
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 21: Magenta O’ Magenta…

(Grada) Rigor, I need to go to the Heroes Guild first then I'll head over that way. You will have to handle the situation until I get there... I'm going to sever the link between us and San so we can teleport to the Guild since it's not close. Take caution but mostly, try and handle it the best way you see fit...

(Rigor) I see. Ok, I'm sure we can handle whoever this is with ease.. No need to get riled up, continue searching for answers and I'll take care of this business...

(San'Halo) Grada I witnessed the look on your face when he described the vessel. So just who is it???

(Grada) It's Aet's Lab. Which could mean he had his crew pick him up somehow, or they defeated Tusok and came back to the Oasis for retribution... Either way we have to find out the meaning of that Hornhead showing up, and who's backing her...

Back at the Oasis....

(Rigor) I just spoke with Grada through San's Trace link (Used for long distance speaking with a separate group)... The message he had was to be prepared for whoever this may be, but don't do anything hasty...

(Holders) When is he coming back here??? Right!!! We are down to half our numbers and the reinforcements who showed up aren't nearly enough, they are still prospects and aren't fully integrated into our Circle...

(Rigor) Get them up to speed quick...

-psssssss- The Lab settled on top of one of the cliffs overlooking the Oasis... The Circle had a group of lookouts on top of the cliffs surrounding their Oasis...

The lookouts moved in closer to the Lab without any hesitation. They investigated the outside of the Lab, walking around it and looking for a door...

(BlackBlood) Aet. Can you wake up my gargoyle and bring him here? We are going to break words with them...

(Aet) You're going down to broker a deal?? Well the lookouts they have posted up here aren't very welcoming. They're already searching the outside of my lab for an entrance with weapons unsheathed...

They've never seen my lab and yet they're here beating on the windows and walls from the outside demanding we come out...

(BlackBlood) No worries, just go get Gargy and I'll talk with them...

Aet walked off to the pods section of the lab which would take a couple of minutes to get there and back...

(Lookouts) Come out here now and tell us your purpose!!! Who are you and what made you come here!!??

-Whoooooooooooooooosh- The Lab Door opened and standing in the shadow of the corridor was a petite figure...

The lookouts paused for a second, looked at each other and decided the best course would be to confront the intruders... They had been through a lot just days ago in the Labyrinth... Their mental state was on edge and tense...

(Lookouts) Get out here!!! We won't say it again!!

Chi, chi, chi, chi, She laughs at their threats as she steps out of the shadows to the forefront of the corridor....

(BlackBlood) Well, I'm sure you know who I am. Now where is your leader??

(Lookouts) It's the Hornhead! Grada said she's an enemy so what do we do?? Let's kill her for Grada. There's no way she can take us all!!! Yeah I agree...

The four Lookouts rush BlackBlood hoping to overwhelm her. She didn't say a word to them. Instead, BlackBlood steps down in between all four of them...

They all lock eyes with each other and decide to blitz her... They quickly advanced, and in sync they all lunged at her...

The one in front of her came in, swinging down fiercely with the full force of power and gravity upon her head with his Club...

The one to her right swung his Glaive at an amazing speed with intentions of severing her body in half at the waist...

The one covering her right side was armed with a long ax and he was aiming to amputate BlackBlood's legs...

The Lookout to the rear was bearing down on BlackBlood holding his sword eye level, rushing towards her for a piercing attack upon her back....

The attacks were on the verge of landing simultaneously, yet BlackBlood stood there as a Stalwart...

(Lookouts) We've caught her off guard. Let's finish this Hornhead and be done with it....

BlackBlood closed her eyes and barely parted her lips, to whisper a phrase -MAGENTA PARADOX- but the words flowed out of her mouth with so much conviction and constitution that the entirety of the Oasis heard them as if she was in their head...

The lookouts were mere millimeters away from striking her from every angle but instead a harmless pink mist sprayed out from BlackBlood in all directions... The lookouts were so close to landing their attacks that they had no time to react and instantly found themselves suspended midair. Knowing they were helpless, BlackBlood opened her eyes and slowly grabbed the weapon from the Druid in front of her...

She moved closer to him and gazed in his eyes in wonderment. She seemed fascinated by the Druid and after a short time she began to slowly gain a twisted frown upon her face...

(Lookouts) You fucking Hornhead!!! The Circle will be on their way here to take your life... Maybe one of us will be able to see your life taken by one of our brothers or sisters... You will be dealt with either way...

(BlackBlood) Why do you warts keep thinking I'm someone who can be dealt with by the likes of you??? Let me show you how I have fun...

She took her hand and held his right eye open, ripping his lids off and with the other hand she took her index finger and put her nail center mass on his pupil ever so lightly that he didn't even notice she was touching it...

Her finger turned blood red, encasing his eye and flowing toward her finger and then suddenly disappeared. She held open the opposite hand palm facing up, and inside of her palm blood began to shape itself in the form of a small ball. It kept gaining mass and then condensed itself back down to the size of a pebble...

(BlackBlood) You all have brought this upon yourselves. If your leader hadn't committed the wickedness he did, then I would not be here.... So with that being said -Magenta's Ransom-

(Lookout) What is happening to me?? My body, under my skin feels as if it is burning in a blaze of fire!!!!! Agghhhhhhh- What are you doi…

(BlackBlood) Yes you were caught by Magenta's Paradox. I caused a slight case of internal combustion within myself and used my blood and life essence to hold you here, but Magenta's Ransom will take whatever it feels you owe... Chi.. Chi... Chi...

The Druid was having his blood and life essence sucked from his body via eye socket, his skin was turning gray, hair immediately fell out, his face went from smooth to aged by what looked like a millennia, and all of this while he was alive... But the pain was so excruciating that his speech receptors were rendered dead. He was able to feel it all happening as his life was fleeting…

To be continued….

Next Chapter 22...

~Blood Oasis~