
Chapter four

"I'm not glad to meet you." Henry said "I'm here to kill you."

"Oh, no no, you won't." Charlotte said, she is smiling under her mask

"Why won't I," Henry asked, he had seen Charlotte when she was smiling "and why are you wearing that mask, I still can know you are a raven. As your old teammate, I know that your smile means, no you mean…"

"You have finally become smarter," Charlotte said, still smiling. "Yes, that secret, 'maker' is not going to let that happen to me. He needs someone to prove it."

"So, you know all this time, and that is why you have been in his room at that time?"

"Bingo! but, sadly there is no prize."

"I hate you, but someday, I will kill you."

"Charlotte! where are you?" Iris' voice comes through the forest.

"Have to go, and by the way." she turned and started walking away, "Tell 'maker' that you found me and, don't think everyone's the same, I have no desire to rule that poor organization."

"How did… I see you again, raven."

"You too, Joker, four seasons will meet again, my power is starting to regain, and I have found fall, she is in this school. Also, she is the Dove." Joker, well, Henry looked surprised for a moment, then, he shimmered and disappeared as Charlotte followed her friends and walked out the door.

The next few days they all speed meditated, she had been using both of her power at the same time, so that her second power would do something other than just drop a few snowflakes (but, it is a little too much, that power is about level 50). When she comes out, her energy value is definitely empty. Charlotte had also gone in and brought out two yellow gems, one from a tree monster, another one is just a random monster that has strong protection. Charlotte had also brought Alice a yellow one from a time monster (she just split the monster in two before it could even react). Alice had used her last gem on one of her powers, "Puse" so she used the one that Charlotte gave on "proficy". Now Alice is level 23, she can bring 2 people with her when others are frozen in time, but she still can only know what is going to happen in five minutes. Charlotte, when she finishes using both of her gems, is level 24 and after the two days meditating she reaches level 26. Both Iris and Sophia had reached level 20 too. Iris can summon one more monster which is a turtle like monster who has strong defense, and Sophia's vines now have paralysis added to it.

After the two days, classes start. There are liberal arts and martial arts, Alice, Iris, and Sophia are in the same liberal arts class and Alice and Charlotte are in the same martial arts class. They went to their class, Alice was thinking about what Charlotte did in the forest and looking out the window when a marker flew right to her and hit her forehead. Alice was not expecting that and she fell over her chair, a few of the kids laughed while others were trying not to. "Well," the teacher said, hand still in the throwing position, "Alice, if you would tell us. What and who are The Four Seasons?"  Alice was thanking the god that she knew the answer, "The Four Seasons are the four children that all have two powers, they each have spring, summer, fall, and winter. The oldest is probably 20 by now the youngest 18, but they disappeared when. There is also…" "That is enough," the teacher interrupted. "That is good, but you still have to listen." Alice nodded as the teacher started talking about people after they reached level 100, but Alice's mind was elsewhere. There is also someone that is the Crow and Dove, the Crow is the kid that is 'winter' and people say she is like the devil. The other Kid is the Dove and she is like the angel, she is kind and believes fairness, she doesn't have the power of a dove, Dove is Crow's best partner. Dove in 'spring' there are stories of them doing something dangerous together, but she can't remember. The rest of class, the teacher starts talking about why the monster appeared and about nuclear wastewater in the sea. 

"Ring, ring, ring." The bell rings signaling the end of the first class, it is lunch time. Alice got to the cafeteria and saw Charlotte who had already got her food and was sitting by a table. Charlotte saw her too once Alice got her and waved her hand, motioning for Alice to join. "So, how was the first class?" Charlotte gave her a thumbs up. "Tell me why won't you talk to me," Alice said, poking her food, "I know you can, from last time, but why won't you talk before." She looked up, and looked at Charlotte. "Alice," Charlotte said, Alice's eyes widened, "I promise you, I will tell you, But not now. It is not as simple as you think. I'm afraid I will tell you too much if I always talk to you." Charlotte smiled just for a second, "In fact, Sense I start talking, I'll tell you this. Alice, your memory has been changed, your parents too." Alice was stunned, "What? But how do you know?" Charlotte looks blank and stops talking again. 

After lunch, it is martial arts class, Charlotte is still wearing the mask, but Alice is not surprised anymore. Alice doesn't think she is going to look at Charlotte the same way again, Charlotte is not just an abandoned kid that they adopted. Charlotte knows something that Alice doesn't, and it is about her. Stop thinking about it, Alice told herself, she said she will tell me, now focus on martial arts class. Charlotte looked up and a bunch of boys caught her eyes, it was the grope of a boy that ran away. One of them is murmuring to another guy that Alice had not seen before, she caught a few words and she noticed they are talking about her and Charlotte "Sir, they… kill… revenge…" Charlotte signed, that doesn't sound good.

"This is our first martial arts class, let's see where you are, 1v1. If you get off the stage you are out." The teacher said as he handed out cards with numbers, "knockout round, one and two, up the stage." A girl and the boy wake up and Alice notices that the boy was one of the boys that had attacked them, he was like the right hand man. "Max, Level 21 power wind, please." "Sabyna, Level 18 power cat, please." the teacher said, "Three, two, one, go!" Sabyna's nail grow long like a cat's and lunge at Max. Max dogged down and summoned a gust of wind which sent Sabyna up to the sky. Max wind blade which is aimed straight to Sabyna, but she is in the air and doesn't have any ability to dogge. 

"Seems like we have our first winner." the teacher said, the air shimmered, Alice only caught the afterimage and then he was beside Sabyna, he held out his hand and as the wind blade cling sound appeared. If he is just a normal guy, he will probably be in half by now, but there is not even a scratch on his hand. "Next one up two and three."

Alice is 12 and Charlotte is 15. 13 is a boy that is called lukas, but he is only level 17, so she stopped time and kicked him off the stage. There is one thing that she learned today. Charlotte is really powerful.