
Black Clover: Undefined

Beliefs, religion, and culture helped humanity thrive. They helped build societies, civilizations, and kingdoms. However, we cannot say that they are indeed morally good. This fanfiction tells the story of a young man who became the victim of such beliefs. After finding out the truth, he sets out to be what society thought of him to be. The one and only, devil child. I don't own the cover picture. Of course the same goes for Black Clover. --------------------

BlankPage0201 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Chapter 44

"Let's take inside," Ashikaga tells Hisashi as Jozou stands up and follows his master. Hisashi also follows as he took another apple from his bag and eats it without removing his straw hat.

As they enter one of the dojos, Ashikaga sits down and offers a seat to Hisashi while Jozou stands behind them.

"Before we start the conversation, may I know your name?" Ashikaga asks.

"Just refer to me as Gozu. I was sent by the heir of the shogun." Hisashi answers. Three years ago, Hisashi bode goodbye to Jeimi after finishing learning about some sorcery tips and learning her exploration expertise. She also left to continue her plan to explore the world. For the next two years and a half, he dedicated himself to getting stronger while learning everything he can in the dungeon.

Different weapons, different languages, and many more. However, half a year ago, just when he decided to start and roam the country and hone his swordsmanship by challenging schools, Ryuya arrived at the doorsteps of his dungeon.

He's been asking him to try and look at the epidemic that is happening. That's when he adopted Gozu's name and took a straw hat masked face. Unfortunately, his potent healing spells that can reconnect shortly severed arms are useless in terms of the pandemic.

Even though Hisashi never left the dungeon for those two years given how the dungeon is self-sufficient enough for him, Ryuya luckily didn't have to wait for a week.

Six months later, learning that Hisashi plan to leave the country after finally getting to know the whole country, he was asked for a request. Which is what was happening now.

"The kid? He wants to bother me again?" Ashikaga said, probably annoyed.

"He told me that you can't stop telling him about your great apprentice when you were teaching him as a child," Hisashi said.

"Jozou? You defeated him while he has the advantage. If force is what he wants, you seem to be the better candidate, young man. Also, he's not yet the shogun. Why would he need my people?" The latter said. Jozou felt disappointed in himself when he remembers it.

"He does not need someone who can defeat just about anyone. He needs someone he can trust. And that can't be me as I'm not one of his people. As for why? The health of Goshu's Shogun is in peril after the epidemic. Even after the cure was found, he was among the first to be infected. As such, he wants to prepare for the worst.

With the fall of the South and Minami, the Mushogatake and the Ryudo Clans have a bigger responsibility to fill. If not for you keeping the order in the south, Goshu would've been in a worse state than now. For that, Ryuya thanks you." Hisashi said as he keeps his tone.

"Is that so? Unfortunately, this student of mine has already outgrown his master's. As such, the decision would be on him. My only question is, if you are here at the request of the kid from Goshu, why do you act like you're here to fight?

You intimidate the people everywhere you go. You trespass on someone's property and do what you want because you're stronger. If not for… Although you're not disrespectful to me, you disrespected my people. Is it because you want to fight me? If so, I won't be able to satisfy your desire for battle."

Ashikaga said. Ever since Hisashi came to the town, they've already been alert which is why Jozou was sent to the pub where he went to.

"I apologize, elder if I did so. I've mixed up my priorities. As a wandering samurai, fighting and learning many things from the Great Yoshimitsu will be a great honor. Can I ask why?" Hisashi said as he make sure to show disappointment in his voice.

"You don't have to force yourself. I'm just sure that you're here to learn about my technique. Aren't you? That brat spilled it to you. I know it. That tough act is to try and provoke me into doing so. Too bad for you, I really can't." Ashikaga said.

"Tch. Busted. How did you know?" Hisashi said, clicking his tongue.

"My title, Yoshimitsu, is only given to me for achieving a feat no one else has. It was about the legend of the fastest man, also named Yoshimitsu. And with that name, comes along my technique – the Flash Step." Hearing that his modus was busted, Hisashi was disappointed.

"But just because you don't want to fight me, doesn't mean that you can't teach right?" Hisashi said. Ashikaga just went silent after hearing so. After thinking for a while, Ashikaga then said.

"Indeed I can. However, you also have to do something for me. I can trust you since that brat trusts you enough to tell about me. So just do something for me. Jozou, leave us for a while."

"Understood, master." Jozou then left.

"Then what is it?" Hisashi asks.

"Teach Jozou." The request confuses Hisashi and Ashikaga elaborates.

"You are strong. I know that myself. But this kid is a late bloomer. I've already thought everything to him. I've sheltered him for quite some time and no normal samurai can give him enough challenges. I also do not trust anyone to request this. But you qualify for both. As such, I want you to teach him and make him stronger, enough for him to beat me." Ashikaga said. Hisashi thought for a moment before Ashikaga took off the Oni mask.

There greets an old woman. Something that finally made Hisashi understand why the master doesn't want to fight him.

"So, you want to fight him in your last breath?"

"Yes," Ashikaga said… no, the Great Yoshimitsu said.

"When do you want to fight?" Hisashi said as he felt solemn.

"A week from now. That's enough, no?"

"Well, it's not like the result is on me. But that's probably enough. Let me take care of him. Is that all?" Hisashi asks.

"You can do a last one for me." "What is it?"

"May I see your face?" Ashikaga requests. This confuses Hisashi who asks why.

"I don't teach my techniques to people I don't know. You don't have to tell me your name or your story. I just want to see your face."

'Why is Jeimi so unsophisticated compared to Ashikaga? Is that also why she looks so young? Because of her eccentricity?'

-In another continent-

"ACHOO! Who's that bastard talking about me?" Jeimi said as she scratches her nose.

"Okay then," Hisashi said as he lifts the straw hat. There, Ashikaga saw his face, red eyes, and red hair. Before Hisashi can even say anything to ease the rumors about his unusual and foreign identity, Ashikaga spoke.

"Hahaha. You're… just a kid."

I don't want to make another female character just to kill them again. But I want to give some simple backstory to Jozou's somewhat traditional outlook on a shinobi with Imari's style. Also, influence on his reservation. Aside from talking about Ryuya, Ashikage is always reserved. (As Ryuya is cheeky as a kid in this story.)


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