
Black Catt

They caressed each other's faces. Ti kissed another tear from her cheeks. Narges bit his lips. "You're so deep… and so so so big… it feels like something inside me is going to snap…" Cat got down on her knees, put her head between two pairs of legs, and started to lick all around Narges' pussy… licked the stretched opening. Licked Ti's cock, almost white from being squeezed too hard. Licked the sweat off his balls. Her tongue is gentle and playful, teasing and soft. Did she lick up some blood? I couldn't see… but if she did, I would love to taste Nana's virgin blood… Ti and Narges were lost in their kiss. I had to stop jerking my cock because this was all too hot - and I didn't want to blow my load on myself. "I love you." "I love you."

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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36 Chs


Cat rolled her eyes. "No extra points for you, Sir"

And with this, she was out the door. Butterflies. The 'Sir' had made my cock twitch. The cock I had to massage for half an hour before it showed any signs of life had twitched. Too bad it was for someone who was so far off-limits that it wasn't even a question. Again, damn.

We both stood in front of the stove. Cat had whipped up a batter with a dozen ingredients, some of them quite surprising, like cayenne pepper and shredded broccoli. And now we started to heat up the pan. Cat's eyes were almost level with mine. She was standing on a chair I had pulled up to the stove. She moved with the grace of someone who had done this a hundred times. Poured some batter into the pan, turned the pan a bit, left and right, back and forth until the batter had formed a perfect circle, waited a bit until it had set, then she turned the pancake, another minute or two and done. I looked at the pan. Looked at the stack of pancakes on a warming plate. Looked at the bowl. I couldn't look at Cat. Every time I did, I saw something new. Her skin, so dark you couldn't even see any pores, not a single blemish. Her ears looked perfect. There was a little dimple just below her cheekbone that twitched when she concentrated. She bit her lower lip when she turned the pancake. Her eyelashes trembled when she lifted the heavy cast iron pan. Her neck… I felt my cock twitch. I wore my normal old blue jeans, but they felt much too tight now. I stuck my hand in my pocket, tried to rearrange my cock but it didn't help. It wasn't hard. But it sure felt… solid… and it kept twitching every time I looked at Cat.

"Do you have curry powder?"

"Yeah up there on the extractor hood, to your right"

Even standing on the chair, Cat couldn't reach it.

I reached across her, my arm brushed her shoulder and my cock twitched so hard it hurt. I grabbed the jar with the curry powder and handed it to her.

"Dan the Man. Thank you". Big smile. Big twitch. I smiled back.

Cat got off the chair and pushed it to the side. She looked up at me. We were standing so close to each other that she had to lean back a little to meet my eyes.

"How's the air up there?"

I shot back "Smells a bit like midgets" because I had done this routine a thousand times, it's something you just get used to when you're taller than most people and definitely taller than almost all women.

I realized what I had said and everything inside me tensed up. This didn't go well.

Cat gave me a look, halfway between stern and hurt… but just when I wanted to say something, some lame apology, I saw the corners of her mouth twitch, her eyes sparkled and before I could even say a single syllable, she broke out laughing. God, her face looked beautiful when she laughed. It was like her face was all lips, teeth, and eyes. She pushed me away, playfully.

"As dad jokes go: kudos, Sir!"

"Did you just call me a Dad?"

"Oh, sorry, I meant granddad…"

I gave her a fake hurt look. "Granddad? Now come on!"

"How old are you?"

"48. That's not granddad's age. That's prime dad age if anything"

"So… wait… if you had kids when you were 18… and they had kids when they were 18 and you were 36… then your daughter would now be… yes, check out, you could be my Granddad. Sir."

This was her biggest smile yet. And I held her gaze, smiled back. My cock got hard. I could feel it move up from the legs of my jeans and it probably stood out sideways but I sure as hell wouldn't look down and give her a reason to look where I was looking.

"Hungry, granddaughter?"

"Yes, Granddad, starving actually. And you know, old people shouldn't eat too late in the evening, it wreaks havoc on their digestive system".

A wink that made my cock twitch so hard I flinched… and with this, she turned around, took the last pancake from the pan, put it on the stack, took the warming plate, and walked to the dining table"

"Are you coming or do you need your walker?"

We sat down. I brought two plates, two big glasses, and a pitcher with water and ice cubes. Cat slid a pancake off the stack onto my plate and took one herself. I poured water for both of us and she emptied the glass in one long gulp.

"Whoa. Thirsty much?"

"It's kind of my thing… Maybe I'll explain it to you later. But for now, may I ask for some water, please?"

I poured her another glass full, she moved it to her lips and took a tiny sip. She licked her lips.

"Delicious! San Pellegrino?"


"Same thing, just a different tap".

We smiled at each other. Damn, she's something else. Something else.

We ate. The pancakes were… simply delicious. I had never eaten anything like it. Rich and soft, spicy as hell, the broccoli and herbs gave them a nice twist. I had five. Cat had three. And two more glasses of water. Where the hell does she put it?

"This was really good. Pancakes. Who knew?"

"People who don't use pancake mix do."



"Touche. It means something like 'You got me'".

"Yes, I think I got you… granddad."

"Ouch. Can we please stop this?"

"We can. But do we want to?"

"Yes, I want to"

"We will consider it".

"OK, let me clean up the mess… I dunno… do you want to go downstairs, or do you have to do homework or do you want to, like, hang out?"

"I want to, like, hang out… I'm definitely not going downstairs. This would just mean that you come down every half hour to check on me. Right?"

"Uhm, right. Sorry, I promised your mom".

"So, hang out it is. Do you have Netflix?"

"Yeah… we can watch Netflix, but I also have quite a movie collection. Maybe you find something you like?"

"Where is it?" Cat looked around. "Seems you don't even have a TV…"

"Upstairs. Home cinema"

"Home cinema. Fancy. Can I have a look?"

"Yeah, just go upstairs, the BluRay shelf is hard to miss. I'll clean up here and you check if you find anything you like."

"Will do… and I'll help you when I'm back"

"Might take a bit of time to go through it all… no hurry"

I have over 1000 BluRays. And I'm afraid about 99% of them are of zero interest to a girl her age - or R-rated and I sure as hell wouldn't want her mom to find out that I had watched Scarface with her daughter…