
Black clover: a king's creation of dominance

A good king I don't care how powerful or smart you are should have a vision, a vision for a future no matter if it's a bad or good future and if you have that then you have the qualities of a king and the only way to prove that is to get results and that's exactly what I'm gonna do- Hiro vermillion

The_real_MC_ · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


**Name:** Hiro Vermillion

**Age:** 16


Hiro Vermillion retains the classic features of the Vermillion family, with striking crimson hair that flows down his back and deep indigo eyes that mirror the Vermillion charm. His fair complexion carries a touch of sun-kissed warmth from his time spent exploring the Clover Kingdom.


Hiro possesses a growing, athletic build that hints at the potential for formidable physical strength as he matures. Standing at 6 feet tall, he combines youthful agility with the promise of future power. His movements are graceful, reflecting his calm and composed nature.


He often pairs his deep blue and silver robes with the Vermillion family's crimson sash, symbolizing his loyalty to his lineage (which he gets later when he finds out who his family is). His choice of footwear remains practical leather boots suitable for his active lifestyle.


Hiro Vermillion is known for his calm and fun-loving personality, but when needed, he can also display a surprising level of seriousness and intelligence. He approaches life with a relaxed attitude, always eager to explore new experiences. However, when facing challenging situations, his demeanor shifts, revealing a depth of maturity and intellect beyond his years.

**Magic: King's Dominion Magic and Creation Magic**

**King's Dominion Magic (Maturing):**

Hiro's King's Dominion Magic is maturing along with him, allowing him to issue commands with a sense of authority and seriousness when required. He can inspire confidence and respect among his allies, and his opponents take note of his growing presence.

**Creation Magic (Evolving):**

Hiro's Creation Magic continues to evolve, enabling him to craft imaginative and strategic constructs. His creations reflect his intelligence and adaptability, allowing him to approach battles with creativity and precision

**Grimoire 1: Crimson Sovereign's Tome (4-Leaf)**

- **Appearance:** Hiro's primary Grimoire is a 4-Leaf Crimson Sovereign's Tome, adorned with intricate silver patterns, symbolizing the Vermillion family's legacy. It radiates a soft, ethereal crimson glow when opened.

- **Abilities:** The Crimson Sovereign's Tome continuously grants Hiro new spells related to both his King's Dominion Magic and Creation Magic as he grows and gains experience. It adapts to his needs, providing a wide range of abilities.

**Grimoire 2: Azure Artisan's Codex (4-Leaf)**

- **Appearance:** Hiro's secondary Grimoire is a 4-Leaf Azure Artisan's Codex with silver accents. It complements the Crimson Sovereign's Tome and shimmers with a vibrant azure glow when opened.

- **Abilities:** The Azure Artisan's Codex exclusively focuses on Hiro's Creation Magic. Over time, it bestows him with a plethora of blueprints, enchantments, and artistic inspirations, enabling him to craft intricate and imaginative constructs, illusions, and objects.

With these two 4-Leaf Grimoires, Hiro Vermillion gains an array of spells and abilities over time, combining the authority of the Vermillion family with his creative and strategic approach to magic. His Grimoires continually evolve, making him a formidable and adaptable mage in the Clover Kingdom.

Hiro Vermillion possesses a perfect memory, allowing him to recall and retain vast amounts of information with incredible accuracy. This remarkable ability enhances his intelligence and strategic thinking, making him even more formidable as a mage in the Clover Kingdom.

Here are some ideas for the magical weapons using his creation magic that I came up with their all swords because why not they have amazing versatility for Battle though:

1. **Infernoflare Blade:**

- This sword is infused with fire magic, allowing it to burst into flames upon command. It can deliver fiery slashes and burn opponents on contact.

- Versatility: The sword's flames can be controlled, allowing Hiro to extend them for ranged attacks, create barriers of fire, or even use them for utility purposes like starting fires.

2. **Hydroguard Blade:**

- A sword with a blade that shimmers like flowing water. It can generate a watery barrier upon impact, absorbing and redirecting energy-based attacks.

- Versatility: Hiro can control the size and shape of the watery barrier, adapting it for personal defense or expanding it into a protective dome for allies.

3. **Umbralstrike Blades (Dual Swords):**

- These dual swords are forged from shadow magic and are perfect for swift, stealthy attacks. They have the added advantage of concealing the user's presence.

- Versatility: Hiro can merge the dual swords into a single larger blade for heavier strikes or create illusions with them to disorient opponents.

4. **Tempest Edge Sword:**

- A single-edged sword crackling with the power of storms. It can be used for close combat and deliver electrifying slashes.

- Versatility: Hiro can channel the sword's storm magic to create lightning strikes, launch foes into the air, or even use it as a conductor for powerful electrical spells.

5. **Graviton Blade:**

- A broadsword with a dark, imposing presence that manipulates gravity. It can deliver crushing blows that damage opponents and disrupt the battlefield by altering gravitational forces.

- Versatility: By controlling the gravitational field around the sword, Hiro can create shockwaves, control his own mobility, or anchor enemies in place.

6. **Illusionweaver Sword:**

- A slender, elegant sword infused with illusion magic. Striking with it creates distracting and disorienting illusions upon contact.

- Versatility: The illusions range from creating phantom opponents to altering the perception of the battlefield, allowing Hiro to control the flow of combat.

These six magical swords provide Hiro Vermillion with a versatile array of melee weapons for different combat scenarios. With his Creation Magic, he can summon and adapt these swords as needed, making him a formidable mage-swordsman in the Clover Kingdom.