
Black Alice

[EXCERPT] Bad Boys Club has existed 24years and you will not bring it down. 30 bad boys, 3 school rivals, 55 levels and 1 championship trophy. It has only three simple rules. Rule number 1: don't sell your friend. Rule number 2: for every level produce an evidence. Rule number 3: don't tell anyone about the club, even if it's saving your life. This year's competition will be serious! Who will be the years Baddest boy? It's the silver jubilee!!!." ♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣. Alice Watson known as black Alice as the name already describes her, was the only black girl in a white neighbourhood. But when she started getting more attention from three remaining boys competing in a quest game(oblivious to her), she couldn't be more excited. For the first time in the 25 years of the establishment of The Bad Boys Club, secrets splattered across media and out of their website. Who could give them out like that? Unless it is one who is in the club, but who? And watch how many will lose something out of the revealed secrets. Respect, trust and love flew out of the window like paper planes. Who will suffer the most? Alice and her friends or her bad boys? "It was supposed to be fun, right?"

prisyella · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 5- Alice

I wasn't comfortable going to P.E in this attire. It was too short because of my so or not so big ass. My brothers tell me I have a nice booty like my mum. So they always prefer it when I wear oversized hoodies and shirts to cover it.

Over protective brothers.

I was pacing up and down the girl's locker room. It was 5 minutes to P.E well, I gathered courage and stepped out of the locker room.

I was in our blue black and white strips at the sides P.E vest with similar colours of shorts.

As the sliding doors to the gym opened, everyone gasped and I became shy all of a sudden.

It was as if I'm in the only whose own was short. The guys were giving me flirty eyes. Grace isn't in the class. I sat among the girls on the bleachers. I hollered a few hellos and HI's to them. We sat there when the robotic woman signalled for start of lessons.

The P.E instructor signalled us to move to the ground. As I was about to move I felt hot breath on my skin and i shivered.

"Can you do as a favour and tie this around your waist" he put his school jacket on my shoulders and followed behind his friends as if nothing happened.

I wanted to tell him I didn't need it but I swallowed my pride and did as he said. I joined them on the field. I can feel his stares but when I turned it wasn't him. It was his other friend, I think Khan. The moment our eyes collided, he smiled at me and turned to the teacher. I looked at Percy and saw that he was glancing between two of us and shaking his head.


The P.E instructor gave us a ball to throw into the basketball loop. I love basketball and I was having easy time shooting it into the loop. My dad was a captain here. My brothers too were captains. we even have a small basketball field behind our house. Where they taught me. I was even part of my former school's basketball team but I quit when Jamil died. We use to play together. Holding a ball again brings me memories. My eyes became glassy as the ball hit the board very hard bouncing back and drawing attention.

"I'm sorry" I stopped throwing the ball and went for my water bottle from the bleaches. I took a large gulp of water.

I turned and crushed into a body almost sending me on the floor.

"I'm sorry" we both said at the same time. It was khan, the olive skin Indian. He has brown eyes like mine and his was dark brown and thick. We burst into laughter.

"Oh pinch me" we said again." You go first"

"I was also coming to drink water. But are you okay? Because you don't look okay" he stated scratching the back of his head nervously.

"yeah I'm fine really" he didn't look convinced. He was about to say something when the P.E teacher blew his whistle to summoned us together. I trotted forward leaving a dreamy khan behind.

you wanted an exciting day at school there you have it.


I had sniffed the jacket for hundredth time. My whole life, this is the first time I had worn guys jacket apart from my brothers. I didn't have many guy friends because I like staying indoors on my phone.

Alicia had come to our house like usual. I told her about Percy and the others.

"Oh my god! Your first crush."

"pfft. I would consider Tom to be my crush."

"No. I mean look at him. He has change over the years. He's hot, tall and handsome..."

"It's okay stop right there. He's a monster okay. Who would beat his fellow friend almost to a pulp?"

"Girl. You are not being grateful here. He is the first white guy to talk to you. He even gave you his jacket when weren't comfortable. Would tom do that? When you even sneaked out to the park with him and it was drizzling while he was covered with a hoodie what did he tell you? 'babe its showers of blessing, only for you.' And you thought he was being romantic when you lied down here a week shivering with cold. The truth is I never liked tom and I don't like him now and I won't like..." I cut her off.

"That was quiet a speech. And what do you say for Derick?" I raised an eye brow jokingly.

"I got to go" she stepped down from the bed and left.

"Wait" but she was already gone. I screamed into the pillow.

I sat with grace and the guys at lunch the next day. They were talking about random stuffs. Me at the other hand was sipping my coconut water at same time stalking the friends I met in Africa. Commenting on some of their post. I had posted the painting edem gave to me on my social media tagging the few friends I have on social media. I heard graces phone binged because I tagged her too.

"Oh my! Alice is that you?" she had her hand covered on her mouth. eyes still frozen on the phone.

"let me see." Derick requested.

"holy shit!" He screamed way too loud attracting some attention. "I told you guys Alice is hot. Look at this sexy painting." He was about to give to Percy who was sitting right next to him, when khan unintentionally took it.

His eyes widened at the phone. The table went silent. grace glaring at khan and Derick giving Percy pity eyes.

The scraping of a chair alerted us and an empty seat between khan and Derick. I saw the back of Percy's lean and tall figure disappearing through the cafeterias sliding doors.

"Is he okay?" I asked. She almost snatches her phone from khan who was elevating and zooming to get a better look at the painting.

"I have to check on him" she left with a confused expression on both me and khan. Derick looked disturbed.

"Well, I have to. uh ...see the basketball couch to ...um submit something... probably the agenda for this year." All the while throwing his hands in gestures and me nodding at every word he says. He huffed and left.

"Now it's just me and you". I have heard this word somewhere. Words that sent shivers down my spine.

I know Khan is no trouble but I hardly know him. So I can't trust a guy I met in just a day. Also we are in the cafeteria. I nodded still sipping on my coconut water.

"So I saw a signed name Edem " he said stressing on the name. it isn't difficult to pronounce but he wanted to make sure if he pronounced it well.

"hmmmm" I hummed for him to continue.

"is he your boyfriend?" I almost spit my coconut water on his face.

"sorry for that. I didn't to..." I have already embarrassed myself twice before him. I started cleaning the table to avoid his stares.

"I didn't even have a drop on me but I would have licked it if it had... you know" he looked nervous flirting with me. He has this innocent and nerdy look. This boy is not to be trusted. Looks can be deceiving.

The robotic woman spoke out and that was my cue to leave his intense stares. I picked my stuffs and waved at him.

"see you tomorrow." I turned once more to see him weaving his hand into his hair. Then I heard small shaky whisper.
