
Black Catt

They caressed each other's faces. Ti kissed another tear from her cheeks. Narges bit his lips. "You're so deep… and so so so big… it feels like something inside me is going to snap…" Cat got down on her knees, put her head between two pairs of legs, and started to lick all around Narges' pussy… licked the stretched opening. Licked Ti's cock, almost white from being squeezed too hard. Licked the sweat off his balls. Her tongue is gentle and playful, teasing and soft. Did she lick up some blood? I couldn't see… but if she did, I would love to taste Nana's virgin blood… Ti and Narges were lost in their kiss. I had to stop jerking my cock because this was all too hot - and I didn't want to blow my load on myself. "I love you." "I love you."

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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36 Chs


It was almost 5pm when we got out of the bathtub. Everything moved in slow motion. Cat could barely walk and had to hold on to me. I walked like a grandpa, my balls twice their normal size.

Narges had done an amazing job, the living room looked just like before our little orgy. It smelled fresh. There was a small bowl with mint leaves and coffee beans on the coffee table.

"I'll go downstairs and change. Back in a bit."

"Do you need help?"

"Nah, I'll manage… don't fuck any kids while I'm away…"

"Kitty, just trust me on this, I ain't fucking nobody today…"

"Hold that thought…"

And she was gone… well, slowly gone, limping bow legged towards the door.

Narges had said that she would bring dinner. I didn't know what else to do, so I set the table for four. For four. Another guest. Images were swirling through my head. Two sex-crazed kids in one day. There couldn't possibly be a third. This would be a normal evening, with some time to relax and recharge. Maybe I could make love to Cat later tonight? Maybe Narges would join us? But no more crazy stuff. My cock twitched. It hurt. Damn.


Cat came back a few minutes later, wearing a light yellow summer dress. A very short summer dress. The contrast to her pitch-black skin looked amazing. Her toned legs looked amazing. Her smile looked even amazing-er. That's not a word. But you know what I mean.

"Do I look presentable?"

"Presentable and then some… my girlfriend is a real stunner!"

"Don't you talk like this about little kids, you lovely pedo…"

"I wish you would stop calling me that…"

"Well, technically…"

"When is… your friend…. coming?"

"I told him 6-ish. I have a hunch he's the punctual type."

Cat sat down on the couch… she grimaced when she leaned back.

"Still hurts?"

"It's fine… but… I admit, this was all a little much…"

She pulled her legs up. Her dress slid up her thighs. Cat wasn't wearing panties.



"What are your thoughts on underwear?"

"My thoughts: it's optional. Especially when your pussy feels like it has been fucked and fisted and your asshole won't close all the way… Daddy."

"I hear you." Deep breath. "This is the second time I'm asking this today… but… what kind of visit will this be?"

"All part of my project. The first part did get a little out of hand… but it's all good."

I looked at her. Held her gaze.

"Oh come on. Do I look like I could just keep fucking? And if I may say so, you look a tiny bit exhausted as well…"

"Yes. I don't think I can go another round without either a heart attack or my balls dropping off…"

"Then let's have a lovely evening… I hope."

The doorbell rang.

"Can you get that, Daddy? Getting up is still a bit of a challenge…"


I pressed the buzzer, waited for a bit until I heard steps outside and opened the door. Ti. Holy crap. This was the biggest guy I had ever seen. Not the tallest. The biggest. Not quite my height, but at least two times my weight. "Fat" was the wrong word, he looked like a brick house. Camo shorts. Black T-shirt. You could see his… breasts? under it. Arms the size of my legs. Hands like frying pans. Short ginger hair. A bit of stubble on his giant, red face. He looked out of breath. Hauling something like 400 pounds up the stairs must've been quite an exercise.

I tried to smile. "You must be Ti! Welcome!"

He held onto the door frame with one hand (one giant hand). He looked at me. I'm a bit puzzled. Well, coming to see a black girl and a middle-aged white guy opening the door…

"Is Cat in? I'm here for her laptop…"

Now it was my turn to look confused. So we just stood there and stared at each other.

Cat, chirping in the background: "Daddy, who is it?". Cat… Dammit…

"Please come in. Cat is waiting for you."

He stepped inside. Both his hips rubbed against the doorframe when he squeezed through. Jesus.

"Hi Ti! Sorry I couldn't come to the door, I'm a bit… exhausted…"


"Suppository. A big one."


"Just kidding. Have a seat."

Ti was standing next to the couch. Hunched over. He looked like a giant next to petite little Kitty. Why did this make my cock twitch?

"Uhm… I just wanted to get the laptop and I'll see if I can make it work again…"

"It's downstairs. But Ti… can you sit down, please?" Ti just stood there. "The laptop is… ok. No problem. I'm sorry, I know you make some extra money repairing tech stuff… and it was the best I could come up with to ask you to come here. I'm really sorry."


"The laptop is not why I wanted you to come and see me. Us."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I walked like half an hour to get here!"

"I'm sorry, but I swear I will make it up to you."

I cringed. Kitty… no. What had she been thinking?

Ti stood there. Even from the back, I could see that he was angry… furious. Breathing heavily.

"I'm outta here. I thought you were… fuck… fuck you!"

Me: "Ti, I'm not sure what's going on here, but I don't think we need to…"

He turned around, his eyes looked like he was about to cry, sweat was running down his forehead. "Fuck you too… you and your… your…"

Cat, softly: "You can say it, Ti."

"You… you… "

"Say it. Tell me what I am…"

Now I could see a tear in his eye… not quite enough to roll down his cheeks, but enough to make him look like a hurt deer.

Ti stomped towards me. For a moment it looked like he wanted to walk right over me, but he stumbled to the right, walked past me, and opened the door.

"Oh Hello. It is Ti, right?"

I turned around. Narges, standing in the doorway, blocked Ti's way. She was wearing the same kind of black coat and black headscarf, but these were clean and looked freshly ironed.

"Yes, I'm… Sorry, I was about to…"

"Be a dear and help me with this." Narges lifted a plastic container the size of a suitcase and heaved it into Ti's arms.

"Dinner. Should be enough for all of us." She walked by Ti, smiling first at him and then at me.

"Afghan mothers. Ask them to cook something and they will cook everything."

I smiled back. Ti was still standing in the doorway, holding the container with his giant arms, looking outside.

"Ti, can you bring this to the kitchen? Thank you so much."

Ti turned around. His face was… "confused" wasn't enough. Helpless. Overwhelmed. Yes, buddy, meet the girls. This is what they do.

"Dan, are you feeling better? And Catherine, how is your… condition?"

"Come here, and I'll give you a fistful of details…"

"I'm so happy to see that you are all well again - and even your voice is back!"

Ti slowly walked towards the kitchen. I joined him.

"Please stay. I know you are angry. Cats can be… a handful. But I swear to you she means well."

"Man, I've been there before. Going to some place to meet some chick…"

I looked at him. Raised one eyebrow.

"Sorry, I mean… girl?"

"Better. You can put the stuff over here. I'm not sure what…"

"Oh leave this to me." Narges opened her coat while she walked towards us and threw it over one of the chairs at the dining table.

"Can you just put everything on the table? Don't worry about what goes where."

"OK… uhm… Nargen?"

"Narges. My friends call me Nana."

"OK… Narges…"

"Nana. When we eat together, call me Nana. Please."

"Sorry, I was just about to…"

"Everything on the table. I'll be right back with you."