
Black Clover :Returning

Years after Asta had defeated Dante a mysterious entity had taken over his body. After years of being controlled Asta is sent back in time to prevent the future he had once lived in. Note I don't own black clover or any of the characters Picture Link https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oOKWbz

LazySatanixDevil · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 Star Grimoire(1)

Immediately after the Dean ordered Asta and Yuna and the other potential scholarship students, the wooden dolls on the battlefield slowly started to get up in themselves. They started attacking everyone on the battlefield except the Dean.

When Asta and Yuna saw this, they became surprised at this, and looking at the other student's expression, they also seem to know how it was possible.

But seeing that the wooden dolls are closing into all of them, Yuna and Asya decided to ignore this fight for now, and using both of them started using their own magic except Asta because form an outsider perspective, Asta seems to be using his sword to slash the wooden dolls through sheer physical strength however if one were to like intensively at Asta's body he is currently releasing a strong amount of mana from his arms and legs.

The Mana coming from Asta's body seems to be strengthening Asta's body to a significant degree. The degree to how strong Asta's magic was able to enhance his body is 3 times the strength of his current body strength. And this body strength, multiplied by three, is comparable to at least a D rank adventurer physique.

Asta himself who was fighting the Wooden doll in front of him, aside from using strengthening magic on his body, Asta is also using simultaneously his Metal Bending Magic he got from his Foster Grandpa from Hage Village, who was also the one who taught Asta how to forge even if it was still in the basic level since due to Yuna's wish to go to Shamrock Magic School he wasn't able to finish his apprenticeship under his Foster Grandpa.

So after a while, Asta used his Flame Magic on his Sword, which made the sword he was using look like an elemental flame sword, finally burned the wooden dolls.

And almost at the same time, Asta finished off his own doll. Yuna, who was also fighting her own Wooden doll, sent out small wind blades, which, when they struck the wooden doll, turned the doll into various pieces of wood chunks.

On the other hand, the other scholarship students were still fighting off their own wooden dolls.

Then when the Dean, who was observing both Yuna and Asta, saw that the two of them had the best academic score among the scholarship tests when she took at the documents earlier and now seeing that the two of them seem to be the strongest among the possible scholarship students as well.

As the Dean saw this from far away, she murmured to herself, "Interesting these two beats which aren't even Noble born have this much magic strength already as such a young aged and also have a great amount of magic control already. Even more so on that gray-haired brat being able to use two magic at once."

"According to the documents they passed here in Shamrock Academy when they applied for the Scholarship test, it seems that this to kids is childhood friends in a village in the Forsaken Realm in the Clover Kingdom."

"And according to here that both of them are Orphans as well there is no way a mere commoner would be able to have that much magic power as everyone knows that people who are born in the Forsaken Realm even if they have magic almost only a one out of thousand has that amount of magic to be even to be able to qualify to become a magic knight."

"Now let's see here... Hmm interesting the girl named Yuna, according to this document, only has wind magic; however it seems that she has really high affinity towards it and it also says here she has some mysterious magic physique that seems give her a much higher magic recovery speed than any other person, and It seems here that here physique gives her 5 times the normal magic recovery speed."

"And according to these files that the boy named Asta has a very. Interesting magic and could become the strongest magic once properly used and worked on properly. He has Copy Magic, huh, and it seems, unlike the few people who also had similar magic. It seems that this boy's copy magic doesn't have any limitations on how much magic he can copy, huh..... Hm so after reading all of this kid's file, it seems this kid really does have powerful magic however it also has its drawbacks, but weirdly enough, it seems his special physique is perfect for him as it is the only thing keeping him alive from the backlash of his own magic, he probably doesn't even notice it himself since the only way we managed to obtain this information is because of the various tests we make our Scholarship Students do."

"Should I say this to the kid..... Nah, I guess I'll him figure it out by himself, and luckily for him, his Physique is keeping him alive. This Boy's copy magic seems to absorb the kid's life. force and his physique absorb life force from the outside world, so in the future, if this kid's life force is about to be depleted, a special mechanism in his magic core might awaken to remove the need for this kid's Copy Magic to absorb Life Force Might Disappear."

As the Dean was muttering this, she didn't notice. Still, everyone seems to finish already defeating their own wooden dolls except for about eight students defeated by the wooden dolls, and the eight students who where defeated where now being carried out by some people who seem to be the staff of the academy, so Asta, Yuna, and the two other people just ignored the other eight students. After seeing that everyone was now looking at her, the Dean then said as she fixed her muttering appearance,

"Well then, congratulations on four of you Scholarship students for passing the combat test for the exam, and now I congratulate the four of you for officially becoming fully pledge. Scholarship Students. Now I'll explain to you kids a bit of a difference between you Scholarship students and Normal Students of Shamrock Magic Academy."

"Unlike Normal Students, Scholarship students stay. Inside a Special Dorm in the Academy named Star Grimoire, In this Dorm in this dorm, you can get a mixed gendered Room with Four other people; compared to the other Normal Dorms, the size of Star Grimoire Dorms are ten times bigger and much more luxurious as aside from Scholarship Students, Noble Students also stay inside this Dorm."

"And aside from this Scholarship and Noble Students through these six years of staying here, you will have the same classmates. throughout these six years, so better get along with each other, you brats, since your gonna have to bear it for six years if you make an enemy with e=ach other and which I'm sure will be very annoying."

"Well then, enough of that basic introductions. Here are your guides, uniforms, Magical Id. In that guide, I just gave you are the maps and timetables each of you has, so the first thing you should do is go to Star Grimoire to get your room assignments and pick up your luggage at the gates later unless you already have them with you."

"After putting your things in your room, you can do whatever you want for the rest of today as class starts tomorrow, so don't be late because base on the magic Instructor, you will get an Adviser you might just get expelled at the very first day if you're late to their class."

Then as the Dean said, a puff of smoke appeared again, similar to her appearance earlier, and after the puff of smoke disappeared, the Dean had disappeared again. When Asta and Yuna saw this, they sweatdropped as they didn't expect the Dean to give them the things they needed for the academy and just left.

After this, Asta and Yuna decided to talk to the two other students who passed the exam with them. Asta and Yuna saw that one of them was Sekke Bronzazza, a Bastard Noble, which meant that his father was a Noble, and his Mother was just a commoner. And according to his own story, it seems that his father kicked out Sekke along with his mother after the family of his father heard of Sekke's father giving birth to a Bastard son with a maid.

So due to this, Sekke had entered the Scholarship for the Shamrock Academy since this Magic School was a place near the village that Sekke and his Mother was living in after being kicked out by his Fathers House. However when Sekke first talked to them Asta had to punch Sekke for a bit as he flirted with Yuna immediately after he saw her which pissed Asta for a bit.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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