
Chapter = 11 ( What is inside )

Question = A sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information


A matter requiring resolution or discussion, But is all question have its solution if not how question makes if it does not have any solution

" Hello , sir how can i help you " a women ask harry from reception with smiling face " actually i am looking for locker 508 " as harry says while looking around as soon as she heaed locker number she called her manager " what happend " harry ask manage who just come "sorry sir , this locker has not open for year that why " as manager was saying he lead harry to secret elevator " what o you mean not open for year why this area is privat like secret " as haeey was says he get out of elevotor " yes that right that locker is not open for 14 years " as manager was saying he open door by useing fingerprints as the door open , the room was big and in middle ther was a big statue of angel " welcom sir , over here ancient locker room , this locker is pride of over bank they hold price thing that a normal person can even imagine that why this is secret " as manger say he point a locker which was harry was loolong for " i have one more question " harry say with serious face " yes sir , pleas " manger sar with smiling face " why you let me in , if this place is secret why do you let me in without asking me for any of my id why or you were expecting me to come , you know that i was coming right "

Earlier that day

10:20 am, sam and harry were driving to the mail office to talk about it ( chapter 8 ) as they were driving there harry got an unknown message "Hi kid, remember me. still looking for an answer to your dream it yes after mail office go to the bank and ask for locker no 508, good luck "

as harry read the message, he started to think about whether he should go or not