
Black Clover - Asta's Second Try

After a surprise attack from Lucius Zogratis that bypassed his Ki, Asta, with his lowered guard, receives a deadly wound, causing him to bleed out as he falls onto the floor and looks up to see the smirking face of the villain. Once presumably dying, Asta finds himself going back in time, 6 months before the Magic Knight Exam. He notices, however, something very different and odd, which foils his plans of being laid-back.

Rizzler007 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: The Black Bulls

A/N: Just to be clear, these starting chapters will be focusing on everyone, similar to the actual manga (Following along manga while writing this). Later, after the Plot point stuff, will be focusing on Asta and development with him and others 1-on-1, if you get what i mean.



"You..." Yami pointed at Asta "You're certainly interesting!"

"Join the Black Bulls"


"By the way, you don't have the right to refuse" He added menacingly, "I'll give you such a horrible time in the Black Bulls that you'll be ripped to pieces. Prepare for it"

Yami then walked forward, with his chest out, and said "And one day... prove everyone wrong and become the wizard king"

Asta smiled, remembering that this was the start of something new... the start of having new friends once again; a new family; new rivals, and a fresh start at the life of a Black Bull - for a second time.

'I'll protect all of you... no matter what!' He reminisced, remembering the sad moments of close deaths, actual deaths, or anything of the sort.

"Yes, sir!" Asta replied loudly, earning a proud smile from Yami.

"Now, let's go to our base. Finral!" Yami called lazily.

A slender young man of average height and build with slightly droopy eyes and light brown hair came from behind.

Following behind Finral was a slender, young man with pale skin and short black slicked-back hair. His face is long with a large nose and has no eyebrows eyebrows. He has black eyeshadow in large circles around his red eyes, and also has black lipstick and nail polish.

He muttered something inaudible, but was was wearing a Black Bulls robe, similar to Finral and Yami.

This was Gordon.

"Let's go" Yami said to Finral, to which he nodded in response with a "Yes, sir". Finral opened a portal with his spatial magic.

No matter how many times Asta sees it, he finds Finral's magic awesome and cool. Back then, he would feel envious seeing all kinds of cool magic. But now, after his first life, he believes his Anti-Magic is the best and coolest. Is he biased? A little bit, but it doesn't change the fact how overpowered it is in a world full of magic - something he really should've realised sooner.

"Gagh! OW!" Asta yelped in pain, having his head grabbed by Yami. No matter how strong he got, this would always seem to hurt, almost like a familiar "Fist of Love".

"If you can't fly on broomsticks... you should learn another form of magi- Oh right, you don't have any magical powers, Bwahahaha!" Yami laughed.

"Um, Yami, helloooo? It's a lot of work keeping this gate open, so can you hurry and go through?" Finral pleaded, his face red and body shaking in exhaustion

"Hey, who do you think you're barking orders to? Tough it out and surpass your limits" Yami replied scarily, making Finral sweat and shiver.

"Now go!" Yami threw Asta through the portal, who readied his body and landed on both feet perfectly, with a few skid marks left behind him on the ground.

He looked in front of him, a smile of nostalgia taking over his face as he saw a familiar weirdly shaped building with multiple stories made of stone and brick.


The front door of the base exploded into pieces, revealing 'all' of the Black Bull members.

"Okay, now I'm pissed! Are you ready to get your butt kicked?!" A familiar man with a lean build and two different coloured hair sported into a black mohawk shouted in anger at a short young man with blue eyes and medium-length messy blond hair.

"I'm not ready for that, but bring it on" The boy sung carelessly in response.

Inside the building, Asta could see those two running and fighting each other. He could also see a girl with pink hair and a bodacious body complaining while drunk. There was also a small loli eating away at a tower of food. Finally, there was a sister-loving guy having a nose bleed and shouting at the others to "SHUT UP!" and a big 'man' towering over everybody whilst exhaling smoke.

'I missed you guys...' Asta smiled, a smile containing both happiness and sadness.

"Welcome..." Yami and the other two approached from behind him, and proudly announced "To the absolute worst magic knight squad, the Black Bulls!"




A few seconds later of ongoing destruction, Yami had had enough "Would you people..." and punched the wall, "QUIT BREAKING STUFF?!", with a mana-infused fist, silencing everyone.

The squad members all looked at Yami for a second before running up to him in excitement, greeting him with a "Welcome back captain!/etc"

Getting pestered with all this happiness, Yami bellowed in laughter "Hahahaha! I see, I see, you guys like me that much, huh?..."

"But you're annoying! Can it." Yami's face did a 180 and went from a smile of joy to a frown of threat and anger.

"SORRY" They all apologised out of fear and got on their knees in a line, facing Asta, Yami, Finral, and Gordon.

"This shrimp is our other new member. Don't haze him so hard that he dies" Yami said, pointing at Asta on his right, earning everyone's attention.

"The name's Asta from Hage Village, it's nice to meetcha!" He greeted, before Yami carried on talking to him for a bit about the squad.

"We've got other members, but the rest are out on missions, on breaks or slacking off and doing other shit" He deadpanned, "Try to get along with them", referring to the ones here currently.

"Yes sir!" After having matured a little previously, he realised how he could come off as annoying with his high-pitched voice, therefore toning down on all the shouting... unless necessary. Also because of puberty, which he started quite late clearly.

'Man I can't wait till I get my growth spurt again!' Asta thought smugly.

"Hage... you mean that teensy place way out in the sticks?" The pink-haired lady asked, slowly crawling up to Asta teasingly.

"You're from the boonies, and yet you got yourself into the magic knights... you must've worked hard, kid" She said seductively, really exposing her cleavage, before adding "How about I reward you with a special treat", adding emphasis on the 'special' part.

"No, thank you" Asta replied, backing away a little. 'First of all, I'd rather not take advantage or a drunk woman, second of all, knowing her, any second now...'

"Urp" She gagged, covered her mouth, before abruptly throwing up all over the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" A rowdy voice came from behind. "You're a new Black Bull!? A wussy little runt from the back end of nowhere?" He scowled, trying to look as intimidating as possible.

"I dunno how you sucked up to mister Yami... but if you want to wear our robe..." Which he grasped, "...you gotta earn some respect from me, mister Yami's top underling, man among men, Magna Swing!"

"And how do I do that, 'Mister Magna'" Asta said sarcastically, to which Magna totally missed.

"You come get baptized!" Magna said with a creepy smile


A/N: Not much to say, other than I hope you're having a good day and life, and may good things come to all of you :)

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