
Black Catt

They caressed each other's faces. Ti kissed another tear from her cheeks. Narges bit his lips. "You're so deep… and so so so big… it feels like something inside me is going to snap…" Cat got down on her knees, put her head between two pairs of legs, and started to lick all around Narges' pussy… licked the stretched opening. Licked Ti's cock, almost white from being squeezed too hard. Licked the sweat off his balls. Her tongue is gentle and playful, teasing and soft. Did she lick up some blood? I couldn't see… but if she did, I would love to taste Nana's virgin blood… Ti and Narges were lost in their kiss. I had to stop jerking my cock because this was all too hot - and I didn't want to blow my load on myself. "I love you." "I love you."

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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36 Chs


Minutes later, the doorbell rang. I pressed the buzzer and we waited at the door. Cat next to me. Her arm wrapped around me. One evening together. One night together. One morning together. And I still forget how tiny this girl is. Her head leaned against the side of my chest. We stood there like a married couple waiting for their dinner guests.

I heard steps outside and opened the door and we stepped outside. I saw Narges' back, coming up the stairs.

Was this a slightly taller clone of Cat? All in black, not a hoodie, more like a trenchcoat. Not a hood over her head but a black headscarf. A big handbag, like a sports bag. I saw white hands… not white, more like a light tone of copper. Narges made it to the top of the stairs and turned towards us.

Her face framed by the headscarf, giant horn-rimmed glasses, her face plain, with a stern look. Arabic? 5'5'', maybe 5'6''? I couldn't see anything of her body under the long, heavy coat.

When she saw Cat: "Catherine! I am happy to see you!"

"Oh, come here, you old barn owl. I've missed you!"

Cat hugged her while Narges stood perfectly still, her arms hanging down her sides. She raised one arm and patted Cat on the back.

Cat took a step back. "Nana, this is Dan. My boyfriend!"

I freeze. It was one thing to say it in bed. It was a totally different thing to hear it said out loud for the first time in public. Even when "public" was just one small Muslim girl with an expression like Angela from "The Office".

Narges looked at me. At my face. Then up and down my body.

I offered my hand: "Welcome. I'm very happy to meet one of Cat's friends!"

Narges took my hand, a firm handshake from a tiny hand.

"Thank you for inviting me to your home. It is very nice to meet you, Sir!"

"No need for 'Sir', just Dan."

She let go of my hand.

"I was raised to address my elders with the respect they deserve, Sir"

And with this, she walked by me. I turned to Cat. Her mouth opened in fake outrage, turning into a shit-eating grin. She bit her hand and pumped her fist.

Whispered: "Meet Nana. God, I love this little ray of sunshine".

Cat walked in. I stood there. Took a deep breath. Went in and closed the door behind me.


Narges took off her coat. Under it, she had the same kind of all-black coat, just with a slightly thinner and lighter fabric. Cat took her heavy coat and looked at me.

"You can put it over there."

I looked at Narges. Tried to find words to describe her face. Not pretty. Certainly not ugly or anything. The best I could come up with was "proud". She again stood still, her head following Cat, and then she looked back at me.

"You have a very nice home, Sir. Does Catherine live here with you?"

"Uhm… this is all still very… new for both of us. But for the time being, no, she lives with her mom downstairs. She's staying with me this weekend because her mom is away for work."

"I see."

Pause. Pause. Pause.

"So, how do you two know each other?"

"I came here from Afghanistan one year ago. I knew nobody. Our school cafeteria is too small for two people to eat alone."

I looked at Cat. For the first time, I saw her embarrassed. Could black girls blush?

"It took a week and then we started to talk to each other. I like Catherine very much."

"...and now she's my best friend!"

Cat hugged her again. Narges didn't hug her back. But her face changed… not to a smile. But from a very stern expression to a slightly less stern expression.

"I'm your only friend, Catherine.."

"...and this also makes you my best friend, Nana."

"Would you like to sit down, Narges? Maybe something to drink?"

"Thank you, Sir. I prefer to stand for now."

This was not going well. Shit.

"Narges. Please. You are Cat's friend and it is important to me that my… my…"

Cat: "...girlfriend…"

"...yes, thank you… my girlfriend's friend… I dunno… accept me. You don't have to like me."

Cat took my hand. Squeezed it.

Narges looked at me, walked over to the couch, sat down, her legs tilted to the side.

"My father was 61 when he died. That was last year. He had just celebrated his 20-year anniversary with my mother. My mother is turning 33 next month."

Pause. I didn't know where else to look, so I held her gaze.

"Please believe me, I do not care about age difference."

I felt Cat's arms around me and I put my hand on her shoulder. Steadying myself.

"But I do care very much about Catherine. If she wants to be with you and loves you, I will respect your relationship and I will support both of you."

I exhaled. Tried a smile which probably came out as some crooked grimace.

"But if you hurt her or… force her…"

Pause. Again, a lump in my stomach.

I tried to make light of the situation. "... you will kill me?" Tried to wink.

"No. But I know people who will hurt you if I ask them to. Sir."

I was still holding her gaze. I wouldn't back down.

"Thank you, Narges. I appreciate your honesty."

She nodded.

"I told you, this is all very new and we're still figuring things out. But I would never hurt her. If she wants to be with me, I will not leave her. If others don't understand, I will accept that they don't and stay by her side. I don't know if you want me to be your friend. But you are Cat's friend and I would like you as my friend."

I'm not good at speeches. And this was probably not the best way to put it all. But I meant every word, no matter how awkwardly put.

I felt Cat tugging on my arm. She looked up at me. Her eyes are moist.

"I love you."

"I love you."