
BL4M3 M3

In the quiet town of Stoneybrook, a haunting secret lies buried beneath the surface, waiting to resurface with chilling consequences. Five years ago, an 11-year-old boy named Jeremy committed an unfathomable act, taking the life of his best friend to protect someone he loved. The shocking event shook the community to its core, leaving scars that still linger. Among the witnesses was young Arianna, whose innocent eyes beheld the unimaginable tragedy. Now, she's grown, but the nightmares and memories remain, forever intertwined with Jeremy's return to Stoneybrook. As he steps back into town, the shadows of the past loom larger, and an unsettling feeling grips the hearts of its residents. Just two days after Jeremy's arrival, a fresh murder shatters the town's fragile peace, plunging it into turmoil once more. But this time, the suspects are not limited to one troubled boy; they are four teenagers—longtime best friends with a shared history. Three of them are innocent, but one conceals the truth, a truth that could tear their friendship apart forever. As the investigation unfolds, alliances blur, and loyalties waver. Each of the four friends holds a piece of the puzzle, but unlocking the dark secret demands delving into the depths of their past and confronting the demons they thought they left behind. With time running out, the pressure to find the real killer intensifies, and the entire town becomes a web of secrets and lies. In this gripping psychological thriller, Jeremy must confront his past and wrestle with guilt, while Arianna faces a moral dilemma: protect the boy she once knew, or unearth the horrifying truth? The truth that could bring justice to the fallen and restore peace to Stoneybrook, or unleash a storm of destruction that nobody could escape. As the clock ticks, the boundaries between right and wrong blur, and the line between friend and foe fades away. The answers lie buried in the minds of these four friends, and only one question remains: who among them is the true murderer?

Ekemezie_Favour · Teen
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22 Chs

chapter 8

Oh my God! Oh my God! I start hyperventilating. I feel a cold hand on my shoulder. I hear sirens blowing through the house, and I think it's one of those nightmares of Mikaela being murdered, but this ain't Mikaela, this is Zack.

"Everyone step out." I hear Mr. Langford's voice. I feel the cold hand pull off of me, and my heart bangs again. "Arianna, go outside." This is not history repeating itself. This is not Mr. Langford who is asking me to stop staring at my best friend who is covered motionlessly in his blood. "Arianna, step away from the corpse," he says. Corpse? Zack who was having the best night of his life, Zack who just turned sixteen, and Zack who eats tacos with ketchup is now referred to as a corpse.

"Oh my God," I sob with my hands over my mouth. My body feels like it's going through an electric shock.

"Take her home," I hear him say, then I feel someone's hands around me, helping me move my feet. I can't resist, because I no longer have the strength to, so I let him take me to the car where Alisyn, Matthew, and Jeremy are seated in the back seat, while I'm being positioned at the front. It's a long silent ride that seems to be taking more than an hour. All I can think of is Zack sinking in his pool of blood. Motionless, blinded, stifled chest, cold and scared. Finally, the car stops, but nobody is coming down.

"Miss Wealth," the police driver calls for Alisyn's attention, but he also gets mine. Surprisingly, we've reached cinnamon street —Wealth Avenue. Alisyn looks out the window and sees her family standing outside the front door. Their faces are dull and pretentious, acting like they understand what just happened, acting like they can feel the pains I am feeling, like they can feel the spurts of the tears burning on my face. No. No, this is beyond. Zack is dead. Alisyn wipes her face before stepping out of the car. 

"I'll just take a walk from here," Matthew says and steps out. Matthew lives two blocks away from Alisyn, so it's understandable. The driver starts the car and proceeds to mine. What happened? He was okay yesterday, how did he end up dead today? The driver stops at the curb next to my house, and immediately, Jeremy gets out of the car and strides to his. Both of his hands are buried in the pocket of his pants.

"Arianna?" The officer calls me out of my doom and gloom. I take a deep breath and clean my tearing face, but the tears are still rushing down my face, so I stop trying to get rid of them. I step out of the car. Just like Alisyn, my mom and sister are already waiting for me at the front door.

"Oh, honey," my mom coos, and she flies her hand to her mouth. I see the water coming out of her eyes, and I wish it was the same as the tears covering my face, then it wouldn't be this painful.

"Mom." I cry and sniff. "Mom, Zack's dead." A heavy flow of tears pours down. 

"Baby," she steps down from the Porch and moves closer to me. "I'm so sorry," she places her hands on my arm.

"He's gone…" I weep. "I don't know what happened…I-I, he was…he called me and I didn't pick up…and…he…he just turned up dead," I quiver.

"Honey…baby, look at me. Sweetheart…" she says as her grip tightens. "It's fine," she says with a small voice. It is soothing, but not enough.

"No, it's not!" I yell, and I hear Charity sob. "Zack is dead, Mom. He's gone, like dead, and he's never coming back. He's never going to crack jokes, or take me to school, or get married to two wives and leave them for a side-chick…" I vex out my pains. "And nothing will ever be fine 'cause I've lost my best part, my better half," I cry, and I feel her grip loosen. "Nothing about this is fine," I say with a small voice and run into the house.


One good turn deserves another, but every beginning has an ending. Too bad his end came early. I bet he saw it coming, just like I did. Who would have thought someone would murder a sweet-ish boy like Zack, I was expecting suicide, but I guess he got lucky. I only worry about Anna. She wasn't supposed to see that. Her life has already been traumatic enough, and this happened. Standing in front of the window, I watch her unleash her pains. Damn it! Not again. Not again have I made her pass through the same mess. I see my mom's car drive into the driveway, and in about two minutes, the door clicks open and her heels knock on the ground.

"I heard what happened." She says, standing next to me. "Zack Freeman was murdered," she tells me like I don't know that, but she knows full well that I was there. "The Freeman will stop at nothing till they get their hands on their son's murderer, that's why you need to tell me everything you know." I feel her eyes on me.

I scoff. "You can relax, I'm not the killer," I tell her and take a walk towards my room.

"That doesn't mean you are innocent," she says. I take a pause, then I turn around to face her. Her fingers are locked below her hips. My Mom is cold-blooded, yes. But I can see a trifling fear surrounding her eyes, it matches the one she had the day she came to juvie to tell me that Dad had died. She said it was a sedative overdose. But we both know that is bullshit.

"That's where you get it wrong, thinking there are innocent people in this world. Innocent is a phrase used to determine whether someone is good or bad. But you can still be good but far from innocent." I take two steps closer to her. "Do not be scared Mother, I'm not a murderer like you, I've never killed anyone, and I'll never do it."

Her cheek twitches, then she presses her lips together and lets out a breath. "I'm proud of you then," she says, and I smirk, then walk away.


Anger, guilt, and pain are illnesses. Some are treatable, while others cannot be treated, they will remain inside of you like spots that occasionally make you feel bad. And right now I think I've just developed that disease. I don't see myself getting better…like what's life if I keep losing the ones that I love? And why do I have to lose such an important person in my life?

"Knock, knock." I hear my mom at the door. I sit up and wipe my tears. It's a sad morning, cloudy and cold. But I guess I have to go to school after all. Mom walks in. I can swear she spent the whole night crying, just like I did, 'cause her face is swollen, and her eyes are red like it just went through a hurricane. "Hey," she says as she sits on my bed.

I sniff. "I'm not feeling too well…" I sniff again. "Can I not go to school?" I ask.

My mom's bloodshot eyes bulge. "Honey, God. Of course, you can take the whole of the week if you want to." She places her hands on my crossed legs. I attempt to nod. "Do you want me to stay?" She asks.

"Please," I say. I need someone older to comfort me in ways I don't think I can be comforted. She understands why stuff like this happens right? "I just don't know why…" I raise my hand, "Why would anybody want to get rid of Zack?"

"I know, he's like the sweetest guy on Earth," Mom says.

Tears pour down from my eyes as I nod. "He is, he's the sweetest guy, but why, Mom? Why did he have such a cruel fate?" I cry. My mom hugs me, and I fall into her hands. "I want him back. why? Why? Oh God, please, I want him back…" I sob, gripping hard on my mom.

   It's been three days now since I lost Zack. And I haven't attended school since then. I spent the whole of the day either crying or listening to the case about Zack's death. It's still an unsolved case, like one of those mysteries that could take months or years to find out, because first of all…Zack didn't have any enemies, Zack never associated with dangerous guys, not until Jeremy came into the picture. Not to mention, what was Jeremy doing at Zack's house in the middle of the night? I can still remember how frantic he looks, like a criminal who was almost caught. And he said something like, I wasn't supposed to be there? I haven't told Mr. Langford anything since he hasn't asked me yet, so I reserved my statement for the appropriate time.

The next day. Day four since I lost Zack. I've decided to get ready for school. Mom can be cool with me taking the rest of the week off, but Mr. Langford isn't. And I can tell how he's dying to ask me about what happened that night, but I wish I knew, I wish I had gone to Zack a little early. 

Mr. Langford has his attention on the news, not minding the spaghetti that's in front of him. It's the news about Zack's death, it's been airing since the day he died. Hashtag: Stoneybrook-second-sin. Mr. Langford was interviewed yesterday and he promised to do anything in his power to find Zack's murderer. His statement: Zack was a good kid. I've seen his bad and good sides. He was my daughter's best friend. I believe his murderer is in Stoneybrook, and I know he's watching this. I promise you, whosoever you are, I'm coming for you. I will get you. I try not to pay attention to the news today. They have been saying the same thing for the past three days, how they will do everything within their power to catch Zack's murderer, but yet they aren't doing much.

"We'll start by questioning the four teenagers that were in his house that night." This statement comes from the TV, it pierces my heart. Four teenagers, does that include me? I gulp and turn to the TV.  A brunette for sure. She looks tall, but I can't say because she is in a small 1990s TV with strips that make a rough sound. She has a wide face that looks strict. You can tell how tough she may be with her short hair tied in a low ponytail, and her gray trouser suit shows her male body structure, she seems like she has been boxing for years.

"Who is she?" My mom asks.

Mr. Langford takes a breath and turns to his food. "The new detective in charge of the case," he says.

Wait, I thought he was in charge. "What?" Mom utters. "I thought you were in charge?" 

Mr. Langford sucks his teeth. "Apparently they don't see me fit to handle the case since my daughter is a prime suspect." He stares at me. It's hard to tell if he's angry because his eyes have both sadness and tiredness in them.

"But she didn't do it. It's wrong to call her a suspect," Mom says anxiously.

"She was at his house in the deadest hour of the night, what do you expect people to think?" Charity finally says. I look at her, trying to understand what she means by that. Is she in any way accusing me? 

"I should go," I say as I pick up my backpack from the floor next to me, and I stand up.

"Why were you at his house?" Mr. Langford asks. His voice is croaky, and I watch as his hand curves in a tight fist. It's annoying to know that everyone in town including your family thinks you are guilty of something you know nothing about.

"He called me," I say nonchalantly.

"Can you prove that?" He asks and drinks from his glass of water. I almost let out a breath. This is choking me. I look at Mom, and she nods slightly.

I take a deep breath. "Yes," I reply, bringing my phone from the side pocket of my backpack. I tap the call logs, and it shows my call history.I scroll to March 14. The night Zack died. It is right here. His 20 missed calls. Guilt falls on me. I wish I had taken one of them, maybe he would still be alive. "Here," I give the phone to Mr. Langford, and he scrolls on it. I show him the text messages Zack sent me that night. He spends close to 2 minutes on my phone. I have no idea why, but I guess that's how detectives behave when they come across shreds of evidence. He hands my phone to me without uttering a word. I shake my head and walk to the door.

"Honey." Mom stands up. "How about Charity takes you to school?" She asks. I look at Charity who is busy eating her spaghetti. 

I want a ride, but I don't want it from someone who thinks I'm a murderer. "It's fine, I need to stretch my legs," I tell her, and she nods. Magdalene Octavia Langford is the Best mother I could possibly ask for. She respects those things that give me peace of mind. She can go out of her way to see that I'm happy. My mom and I are the real deal. I remember when Mrs. Oscar came to my parents, begging them to let me give a false testimony to save Jeremy. She was on her knees, tears pouring like running water. Mr. Langford raged at her, but Mom was still affected by the suffering of her fellow mother. That same night, Mom came into my room and asked me: What do you want to do? Give fake testimony to save Jeremy, or tell the truth for Mikaela? Mikaela and I weren't friends, yet I chose to give her the justice she deserved. It doesn't bother me that I'm going to be late for school. I don't want to go there knowing I won't find Zack in school. It hurts so much. A heavy wind blows me out from glooming further, opening my eyes to it, I see Jeremy on his motorcycle blocking my way. I watch as he flips his hair like a stunning woman and runs his fingers through it. I take a deep breath, with my hands buried in the pocket of my hoodie. I'm no longer scared of him. 

"Do you need a ride?" He asks, his audacity makes me smile.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"I saw you left twenty minutes ago, and yet you are not even halfway to school."

"And how does that affect you?" I ask.

"It doesn't. With Zack—"

"Don't even mention his name!" I yell. "You have no right."

He lowers his head. "I think Zack is okay with it, why aren't you?" He asks. It's funny because I loved him for his courage, now I hate him for that same reason.

"He was okay with it because he didn't know you," I say.

"And you think you do?"  He asks, and my eyes widen.

"No. no, I thought I did but I don't" I say.

He smiles. "You still think you do, Anna, and that's the only thing that hurts me," he says, and starts his motorcycle, then Zoom! Off he goes. I don't ponder about what he meant by that, I just try to hasten my step so I don't get detention with all this going on. I get to school during the second period. I'm quite lucky music class was the first period, even if there's a punishment for missing it. When I get inside the literature class, everyone is quietly listening to Professor Sheldon's reading. I silently take my seat, so as not to cause any distractions. 

'for their love was like stars and moon, It shines within a period…' Professor Sheldon continues, and I have no idea what book he's reading. I look at Zack's seat, and I feel rational to see Jeremy seated on it. His way isn't pure. I wonder the kind of action I'd take if I find out he killed Zack. Finally, the bell rings and everyone begins to step out of class. I pick up my bag and stand up, heading to the door.

"Arianna," Professor Sheldon calls. For a second I wasn't sure if I'm the one he called, because his four eyes are on the novel he just read to us. I look back, but there's no student behind or around me. I gradually stride towards him.

He slams the book on his face. "How are you?" He asks.

I'm surprised he cares, despite being an old strict teacher. "Uhmm, I'm fine…I guess," I say and shrug the strip of my backpack.

"Zack was a nice kid, but I won't tolerate you stepping into my class while teaching is going on," he says.

I guess he didn't care much. "I'm going to let this slide, but one more lateness, you'll get detained. Have I made myself clear?" He says. I am utterly spooked. Okay, Maybe he's more strict than Mr. Langford.


He nods and picks up his briefcase then strides out of class, leaving me dumbstruck. Professor Sheldon has never been this rude to me, maybe to others, but not me. There was a time he gave me the impression that I was his brightest student, and now he just scolded me. I flutter my lashes to get it out of my head, then I proceed to the cafeteria. It's wrong, everyone is happily eating their food, smiling, teasing each other, and laughing like nothing happened, Like Zack wasn't so important. Everybody was Zack's friend but Zack wasn't everybody's friend. Maybe that's what led to his death.

Matthew waves at me. I go to him carrying my tray of sandwiches and fresh yogurt. 

"Damn." he slides his hands through his cornrows. "Let me guess, you've been having nightmares," He says. His eyes are a bit red, and his face is somehow swollen.

"What?" I ask. "No. No, I don't have nightmares."

"Oh," he utters.

"Do you?" I ask. I can tell he hasn't been having enough sleep, he looks like he has just run a marathon.

"Sometimes." He crosses his hand around each other with his elbow standing on the table. I guess Zack's corpse was his first, so I can understand. When I saw Mikaela's corpse, I kept having nightmares of her being murdered for eight months.

"It'll pass, trust me," I tell him as I place my hand on his.

He nods slightly. "What about you? How have you been coping?" He asks.

I take a deep breath. It's hard to say. At times I feel okay, but that's only when I forget that Zack is dead. "You know…coping." I twirl my sandwich with a fork. 

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry, I know he was a big deal to you…" he says.

I feel my eyes welling up, but I find a way to suppress it. "Mmhmm," I mumble. While we are forcing our lunch into our mouths, Matthew suddenly taps me. "Hey." He jerks his head forward. I curiously look behind me, and see Jeremy sitting on an empty table with his lunch tray. I sigh as I turn to face my table. I'm no longer curious about what he did to Mikaela. My woods from Zack are still fresh. "You know, he didn't skip school, not even once. I heard he attended school the day after Zack died," Matthew says. I'm not surprised, he is Jeremy after all. Cold and bloody. "Do you know what he was doing at Zack's that night?" Matthew asks, and my heart pounds.

I'm starting to doubt the saying: clear conscience fears no guilty accusations. Because I'm damn scared right now. "Uhmm—"

"Miss Wealth, Miss Langford, Mr. Oscar, and Mr. Johnson, please report to the principal's office immediately!" The school speaker announces.