
Black Cat (A Demon tale)

Meet Kat, a very normal cat as far as the eye can see. All she wants to do is set back bask under the sun and eat caviar while resting next to her sister. All while watching her friends kick the crap out of all the hellspawn that decided to break the rules so why the heck did she wind up with this kid and that thing pretending to be a Butlier. Whats a cat to do?!

Tye_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Cont. Let's Introduce the Cast 2nd: Sabula

Ahhhh, you guys are so mean making me tell you stuff not even I know, I mean Kat is an enigma even to me and I created her and know you want me to tell you about Sabula. So mean, well i guess I can try and tell you what I know

So to start off


race a demon

age ???





Trait given by contrat



sabula is a demon who has reacently contrated to a human has a ahidden passion for the above world animals due to his contract he was given two comandes by the contact one to never go against his master and the other to never lie to his master due to this he has become a perfect servant but every once in a while he will act agianst his master in subtle ways but he does truily care for him.

hmm guess i knew more that I thought

ah well on to the next one