
Ch. 11 First Solo Mission

'.....' (Character's thoughts)

"....." (Speech)

[…..] (Voice Transmission)

{.....} (Spell Names)

We had made it back to the Black Bull's Base and the same scene that occurred in the show happened except I didn't do the whole cringey laugh thing they did.

"Alright that's enough. It's a shame what happened to Seihi, but you protected the villagers, hold your head high. You did a good job, so be proud of yourselves you idiots."

"Sir!" Myself, Asta and Magna said as Magna and I both did the magic Knight salute, and Asta didn't as he didn't know. To which Magna gave him a stern explanation and explained the significance of the salute.

Noelle just blushed and turned away at the praise which she is extremely unfamiliar with.

As this was happening, a portal appeared and Finral and Vanessa walked out. They explained what they learned from the Magic Investigation Department. With some angry comments from Magna about how useless they were as they didn't find anything out about the guy. There was then some light flirting from Vanessa which i was happy to reciprocate to the shock of Finral who was slack jawed at how easy getting along with girls seemed to be for me. After that Vanessa saw Nero and commented on how cute the bird was which eventually led to Noelle and Asta fighting as Asta was trying to hurt the bird.


"KNOCK IT OFF!!" Captain Yami said as he broke a wall before pausing.

"Listen up, it doesn't matter if the guy was Royalty, nobility, or whatever. Let the magic investigation department handle it and wait for their report." Captain Yami said before turning to the group of six.

"Now that that's out of the way, I have to talk to Ranto alone, the rest of you wait in the lounge we'll be there soon." Captain Yami said.

The five others nodded and while Asta was very curious about what Captain Yami had to say to me, he listened regardless as he was obedient, not to mention he is terrified of Captain Yami being mad.

"What is it that you needed to talk about with me Captain?" I asked.

"You did a good job out there in Sauccy Village." Captain Yami said.

"I didn't do much, it was a group effort." I replied.

"That's not what I heard. You did most of the work and even helped to protect the villagers in the midst of your fight. You did very good, so good in fact, that the Wizard King himself has decided to give you a Solo Mission."

"The Wizard King is assigning me a Solo Mission?" I asked confused as this obviously didn't happen in the show.

"Yeah. He was very impressed with your performance and said he wanted to give you a 'test' of sorts."

Now, while I already knew how the Wizard King knew about my fight, I shouldn't know it yet so I asked.

"He wants to give me a test? And how did he know about my performance at Sauccy village, he wasn't there and we only just got back to report?"

"The guy has his ways, and yes he said he wanted to see where your true strength lies."

"Understood sir! What's the mission?" I asked with the salute.

"Very well, let's get into it. The mission is this. A new dungeon has been discovered near Raygarn Village. And you have been tasked with exploring it and reporting your findings."

'Huh, a dungeon that was never in the show, this should be here because of my influence, I can't wait to check it out, maybe I'll get something cool.'

"I'll do it!" I said excitedly.

"Hahahaha, like you had a choice kid. Now let's go meet up with the others, I got some news to share." Captain Yami said.

We walked into the lounge where we met with the others and Captain Yami walked in front of the group and got our attention.

"Alright, I have some good news."

"Good news? About what?" Asta and Noelle asked simultaneously.

"Ya wanna hear?" Captain Yami said teasingly.

"Yeah of course we do!" Asta said loudly next to me, which caused me to have to wince and cover my ear.

"Believe it or not, the Wizard King himself has recognized your efforts." Captain Yami said.

"The Wizard King?!?!" Asta asked excitedly.

"For your work in Sauccy Village he awarded us a Star." Captain Yami said as he held a small gold star in between his fingers.

What followed was what happened in the show with Asta's ignorance about gold stars and Captain Yami's apparent proudness of having negative stars. He then turned back to us after placing the star on the board which promptly disappeared.

"Alright, just one more thing, it's payday!" Captain Yami said as he handed us our wages.

I looked at mine and said to Captain Yami "Sir, I'd like a quarter of my wages to go to Sauccy village for the damages caused by my fight with the mages, I did quite a lot of damage to the village with my spells."

"Hahahaha fine with me, now I don't gitta pay for the damage from our squad's vault."

"We have a vault?" I asked as I had never heard of it

"Yeah, but it's almost always empty from all the damage you idiots cause on your missions." Captain Yami said.

'Huh, who woulda thought the Black Bulls actually had a squad vault, I thought Yami just took money from our wages to pay for the damage.'

"You got the day off tomorrow, don't blow through all your money. Ranto, you know what you gotta do. After tomorrow you'll be busy." Captain Yami said. Making all the others confused who didn't know he talked with Ranto privately.

'Hehe after a day to rest and recuperate, I'm going to explore a dungeon. And with no one to watch I can let loose a little, obviously not going all out as I still don't know how The Wizard King is able to monitor our missions. I can't wait.'