ban on the use of excessive force here in Waatia..."

"You'd be dead before you blinked." Says a confident and smiling Shah.

Harlin gets angry, and is determined to complete his task. He's already walking slightly, but Shah immediately stops him.

"I'm offering you many times the reward if you tell me the name of the man who gave you this job." Shah says, surprising Harlin.

The remaining mercenaries aim for Shah, but at that point Harlin motions with his hand for them to stop. They immediately stop, and each of them surrounds Shah.

"Isn't it obvious that-"

"Isn't it obvious that there's an unofficial bounty on the Imperial Heir that his father caused chaos and destruction here."

"Quite the opposite. It's very expected."

"But my main curiosity is directed towards the individual who knew of my arrival before the others, and that is what strikes me." Says Shah.

"It was a very secret decision of my father's, which was to come to light only at the moment of my arrival. And my father guards such decisions very well." Shah adds the next sentences, surprising even Harlin.

Just who did he take the money from that has that information. But his criminal honor compelled him to finish the job.

"I take work from whoever offers it. Whoever offers more, I accept."

"Certainly don't expect me to divulge information about who gave me this job."

"I'm a man who, if he takes the money, he gets the job done." Harlin says, and smiles at the end.

"Let yourself be captured, and you'll be pain-free. Resist, and you will feel great pain, but not mortal pain."

"Only slightly unpleasant." Harlin says, laughing, and issues a hand order to restrain Shah.

The mercenaries moved cautiously. They step gently towards Shah, and he just stands still, sighs, and draws his thin, golden, not-too-big sword.

Shah's smile fades, and is replaced by a focused face. The last 8 mercenaries rush at Shah, and he just starts defending himself.

First, he kills two mercenaries in one clean swipe and slits their throats. He turns his back on Harlin immediately, and kicks one mercenary heading towards him in the chest, who he gently pushes to the ground. One mercenary cuts him in the leg, but at that moment Shah's sword immediately pierces his eye. Shah doesn't let the pain show.


Shah hears a loud stamping of feet, turns around and immediately notices Harlin running towards him. But before Shah can turn his whole body, one of the mercenaries punches him in the face, causing him to lose his balance slightly. 

A running Harlin uses his strength to massively blast Shah into the tree behind him.

This stuns Shah, and the injured man sits by the tree he hit.


Harlin starts laughing very loudly. The other mercenaries start laughing with him and just watch the stunned Shah.

"Capture him, and tie him up. We are done here." Harlin gives the order, the mercenaries heading towards Shah at a leisurely pace.

Harlin then turns around, and there's already an outstretched Tirius, who gives him a huge punch to the face. So huge that it blasts Harlin into the ground, which he slides down for a moment more until he's buried in the ground. 

By the time the mercenaries turn around to see what's going on, Tirius is already there, slaughtering them in a disgusting manner. He grabs one of them by the throat and rips it out. He grabs his head, pulling it slightly away from his body, and fires it at the other mercenary, knocking him out.

The third mercenary quickly pulls out a dagger, which he throws at Tirius. But he catches it, and shoots it back very quickly. It buries itself in the mercenary's head, and he immediately falls to the ground.

Shah begins to regain consciousness, and sees only a completely dazed Tirius, who is in a trance. The last mercenary just drops his weapon on the ground, falls to his knees, and starts begging for mercy.

Tirius calmly walks over to him, grabs his head with both hands, digs his thumbs into his eyes, and splits his head in two. 

The body falls to the ground, and Tirius just turns to walk over to the stunned mercenary, stomping on his head with all his strength, which goes flying. 

Tirius looks at the pieces of the brain, the skull of a mercenary, and begins to smile. Just then, an already capable Harlin grabs him from behind, and slams his head into the ground with all his strength. 

Harlin lifts Tirius up and down, slamming his head into the ground. Long enough to make sure he kills Tirius.

Shah tries to help but it's hard to get off the ground and after a couple of tries he gives up.

Harlin is already certain that Tirius must be dead. He therefore abandons his body, and heads for Shah.

Harlin's right cheek, which is missing some flesh, and which he lost after a huge blow to Tirius, and after which he is very indignant.

"I'll have to do all the work myself again." Harlin says angrily. 

However, behind Harlin, a man begins to rise from the ground. Harlin senses the presence of someone behind him, he stops. Slowly, he turns his head back to see what it is, and a shock overtakes him.

The wounded Tirius he thought he had killed stood up. His gaze was indeed menacing. It made Harlin feel a slight sense of dread.

"Who... the hell are you?"

"Are you even human?" Harlin says, turning and heading towards Tirius again. Harlin punches him, but Tirius doesn't go down.

He gives him another shot, but it won't budge Tirius.

Harlin frowns, clenches his fist as hard as he can until you can hear bones cracking, and lunges at Tirius with all his might.

But he catches his hand surprisingly easily. Tirius looks into his eyes, and digs his other hand into his stomach.

He's going to make out with Harlin, but gets pissed off and gives Tirius a headbutt. He's done with Tirius by then, and he falls to the floor, already knocked out.

Harlin clutches his stomach, which Tirius has put a hole in. He begins to breathe deeply.


Harlin sees a sword run through his stomach and sees the end of a sharp sword right underneath him in his stomach. He turns a little and grabs whoever did this to him. 


Harlin grabs him by the throat, and looks at him angrily.

"You sneaky little bastard." Harlin says, throwing him against the tree where Shah was sitting unconscious earlier.

Harlin grabs the sword he had stuck in his back and breaks it.

"Enough of these fucking games." Harlin says angrily and goes to Shah again.

"You try anything again, and believe me I'll shit on the money and kill you in the most painful way."

~Branch snapping~

Harlin hears a branch crunch behind him, as if someone has stepped on it. He stops.

"If it's you again, you treacherous, stubborn bastard-" Harlin says, turning around.

"So I'll will-" Harlin turns, and instead of Tirius, there's a tall figure in the distance, with long black hair, and a mask over his mouth.

He was wearing two swords, a white and a black one.

He slowly walks towards Harlin. 

He looks at him for a moment, then remembers that it is the veiled man who has given him this job.

Harlin experiences a shock.

"Y-Y-You?!" Harlin says in shock.

Damien draws his black sword, disappears in the blink of an eye, and immediately appears behind Harlin. 

Harlin can just feel the breeze of air rush past him and feel Damien's presence in his back. He turns his head back and is shocked by Damien's speed.



A huge gush of blood runs down the entire circumference of Harlin's neck, and immediately afterwards his head is separated from his body.

The last thing Harlin sees is the back of someone who has de facto betrayed him.

The head falls to the ground, the body falls to its knees, blood still spurts from the artery at the neck for a moment, until its massive body falls, shaking the surroundings gently.

Damien swings his sword, drawing blood from the blade, and stands by Shah.

The injured Shah sees the Black-haired man standing over him out of the corner of his eye before he falls completely unconscious in pain.

Damien's plan has worked, and his journey can officially begin...

Because Shah has everything in his hands.

And Damien will take advantage of it all.

(End of Prologue)

To be continued...

Season 1 of The Beginning of Revenge officially begins now