
Black Clover: Journey to be unparalleled.

Avi After death meets God and reincarnate in Black clover with a system and origin magic. read to join Avi on his exciting adventure. A/N: This Fanfic is written to ease my boredom. English is my second language and I am not really not good at it so bear with me. Thankyou. your humble Author.

Avinash_Pandey_3820 · Anime & Comics
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Runes and Arrays

Time skip- 3.5 years

Avi: " It's been so long till I seen my status. Hera! Show me my status."

[Okay, Generating Status..

Name: Avi

Race: Human( transcending-0.00584%)

Age: 5 Year, 1 month

Magic: Origin magic

Origin Mana: 70k (Average magic knight captain:- 1 Million, but normal mana.)

{1 origin mana=10 mana}

Physique: 180 ( continue increasing due to origin magic)

Strength: 180

Agility: 180

Intelligence: 165

Wisdom: 167

Durability: 80 (didn't do anything to raise)


Luck:?? ]

Avi: "I think, I am ready. I am capable enough to fertelize the land of the whole village."

Avi started to use his Nature magic, and due to his 70k origin mana, and enough control he soon fertilized the whole village. But within an hour the village turned back to its previous state.

Avi:" Hera What is happening. Why did this turn back to infertile land."


Because of Demonic or you can say negative energy corrupting the whole forsaken realm. And Village is also a part of forsaken realm. This energy is been here for a huge period of time, and corrupting the land of forsaken realm. According to calculation It will take huge amount of mana to cleansed the whole forsaken realm. For doing this even you have to train for atleast 50-60 years to increase your mana capacity, and have to learn Holy magic. Holy magic is dominant magic against any negative energy. Even in the whole Black clover world, there won't be many Holy magic user. And even if there are some Holy magic user present, the mana needed to do this task is impossible to achieve for any human in this world. But you can do this. Actually you are the only one who can do this.]

Avi:" Well, I understand now. But Hera, is there no way to atleast cleansed this village. Forsaken realm can wait but, I can't let this village wait for 50-60 years you know."


Actually there is a way to do that but, doing that will take atleast 8-10 years.]

Avi: "So it will take that much time huh..? It can't be helped any way.Okay, so Hera, explain how can I do that."


You have to master Runes and Arrays. You have to have mastery so deep in Runes and Arrays, that you can separate the space between the land you want to cleansed, and the forsaken realm. Then you have to make sure people can't notice the Separation of space and can normally pass through the arrays like normal. And also you have to make sure that air, water, mana, light any thing should filter through array, so that people won't die due lack of that. These things are basic necessities for the life to exist. After doing that you have to make filter for Demonic or negative energy, so it can't pass through the Array formation.And remaining Demonic energy inside, you can cleansed it by mastering the Holy magic.]

Avi: " Why do I have to do all that. Can't I just make an array to stop Demonic energy entering inside the array. I can even somehow make the array to convert the Demonic energy to clean mana and channel it inside the array and inside the village. Doing so, it will be mana charger for array and Village will become enrich in mana. Although it will take time but I will try to make the area of array a little bit big, So not only village but a huge area near the village can be available for agriculture purpose."

[ "__" yeah it's a good way too..]

Avi: " hahhahahahahaa... I am a genius, ain't I Hera."

[ Well...]

Avi: Okay Hera teleport me to the training dimension."

[As you wish,

Initiating teleportation to the training dimension]

With blinding light Avi disappeared from the Black Clover world and appeared in the training dimension.

Avi:" Hmm.. I can now be here without much difficulty. Well Hera, give all the basic to best knowledge on Runes and Arrays."

All the Knowledge on Runes and Arrays appeared in the Avi's mind.

Avi: "Hmm.. Man, I didn't expect these Runes and Arrays to be so overpowered. Forget about Origin magic. This alone can make someone strongest in almost all the world I know of.

Let's first practice drawing runes.

Hera give me the material and equipment for practicing the drawing runes"

Suddenly a lot of materials appeared. Then Table, comfy chair, and a lot of equipment appeared. Avi started to practice drawing runes. And just that, a new task got added to his daily routine.

Time Skip 9 years

It's been 9 years for Avi practicing Runes and Arrays. Avi was almost ready to fullfill the task he was working on. It could have took less time but, Avi Started to make a Shapeshifting Sword for Asta through the knowledge of runes and blacksmithing. Yes, he also started learning blacksmithing inside the training dimension. And The sword also almost ready. Just a few more runes to draw and it will be ready to show it's might.Due to Avi's Origin magic even Asta's Anti magic can be used through this sword. And even if Asta didn't used any Anti-Magic, even then Avi drew a lot of runes to absorb natural mana and store it inside the sword and when Asta want, he can use the mana to cast 5 elements magic:- water, fire, earth,wind,light. And the sixth rune is for His own Anti-magic to use. With time, the sword will absorb the Asta's Anti-magic and store it inside the rune space. When Asta want, he can use that stored magic, according to his choice. But there is a restriction. Asta have to bear the recoil of the sword. More the magic amount more the recoil. And that's why the sword is not ready. The capacity of each rune space is enough to destroy the whole Clover Kingdom if released. And as of Asta now he won't be alive for the second strike. So, Avi is trying to reduce the recoil of the sword as much as he can.

Avi: "Man I wanted to make Asta overpowered from the start but I think, I have to stop thinking of doing that. Next year is going to be our Grimoire ceremony. And I am yet to complete the task of cleansing the village. And I can't think of anything to complete the sword. I think, I can only put some restriction on the sword and with Asta's physique growth, restriction could lessen with time. I will carve a rune on ring and store my origin mana to heal his body by casting healing magic, if he some how hurt himself using the sword or other way around. And I will make a bracelet on which I will carve some runes and store a lot of my origin mana to nourish his physique, so his physique growth can speedup a bit. If I am not wrong then in just 3-5 year he would be able to bear the full recoil of the sword. I Will just watch from the shadows. Being in control do feel good."

[Avi I have suggestion for you, if you really want to control the world from the shadows.]

Avi: "Okay, I am all ears.."

[Why not create a powerful clone with different appearance. And let him take the Magic knight exam. If you somehow want to showoff your power then. Through this clone use your full power. If some how someone manage to expose your clone. Make a new one and if you don't want to create different clone just create the same one and you can say that you are immortal or something and you can't die. You know you can live two lives one in shadows and second like a God. What do you think?]

Avi: " Hahahahahahaa.. Excellent Idea..

That's all for today

This Fanfic will go slow but whenever I have time I will write further. Don't worry I won't drop this novel. Atleast not thinking of dropping.😁.

Thankyou for reading.I am open for Suggestions.